{ "index": { "title": "Documentation Overview", "navTitle": "Overview", "description": "How to read and use this documentation", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "architecture": { "title": "Architecture Overview", "navTitle": "Architecture", "intro": "The basic building blocks of Angular 2 applications", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "displaying-data": { "title": "Displaying Data", "intro": "Interpolation and other forms of property binding help us show app data in the UI.", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "user-input": { "title": "User Input", "intro": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with event bindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models.", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "forms": { "title": "Forms", "intro": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors.", "nextable": true, "basics": true, "hide": true }, "forms-deprecated": { "title": "Forms", "intro": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors.", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "dependency-injection": { "title": "Dependency Injection", "intro": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\".", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "template-syntax": { "title": "Template Syntax", "intro": "Learn how to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding.", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "cheatsheet": { "title": "Angular Cheat Sheet", "intro": "A quick guide to Angular syntax.", "nextable": true, "basics": true }, "style-guide": { "title": "Style Guide", "intro": "Write Angular 2 with style.", "basics": true }, "animations": { "title": "Animations", "intro": "A guide to Angular's animation system." }, "attribute-directives": { "title": "Attribute Directives", "intro": "Attribute directives attach behavior to elements." }, "component-styles": { "title": "Component Styles", "intro": "Learn how to apply CSS styles to components." }, "hierarchical-dependency-injection": { "title": "Hierarchical Dependency Injectors", "navTitle": "Hierarchical Injectors", "intro": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree." }, "server-communication": { "title": "HTTP Client", "intro": "Talk to a remote server with an HTTP Client." }, "lifecycle-hooks": { "title": "Lifecycle Hooks", "intro": "Angular calls lifecycle hook methods on directives and components as it creates, changes, and destroys them." }, "npm-packages": { "title": "Npm Packages", "intro": "Details of the recommended npm packages and the different kinds of package dependencies" }, "pipes": { "title": "Pipes", "intro": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template." }, "router-deprecated": { "title": "Router (Deprecated Beta)", "intro": "The deprecated Beta Router.", "hide": true }, "router": { "title": "Routing & Navigation", "intro": "Discover the basics of screen navigation with the Angular 2 Component Router." }, "security": { "title": "Security", "intro": "Developing for content security in Angular applications" }, "structural-directives": { "title": "Structural Directives", "intro": "Angular has a powerful template engine that lets us easily manipulate the DOM structure of our elements." }, "testing": { "title": "Testing", "intro": "Techniques and practices for testing an Angular 2 app" }, "typescript-configuration": { "title": "TypeScript Configuration", "intro": "TypeScript configuration for Angular 2 developers" }, "upgrade": { "title": "Upgrading from 1.x", "intro": "Angular 1 applications can be incrementally upgraded to Angular 2." }, "webpack": { "title": "Webpack: an introduction", "intro": "Create your Angular 2 applications with a Webpack based tooling" } }