workspace(name = "bazel_integration_test") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") # Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs", sha256 = "a160d9ac88f2aebda2aa995de3fa3171300c076f06ad1d7c2e1385728b8442fa", urls = [""], ) # Fetch sass rules for compiling sass files http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_sass", sha256 = "c6249cf64dffbc81312191800b0984b5197d77864c13d0dc4d469937cc3f8108", strip_prefix = "rules_sass-1.32.11", urls = [ "", "", ], ) # Check the bazel version and download npm dependencies load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "node_repositories", "yarn_install") # Setup the Node.js toolchain node_repositories( # Use same node version as root angular WORKSPACE since node_version = "14.16.1", yarn_version = "1.12.1", ) # Install our npm dependencies into @npm yarn_install( name = "npm", frozen_lockfile = False, package_json = "//:package.json", # Turn off symlink_node_modules here as it causes flakiness with missing # files in node_modules. # TODO: track down the root cause of the flakiness; current suspect is that # it is an issue with managed_directories when resources are limited symlink_node_modules = False, yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock", ) # Load protractor dependencies load("@npm//@bazel/protractor:package.bzl", "npm_bazel_protractor_dependencies") npm_bazel_protractor_dependencies() # Setup the rules_webtesting toolchain load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories") web_test_repositories() load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web/versioned:browsers-0.3.2.bzl", "browser_repositories") browser_repositories( chromium = True, firefox = True, ) # Setup the rules_sass toolchain load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_repositories") sass_repositories()