/// import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter'; import {StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {global} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {NgZoneZone} from 'angular2/src/core/zone/ng_zone'; import {bind} from 'angular2/di'; import {createTestInjector, FunctionWithParamTokens, inject} from './test_injector'; export {inject} from './test_injector'; export function proxy() {} var _global: jasmine.GlobalPolluter = (typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window); export var afterEach = _global.afterEach; export interface NgMatchers extends jasmine.Matchers { toBe(expected: any): boolean; toEqual(expected: any): boolean; toBePromise(): boolean; toBeAnInstanceOf(expected: any): boolean; toHaveText(expected: any): boolean; toImplement(expected: any): boolean; not: NgMatchers; } export var expect: (actual: any) => NgMatchers = _global.expect; export var IS_DARTIUM = false; export class AsyncTestCompleter { _done: Function; constructor(done: Function) { this._done = done; } done() { this._done(); } } var jsmBeforeEach = _global.beforeEach; var jsmDescribe = _global.describe; var jsmDDescribe = _global.fdescribe; var jsmXDescribe = _global.xdescribe; var jsmIt = _global.it; var jsmIIt = _global.fit; var jsmXIt = _global.xit; var runnerStack = []; var inIt = false; var testBindings; class BeforeEachRunner { _fns: List; _parent: BeforeEachRunner; constructor(parent: BeforeEachRunner) { this._fns = []; this._parent = parent; } beforeEach(fn: FunctionWithParamTokens) { this._fns.push(fn); } run(injector) { if (this._parent) this._parent.run(injector); this._fns.forEach((fn) => fn.execute(injector)); } } // Reset the test bindings before each test jsmBeforeEach(() => { testBindings = []; }); function _describe(jsmFn, ...args) { var parentRunner = runnerStack.length === 0 ? null : runnerStack[runnerStack.length - 1]; var runner = new BeforeEachRunner(parentRunner); runnerStack.push(runner); var suite = jsmFn(...args); runnerStack.pop(); return suite; } export function describe(...args) { return _describe(jsmDescribe, ...args); } export function ddescribe(...args) { return _describe(jsmDDescribe, ...args); } export function xdescribe(...args) { return _describe(jsmXDescribe, ...args); } export function beforeEach(fn) { if (runnerStack.length > 0) { // Inside a describe block, beforeEach() uses a BeforeEachRunner var runner = runnerStack[runnerStack.length - 1]; if (!(fn instanceof FunctionWithParamTokens)) { fn = inject([], fn); } runner.beforeEach(fn); } else { // Top level beforeEach() are delegated to jasmine jsmBeforeEach(fn); } } /** * Allows overriding default bindings defined in test_injector.js. * * The given function must return a list of DI bindings. * * Example: * * beforeEachBindings(() => [ * bind(Compiler).toClass(MockCompiler), * bind(SomeToken).toValue(myValue), * ]); */ export function beforeEachBindings(fn) { jsmBeforeEach(() => { var bindings = fn(); if (!bindings) return; testBindings = [...testBindings, ...bindings]; }); } function _it(jsmFn, name, fn) { var runner = runnerStack[runnerStack.length - 1]; jsmFn(name, function(done) { var async = false; var completerBinding = bind(AsyncTestCompleter) .toFactory(() => { // Mark the test as async when an AsyncTestCompleter is injected in an it() if (!inIt) throw new Error('AsyncTestCompleter can only be injected in an "it()"'); async = true; return new AsyncTestCompleter(done); }); var injector = createTestInjector([...testBindings, completerBinding]); runner.run(injector); if (!(fn instanceof FunctionWithParamTokens)) { fn = inject([], fn); } inIt = true; fn.execute(injector); inIt = false; if (!async) done(); }); } export function it(name, fn) { return _it(jsmIt, name, fn); } export function xit(name, fn) { return _it(jsmXIt, name, fn); } export function iit(name, fn) { return _it(jsmIIt, name, fn); } // Some Map polyfills don't polyfill Map.toString correctly, which // gives us bad error messages in tests. // The only way to do this in Jasmine is to monkey patch a method // to the object :-( Map.prototype['jasmineToString'] = function() { var m = this; if (!m) { return '' + m; } var res = []; m.forEach((v, k) => { res.push(`${k}:${v}`); }); return `{ ${res.join(',')} }`; }; _global.beforeEach(function() { jasmine.addMatchers({ // Custom handler for Map as Jasmine does not support it yet toEqual: function(util, customEqualityTesters) { return { compare: function(actual, expected) { return {pass: util.equals(actual, expected, [compareMap])}; } }; function compareMap(actual, expected) { if (actual instanceof Map) { var pass = actual.size === expected.size; if (pass) { actual.forEach((v, k) => { pass = pass && util.equals(v, expected.get(k)); }); } return pass; } else { return undefined; } } }, toBePromise: function() { return { compare: function(actual, expectedClass) { var pass = typeof actual === 'object' && typeof actual.then === 'function'; return {pass: pass, get message() { return 'Expected ' + actual + ' to be a promise'; }}; } }; }, toBeAnInstanceOf: function() { return { compare: function(actual, expectedClass) { var pass = typeof actual === 'object' && actual instanceof expectedClass; return { pass: pass, get message() { return 'Expected ' + actual + ' to be an instance of ' + expectedClass; } }; } }; }, toHaveText: function() { return { compare: function(actual, expectedText) { var actualText = elementText(actual); return { pass: actualText == expectedText, get message() { return 'Expected ' + actualText + ' to be equal to ' + expectedText; } }; } }; }, toImplement: function() { return { compare: function(actualObject, expectedInterface) { var objProps = Object.keys(actualObject.constructor.prototype); var intProps = Object.keys(expectedInterface.prototype); var missedMethods = []; intProps.forEach((k) => { if (!actualObject.constructor.prototype[k]) missedMethods.push(k); }); return { pass: missedMethods.length == 0, get message() { return 'Expected ' + actualObject + ' to have the following methods: ' + missedMethods.join(", "); } }; } }; } }); }); export interface GuinessCompatibleSpy extends jasmine.Spy { /** By chaining the spy with and.returnValue, all calls to the function will return a specific * value. */ andReturn(val: any): void; /** By chaining the spy with and.callFake, all calls to the spy will delegate to the supplied * function. */ andCallFake(fn: Function): GuinessCompatibleSpy; } export class SpyObject { constructor(type = null, forceSpyCreation: boolean = false) { if (type) { for (var prop in type.prototype) { var m = null; try { m = type.prototype[prop]; } catch (e) { // As we are creating spys for abstract classes, // these classes might have getters that throw when they are accessed. // As we are only auto creating spys for methods, this // should not matter. } if (typeof m === 'function') { if (forceSpyCreation) { this.createSpy(prop); } else { this.spy(prop); } } } } } // Noop so that SpyObject has the smae interface as in Dart noSuchMethod(args) {} spy(name) { if (!this[name]) { return this.createSpy(name); } else { return this[name]; } } createSpy(name) { this[name] = this._createGuinnessCompatibleSpy(name); return this[name]; } static stub(object = null, config = null, overrides = null) { if (!(object instanceof SpyObject)) { overrides = config; config = object; object = new SpyObject(); } var m = StringMapWrapper.merge(config, overrides); StringMapWrapper.forEach(m, (value, key) => { object.spy(key).andReturn(value); }); return object; } rttsAssert(value) { return true; } _createGuinnessCompatibleSpy(name): GuinessCompatibleSpy { var newSpy: GuinessCompatibleSpy = jasmine.createSpy(name); newSpy.andCallFake = newSpy.and.callFake; newSpy.andReturn = newSpy.and.returnValue; // return null by default to satisfy our rtts asserts newSpy.and.returnValue(null); return newSpy; } } function elementText(n) { var hasNodes = (n) => { var children = DOM.childNodes(n); return children && children.length > 0; }; if (n instanceof Array) { return n.map((nn) => elementText(nn)).join(""); } if (DOM.isCommentNode(n)) { return ''; } if (DOM.isElementNode(n) && DOM.tagName(n) == 'CONTENT') { return elementText(Array.prototype.slice.apply(DOM.getDistributedNodes(n))); } if (DOM.hasShadowRoot(n)) { return elementText(DOM.childNodesAsList(DOM.getShadowRoot(n))); } if (hasNodes(n)) { return elementText(DOM.childNodesAsList(n)); } return DOM.getText(n); } export function isInInnerZone(): boolean { return (global.zone)._innerZone === true; }