#!/usr/bin/env node // TODO(vojta): pre-commit hook for validating messages // TODO(vojta): report errors, currently Q silence everything which really sucks 'use strict'; var child = require('child_process'); var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var q = require('qq'); var GIT_LOG_CMD = 'git log --grep="%s" -E --format=%s %s..HEAD'; var GIT_TAG_CMD = 'git describe --tags --abbrev=0'; var HEADER_TPL = '<a name="%s"></a>\n# %s (%s)\n\n'; var LINK_ISSUE = '[#%s](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/%s)'; var LINK_COMMIT = '[%s](https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/%s)'; var EMPTY_COMPONENT = '$$'; var warn = function() { console.log('WARNING:', util.format.apply(null, arguments)); }; var parseRawCommit = function(raw) { if (!raw) return null; var lines = raw.split('\n'); var msg = {}, match; msg.hash = lines.shift(); msg.subject = lines.shift(); msg.closes = []; msg.breaks = []; lines.forEach(function(line) { match = line.match(/(?:Closes|Fixes)\s#(\d+)/); if (match) msg.closes.push(parseInt(match[1])); }); match = raw.match(/BREAKING CHANGE:([\s\S]*)/); if (match) { msg.breaking = match[1]; } msg.body = lines.join('\n'); match = msg.subject.match(/^(.*)\((.*)\)\:\s(.*)$/); if (!match || !match[1] || !match[3]) { warn('Incorrect message: %s %s', msg.hash, msg.subject); msg.type = 'other'; msg.component = 'other'; } else { msg.type = match[1]; msg.component = match[2]; msg.subject = match[3]; } return msg; }; var linkToIssue = function(issue) { return util.format(LINK_ISSUE, issue, issue); }; var linkToCommit = function(hash) { return util.format(LINK_COMMIT, hash.substr(0, 8), hash); }; var currentDate = function() { var now = new Date(); var pad = function(i) { return ('0' + i).substr(-2); }; return util.format('%d-%s-%s', now.getFullYear(), pad(now.getMonth() + 1), pad(now.getDate())); }; var printSection = function(stream, title, section, printCommitLinks) { printCommitLinks = printCommitLinks === undefined ? true : printCommitLinks; var components = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(section).sort(); var buffer = ''; var sectionIsEmpty = true; var write = function(str) { buffer += str; sectionIsEmpty = false; } components.forEach(function(name) { var prefix = '-'; var nested = section[name].length > 1; if (name !== EMPTY_COMPONENT) { if (nested) { write(util.format('- **%s:**\n', name)); prefix = ' -'; } else { prefix = util.format('- **%s:**', name); } } section[name].forEach(function(commit) { if (printCommitLinks) { write(util.format('%s %s\n (%s', prefix, commit.subject, linkToCommit(commit.hash))); if (commit.closes.length) { write(',\n ' + commit.closes.map(linkToIssue).join(', ')); } write(')\n'); } else { write(util.format('%s %s\n', prefix, commit.subject)); } }); }); if (sectionIsEmpty) { // Nothing in this section. Skip. return; } stream.write(util.format('\n## %s\n\n', title)); stream.write(buffer); stream.write('\n'); }; var readGitLog = function(grep, from) { var deferred = q.defer(); // TODO(vojta): if it's slow, use spawn and stream it instead child.exec(util.format(GIT_LOG_CMD, grep, '%H%n%s%n%b%n==END==', from), function(code, stdout, stderr) { var commits = []; stdout.split('\n==END==\n').forEach(function(rawCommit) { var commit = parseRawCommit(rawCommit); if (commit) commits.push(commit); }); deferred.resolve(commits); }); return deferred.promise; }; var writeChangelog = function(stream, commits, version) { var sections = { fix: {}, feat: {}, perf: {}, breaks: {}, other: {} }; sections.breaks[EMPTY_COMPONENT] = []; commits.forEach(function(commit) { var section = sections[commit.type]; var component = commit.component || EMPTY_COMPONENT; if (section) { section[component] = section[component] || []; section[component].push(commit); } if (commit.breaking) { sections.breaks[component] = sections.breaks[component] || []; sections.breaks[component].push({ subject: util.format("due to %s,\n %s", linkToCommit(commit.hash), commit.breaking), hash: commit.hash, closes: [] }); } }); stream.write(util.format(HEADER_TPL, version, version, currentDate())); printSection(stream, 'Features', sections.feat); printSection(stream, 'Performance Improvements', sections.perf); printSection(stream, 'Breaking Changes', sections.breaks, false); printSection(stream, 'Other (malformed commit messages)', sections.other); }; var getPreviousTag = function() { var deferred = q.defer(); child.exec(GIT_TAG_CMD, function(code, stdout, stderr) { if (code) deferred.reject('Cannot get the previous tag.'); else deferred.resolve(stdout.replace('\n', '')); }); return deferred.promise; }; var generate = function(version, file) { getPreviousTag().then(function(tag) { console.log('Reading git log since', tag); readGitLog('^fix|^feat|^perf|BREAKING', tag).then(function(commits) { console.log('Parsed', commits.length, 'commits'); console.log('Generating changelog to', file || 'stdout', '(', version, ')'); writeChangelog(file ? fs.createWriteStream(file) : process.stdout, commits, version); }); }); }; // publish for testing exports.parseRawCommit = parseRawCommit; exports.printSection = printSection; // hacky start if not run by jasmine :-D if (process.argv.join('').indexOf('jasmine-node') === -1) { generate(process.argv[2], process.argv[3]); }