/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {spawn} from 'child_process'; import {platform} from 'os'; import {normalize} from 'path'; import {resolve} from 'url'; enum State { idle, waiting, error } export const TSC = normalize('node_modules/.bin/tsc') + (/^win/.test(platform()) ? '.cmd' : ''); export type Command = (stdIn: any, stdErr: any) => Promise; export class TscWatch { private tsconfig: string; private start: string|RegExp; private error: string|RegExp; private complete: string|RegExp; private onStartCmds: Array; private onChangeCmds: Array; private state: State; private triggered: Promise = null; private runOnce: boolean = false; constructor({tsconfig, start, error, complete, onStartCmds = null, onChangeCmds = null}: { tsconfig: string, error: string|RegExp, start: string, complete: string, onStartCmds?: Array, onChangeCmds?: Array }) { console.log('Watching:', tsconfig, 'in', process.cwd()); this.tsconfig = tsconfig; this.start = start; this.error = error; this.complete = complete; this.onStartCmds = onStartCmds || []; this.onChangeCmds = onChangeCmds || []; } watch() { const args = [TSC, '--emitDecoratorMetadata', '--project', this.tsconfig]; if (!this.runOnce) args.push('--watch'); const tsc = this.runCmd(args, {}, (d) => this.consumeLine(d, false), (d) => this.consumeLine(d, true)); if (this.runOnce) { tsc.then(() => this.triggerCmds(), code => process.exit(code)); } this.state = State.waiting; this.onStartCmds.forEach((cmd) => this.runCmd(cmd, null, () => null, () => null)); } private runCmd( argsOrCmd: string[]|Command, env?: {[k: string]: string}, stdOut = pipeStdOut, stdErr = pipeStdErr): Promise { if (typeof argsOrCmd == 'function') { return (argsOrCmd as Command)(stdErr, stdOut); } else if (argsOrCmd instanceof Array) { const args = argsOrCmd as Array; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const [cmd, ...options] = args; console.log('=====>', cmd, options.join(' ')); const childProcess = spawn(cmd, options, {stdio: 'pipe'}); childProcess.stdout.on('data', stdOut); childProcess.stderr.on('data', stdErr); const onExit = () => childProcess.kill(); childProcess.on('close', (code: number) => { process.removeListener('exit', onExit); console.log('EXIT:', code, '<=====', args.join(' ')); code ? reject(code) : resolve(code); }); process.on('exit', onExit); }) .catch(reportError); } else { throw new Error('Expecting function or an array of strings...'); } } run() { this.runOnce = true; this.watch(); } runCmdsOnly() { this.runOnce = true; this.triggerCmds(); } consumeLine(buffer: Buffer, isStdError: boolean) { const line = '' + buffer; if (contains(line, this.start)) { console.log('=============================================================================='); stdOut(buffer, isStdError); this.state = State.waiting; } else if (contains(line, this.error)) { stdOut(buffer, isStdError); this.state = State.error; } else if (contains(line, this.complete)) { stdOut(buffer, isStdError); console.log('------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); if (this.state == State.error) { console.log('Errors found.... (response not triggered)'); if (this.runOnce) process.exit(1); this.state = State.idle; } else { if (this.triggered) { this.triggered.then( () => this.triggerCmds(), (e) => console.log('Error while running commands....', e)); } else { this.triggerCmds(); } } } else { stdOut(buffer, isStdError); } } triggerCmds() { let cmdPromise: Promise = Promise.resolve(0); this.onChangeCmds.forEach( (cmd: string[] | Command) => cmdPromise = cmdPromise.then(() => this.runCmd(cmd))); cmdPromise.then(() => this.triggered = null, (code) => { if (this.runOnce) { if (typeof code != 'number') { console.error('Error occurred while executing commands', code); process.exit(1); } process.exit(code); } else { this.triggered = null; } }); this.triggered = cmdPromise; } } function stdOut(data: Buffer, isStdError: boolean) { if (isStdError) { process.stderr.write(data); } else { process.stdout.write(data); } } function contains(line: string, text: string | RegExp): boolean { if (typeof text == 'string') { return line.indexOf(text as string) != -1; } else if (text instanceof RegExp) { return (text as RegExp).test(line); } else { throw new Error('Unknown: ' + text); } } export function reportError(e: any) { if (e.message && e.stack) { console.error(e.message); console.error(e.stack); } else { console.error(e); } // process.exit(1); return Promise.reject(e); } function pipeStdOut(d: any) { process.stdout.write(d); } function pipeStdErr(d: any) { process.stderr.write(d); }