import { browser, by, element, ElementArrayFinder, ElementFinder, logging } from 'protractor'; class Hero { id: number; name: string; // Factory methods // Hero from string formatted as ' '. static fromString(s: string): Hero { return { id: +s.substr(0, s.indexOf(' ')), name: s.substr(s.indexOf(' ') + 1), }; } // Hero from hero list
  • element. static async fromLi(li: ElementFinder): Promise { const stringsFromA = await li.all(by.css('a')).getText(); const strings = stringsFromA[0].split(' '); return { id: +strings[0], name: strings[1] }; } // Hero id and name from the given detail element. static async fromDetail(detail: ElementFinder): Promise { // Get hero id from the first
    const id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText(); // Get name from the h2 const name = await detail.element(by.css('h2')).getText(); return { id: +id.substr(id.indexOf(' ') + 1), name: name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf(' ')) }; } } describe('Universal', () => { const expectedH1 = 'Tour of Heroes'; const expectedTitle = `${expectedH1}`; const targetHero = { id: 15, name: 'Magneta' }; const targetHeroDashboardIndex = 3; const nameSuffix = 'X'; const newHeroName = + nameSuffix; afterEach(async () => { // Assert that there are no errors emitted from the browser const logs = await browser.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.BROWSER); const severeLogs = logs.filter(entry => entry.level === logging.Level.SEVERE); expect(severeLogs).toEqual([]); }); describe('Initial page', () => { beforeAll(() => browser.get('')); it(`has title '${expectedTitle}'`, async () => { expect(await browser.getTitle()).toEqual(expectedTitle); }); it(`has h1 '${expectedH1}'`, async () => { await expectHeading(1, expectedH1); }); const expectedViewNames = ['Dashboard', 'Heroes']; it(`has views ${expectedViewNames}`, async () => { const viewNames = await getPageElts() => el.getText()); expect(viewNames).toEqual(expectedViewNames); }); it('has dashboard as the active view', async () => { const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.appDashboard.isPresent()).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('Dashboard tests', () => { beforeAll(() => browser.get('')); it('has top heroes', async () => { const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.topHeroes.count()).toEqual(4); }); it(`selects and routes to ${} details`, dashboardSelectTargetHero); it(`updates hero name (${newHeroName}) in details view`, updateHeroNameInDetailView); it(`cancels and shows ${} in Dashboard`, async () => { await element(by.buttonText('go back')).click(); await browser.waitForAngular(); // seems necessary to gets tests to pass for toh-pt6 const targetHeroElt = getPageElts().topHeroes.get(targetHeroDashboardIndex); expect(await targetHeroElt.getText()).toEqual(; }); it(`selects and routes to ${} details`, dashboardSelectTargetHero); it(`updates hero name (${newHeroName}) in details view`, updateHeroNameInDetailView); it(`saves and shows ${newHeroName} in Dashboard`, async () => { await element(by.buttonText('save')).click(); await browser.waitForAngular(); // seems necessary to gets tests to pass for toh-pt6 const targetHeroElt = getPageElts().topHeroes.get(targetHeroDashboardIndex); expect(await targetHeroElt.getText()).toEqual(newHeroName); }); }); describe('Heroes tests', () => { beforeAll(() => browser.get('')); it('can switch to Heroes view', async () => { await getPageElts(); const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.appHeroes.isPresent()).toBeTruthy(); expect(await page.allHeroes.count()).toEqual(10, 'number of heroes'); }); it('can route to hero details', async () => { await getHeroLiEltById(; const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeTruthy('shows hero detail'); const hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); expect(; expect(; }); it(`updates hero name (${newHeroName}) in details view`, updateHeroNameInDetailView); it(`shows ${newHeroName} in Heroes list`, async () => { await element(by.buttonText('save')).click(); await browser.waitForAngular(); const expectedText = `${} ${newHeroName}`; expect(await getHeroAEltById(; }); it(`deletes ${newHeroName} from Heroes list`, async () => { const heroesBefore = await toHeroArray(getPageElts().allHeroes); const li = getHeroLiEltById(; await li.element(by.buttonText('x')).click(); const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.appHeroes.isPresent()).toBeTruthy(); expect(await page.allHeroes.count()).toEqual(9, 'number of heroes'); const heroesAfter = await toHeroArray(page.allHeroes); // console.log(await Hero.fromLi(page.allHeroes[0])); const expectedHeroes = heroesBefore.filter(h => !== newHeroName); expect(heroesAfter).toEqual(expectedHeroes); // expect(await page.selectedHeroSubview.isPresent()).toBeFalsy(); }); it(`adds back ${}`, async () => { const updatedHeroName = 'Alice'; const heroesBefore = await toHeroArray(getPageElts().allHeroes); const numHeroes = heroesBefore.length; await element(by.css('input')).sendKeys(updatedHeroName); await element(by.buttonText('add')).click(); const page = getPageElts(); const heroesAfter = await toHeroArray(page.allHeroes); expect(heroesAfter.length).toEqual(numHeroes + 1, 'number of heroes'); expect(heroesAfter.slice(0, numHeroes)).toEqual(heroesBefore, 'Old heroes are still there'); const maxId = heroesBefore[heroesBefore.length - 1].id; expect(heroesAfter[numHeroes]).toEqual({id: maxId + 1, name: updatedHeroName}); }); it('displays correctly styled buttons', async () => { const buttons = await element.all(by.buttonText('x')); for (const button of buttons) { // Inherited styles from styles.css expect(await button.getCssValue('font-family')).toBe('Arial, sans-serif'); expect(await button.getCssValue('border')).toContain('none'); expect(await button.getCssValue('padding')).toBe('5px 10px'); expect(await button.getCssValue('border-radius')).toBe('4px'); // Styles defined in heroes.component.css expect(await button.getCssValue('left')).toBe('194px'); expect(await button.getCssValue('top')).toBe('-32px'); } const addButton = element(by.buttonText('add')); // Inherited styles from styles.css expect(await addButton.getCssValue('font-family')).toBe('Arial, sans-serif'); expect(await addButton.getCssValue('border')).toContain('none'); expect(await addButton.getCssValue('padding')).toBe('5px 10px'); expect(await addButton.getCssValue('border-radius')).toBe('4px'); }); }); describe('Progressive hero search', () => { beforeAll(() => browser.get('')); it(`searches for 'Ma'`, async () => { await getPageElts().searchBox.sendKeys('Ma'); await browser.sleep(1000); expect(await getPageElts().searchResults.count()).toBe(4); }); it(`continues search with 'g'`, async () => { await getPageElts().searchBox.sendKeys('g'); await browser.sleep(1000); expect(await getPageElts().searchResults.count()).toBe(2); }); it(`continues search with 'e' and gets ${}`, async () => { await getPageElts().searchBox.sendKeys('n'); await browser.sleep(1000); const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.searchResults.count()).toBe(1); const hero = page.searchResults.get(0); expect(await hero.getText()).toEqual(; }); it(`navigates to ${} details view`, async () => { const hero = getPageElts().searchResults.get(0); expect(await hero.getText()).toEqual(; await; const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeTruthy('shows hero detail'); const hero2 = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); expect(; expect(; }); }); // Helpers async function addToHeroName(text: string): Promise { await element(by.css('input')).sendKeys(text); } async function dashboardSelectTargetHero(): Promise { const targetHeroElt = getPageElts().topHeroes.get(targetHeroDashboardIndex); expect(await targetHeroElt.getText()).toEqual(; await; await browser.waitForAngular(); // seems necessary to gets tests to pass for toh-pt6 const page = getPageElts(); expect(await page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeTruthy('shows hero detail'); const hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); expect(; expect(; } async function expectHeading(hLevel: number, expectedText: string): Promise { const hTag = `h${hLevel}`; const hText = await element(by.css(hTag)).getText(); expect(hText).toEqual(expectedText, hTag); } function getHeroAEltById(id: number): ElementFinder { const spanForId = element(by.cssContainingText('li span.badge', id.toString())); return spanForId.element(by.xpath('..')); } function getHeroLiEltById(id: number): ElementFinder { const spanForId = element(by.cssContainingText('li span.badge', id.toString())); return spanForId.element(by.xpath('../..')); } function getPageElts() { const navElts = element.all(by.css('app-root nav a')); return { navElts, appDashboardHref: navElts.get(0), appDashboard: element(by.css('app-root app-dashboard')), topHeroes: element.all(by.css('app-root app-dashboard > div h4')), appHeroesHref: navElts.get(1), appHeroes: element(by.css('app-root app-heroes')), allHeroes: element.all(by.css('app-root app-heroes li')), selectedHeroSubview: element(by.css('app-root app-heroes > div:last-child')), heroDetail: element(by.css('app-root app-hero-detail > div')), searchBox: element(by.css('#search-box')), searchResults: element.all(by.css('.search-result li')) }; } async function toHeroArray(allHeroes: ElementArrayFinder): Promise { return await; } async function updateHeroNameInDetailView(): Promise { // Assumes that the current view is the hero details view. await addToHeroName(nameSuffix); const page = getPageElts(); const hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); expect(; expect(; } });