'use strict'; import destCopy from '../broccoli-dest-copy'; import compileWithTypescript from '../broccoli-typescript'; var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel'); import mergeTrees from '../broccoli-merge-trees'; var path = require('path'); import renderLodashTemplate from '../broccoli-lodash'; import replace from '../broccoli-replace'; var stew = require('broccoli-stew'); var projectRootDir = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..')); module.exports = function makeNodeTree(projects, destinationPath) { // list of npm packages that this build will create var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress']; var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', { include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', '**/e2e_test/**'], exclude: [ // the following code and tests are not compatible with CJS/node environment 'angular2/test/animate/**', 'angular2/test/core/zone/**', 'angular2/test/testing/fake_async_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/testing/testing_public_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/platform/xhr_impl_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/platform/browser/**/*.ts', 'angular2/test/common/forms/**', // we call browser's bootstrap 'angular2/test/router/route_config_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/router/integration/router_integration_spec.ts', // we check the public api by importing angular2/angular2 'angular2/test/symbol_inspector/**/*.ts', 'angular2/test/public_api_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/upgrade/**/*.ts', 'angular1_router/**', 'angular2/examples/**/!(*_spec.ts)', ] }); var typescriptTree = compileWithTypescript(modulesTree, { emitDecoratorMetadata: true, experimentalDecorators: true, declaration: true, stripInternal: true, mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */ module: 'commonjs', moduleResolution: 'classic', noEmitOnError: true, rootDir: '.', rootFilePaths: ['angular2/manual_typings/globals.d.ts', 'angular2/typings/es6-shim/es6-shim.d.ts'], sourceMap: true, sourceRoot: '.', target: 'es5' }); // Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) { var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir}); typescriptTree = mergeTrees([typescriptTree, license]); }); // Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']}); docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md'); // Generate shared package.json info var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json')); var COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON = { version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version, homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage, bugs: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.bugs, license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license, repository: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.repository, contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors, dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies, devDependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies, defaultDevDependencies: {} }; var packageJsons = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}); packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate(packageJsons, {context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}}); var typingsTree = new Funnel( 'modules', {include: ['angular2/typings/**/*.d.ts', 'angular2/manual_typings/*.d.ts'], destDir: '/'}); var nodeTree = mergeTrees([typescriptTree, docs, packageJsons, typingsTree]); // Transform all tests to make them runnable in node nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, { files: ['**/test/**/*_spec.js'], patterns: [ { match: /^/, replacement: () => `var parse5Adapter = require('angular2/src/platform/server/parse5_adapter');\r\n` + `parse5Adapter.Parse5DomAdapter.makeCurrent();` }, {match: /$/, replacement: (_, relativePath) => "\r\n main(); \r\n"} ] }); // Prepend 'use strict' directive to all JS files. // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/3576 nodeTree = replace( nodeTree, {files: ['**/*.js'], patterns: [{match: /^/, replacement: () => `'use strict';`}]}); // Add a line to the end of our top-level .d.ts file. // This HACK for transitive typings is a workaround for // https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5097 // // This allows users to get our top-level dependencies like zone.d.ts // to appear when they compile against angular2. // // This carries the risk that the user brings their own copy of that file // (or any other symbols exported here) and they will get a compiler error // because of the duplicate definitions. // TODO(alexeagle): remove this when typescript releases a fix nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, { files: ['angular2/angular2.d.ts'], patterns: [{match: /$/, replacement: 'import "./manual_typings/globals-es6.d.ts";\r\n'}] }); return destCopy(nodeTree, destinationPath); };