function assertInsideProxyZone() { expect('ProxyZone'); } function assertInsideSyncDescribeZone() { expect('syncTestZone for jest.describe'); } describe('describe', () => { assertInsideSyncDescribeZone(); beforeEach(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); beforeAll(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); afterEach(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); afterAll(() => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); }); describe.each([[1, 2]])('describe.each', (arg1, arg2) => { assertInsideSyncDescribeZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); }); describe('test', () => { it('it', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); it.each([[1, 2]])('it.each', (arg1, arg2) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); }); test('test', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.each([[]])('test.each', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); }); it('it', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); it('it with done', done => { assertInsideProxyZone(); done(); }); it.each([[1, 2]])('it.each', (arg1, arg2, done) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(1); expect(arg2).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each([2])('it.each with 1D array', arg1 => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(2); }); it.each([2])('it.each with 1D array and done', (arg1, done) => { assertInsideProxyZone(); expect(arg1).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal', ({foo, bar}) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal with done', ({foo, bar}, done) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); done(); }); it.each` foo | bar ${1} | ${2} `('(async) it.each should work with table as a tagged template literal', async ({foo, bar}) => { expect(foo).toBe(1); expect(bar).toBe(2); }); test('test', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.each([[]])('test.each', () => { assertInsideProxyZone(); }); test.todo('todo'); function enableJestPatch() { global[Zone.__symbol__('fakeAsyncDisablePatchingFakeTimer')] = true; } function disableJestPatch() { global[Zone.__symbol__('fakeAsyncDisablePatchingFakeTimer')] = false; } const {resetFakeAsyncZone, flushMicrotasks, discardPeriodicTasks, tick, flush, fakeAsync} = Zone[Zone.__symbol__('fakeAsyncTest')]; describe('jest modern fakeTimers with zone.js fakeAsync', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers('modern'); }); afterEach(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('should run into fakeAsync() automatically', () => { const fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'); expect(fakeAsyncZoneSpec).toBeTruthy(); expect(typeof fakeAsyncZoneSpec.tick).toEqual('function'); }); test('setSystemTime should set FakeDate.currentFakeTime', () => { const fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'); let d = fakeAsyncZoneSpec.getRealSystemTime(); jest.setSystemTime(d); expect(; for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { } expect(fakeAsyncZoneSpec.getRealSystemTime()).not.toEqual(d); d = fakeAsyncZoneSpec.getRealSystemTime(); let timeoutTriggered = false; setTimeout(() => { timeoutTriggered = true; }, 100); jest.setSystemTime(d); tick(100); expect(timeoutTriggered).toBe(true); expect( + 100); }); test('runAllTicks should run all microTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTicks(); expect(logs).toEqual([1]); }); test('runAllTimers should run all macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}); const id = setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual([1, 'timeout', 'interval']); clearInterval(id); }); test('advanceTimersByTime should act as tick', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersByTime(100); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout']); }); test('runOnlyPendingTimers should run all macroTasks and ignore new spawn macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); let nestedTimeoutId; setTimeout(() => { logs.push('timeout'); nestedTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {logs.push('new timeout')}); }); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual([1, 'timeout']); clearTimeout(nestedTimeoutId); }); test('advanceTimersToNextTimer should trigger correctly', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout11')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout3')}, 300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11']); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(2); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11', 'timeout2', 'timeout3']); }); test('clearAllTimers should clear all macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.advanceTimersByTime(300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); }); test('getTimerCount should get the count of macroTasks correctly', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); expect(jest.getTimerCount()).toEqual(3); jest.clearAllTimers(); }); }); describe('jest legacy fakeTimers with zone.js fakeAsync', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('should run into fakeAsync() automatically', () => { const fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'); expect(fakeAsyncZoneSpec).toBeTruthy(); expect(typeof fakeAsyncZoneSpec.tick).toEqual('function'); }); test('setSystemTime should set FakeDate.currentRealTime', () => { const d =; expect(() => {jest.setSystemTime(d)}).toThrow(); }); test('runAllTicks should run all microTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTicks(); expect(logs).toEqual([1]); }); test('runAllTimers should run all macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}); const id = setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual([1, 'timeout', 'interval']); clearInterval(id); }); test('advanceTimersByTime should act as tick', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersByTime(100); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout']); }); test('runOnlyPendingTimers should run all macroTasks and ignore new spawn macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; Promise.resolve(1).then(v => logs.push(v)); let nestedTimeoutId; setTimeout(() => { logs.push('timeout'); nestedTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {logs.push('new timeout')}); }); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual([1, 'timeout']); clearTimeout(nestedTimeoutId); }); test('advanceTimersToNextTimer should trigger correctly', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout11')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout3')}, 300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11']); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(2); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11', 'timeout2', 'timeout3']); }); test('clearAllTimers should clear all macroTasks', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.advanceTimersByTime(300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); }); test('getTimerCount should get the count of macroTasks correctly', () => { const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); expect(jest.getTimerCount()).toEqual(3); jest.clearAllTimers(); }); }); describe('jest fakeTimers inside test should call native delegate', () => { test('setSystemTime should set FakeDate.currentRealTime', () => { let fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'); expect(fakeAsyncZoneSpec).toBeFalsy(); jest.useFakeTimers('modern'); fakeAsyncZoneSpec = Zone.current.get('FakeAsyncTestZoneSpec'); expect(fakeAsyncZoneSpec).toBeFalsy(); const d =; jest.setSystemTime(d); for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { } expect(jest.getRealSystemTime()).not.toEqual(d); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('runAllTicks should run all microTasks', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; process.nextTick(() => {logs.push(1)}); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTicks(); expect(logs).toEqual([1]); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('runAllTimers should run all macroTasks', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; process.nextTick(() => {logs.push(1)}); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}); const id = setInterval(() => { logs.push('interval'); clearInterval(id); }, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual([1, 'timeout', 'interval']); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('advanceTimersByTime should act as tick', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersByTime(100); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout']); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('runOnlyPendingTimers should run all macroTasks and ignore new spawn macroTasks', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; let nestedTimeoutId; setTimeout(() => { logs.push('timeout'); nestedTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {logs.push('new timeout')}); }); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout']); clearTimeout(nestedTimeoutId); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('advanceTimersToNextTimer should trigger correctly', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout11')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout3')}, 300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11']); jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer(2); expect(logs).toEqual(['timeout1', 'timeout11', 'timeout2', 'timeout3']); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('clearAllTimers should clear all macroTasks', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.advanceTimersByTime(300); expect(logs).toEqual([]); jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('getTimerCount should get the count of macroTasks correctly', () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const logs = []; setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout1')}, 100); setTimeout(() => {logs.push('timeout2')}, 200); setInterval(() => {logs.push('interval')}, 100); expect(logs).toEqual([]); expect(jest.getTimerCount()).toEqual(3); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.useRealTimers(); }); });