/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {AttributeMarker, SelectorFlags} from '@angular/compiler/src/core'; import {i18nIcuMsg, i18nMsg, i18nMsgWithPostprocess, Placeholder} from './i18n_helpers'; const EXPECTED_FILE_MACROS: [RegExp, (...args: string[]) => string][] = [ [ // E.g. `__i18nMsg__('message string', [ ['placeholder', 'pair'] ], { meta: 'properties'})` macroFn(/__i18nMsg__/, stringParam(), arrayParam(), objectParam()), (_match, message, placeholders, meta) => i18nMsg(message, parsePlaceholders(placeholders), parseMetaProperties(meta)), ], [ // E.g. `__i18nMsgWithPostprocess__('message', [ ['placeholder', 'pair'] ], { meta: 'props'})` macroFn(/__i18nMsgWithPostprocess__/, stringParam(), arrayParam(), objectParam(), arrayParam()), (_match, message, placeholders, meta, postProcessPlaceholders) => i18nMsgWithPostprocess( message, parsePlaceholders(placeholders), parseMetaProperties(meta), parsePlaceholders(postProcessPlaceholders)), ], [ // E.g. `__i18nIcuMsg__('message string', [ ['placeholder', 'pair'] ])` macroFn(/__i18nIcuMsg__/, stringParam(), arrayParam()), (_match, message, placeholders) => i18nIcuMsg(message, parsePlaceholders(placeholders)), ], [ // E.g. `__AttributeMarker.Bindings__` /__AttributeMarker\.([^_]+)__/g, (_match, member) => getAttributeMarker(member), ], // E.g. `__SelectorFlags.ELEMENT__` flagUnion(/__SelectorFlags\.([^_]+)__/, (_match, member) => getSelectorFlag(member)), ]; /** * Replace any known macros in the expected content with the result of evaluating the macro. * * @param expectedContent The content to process. */ export function replaceMacros(expectedContent: string): string { for (const [regex, replacer] of EXPECTED_FILE_MACROS) { expectedContent = expectedContent.replace(regex, replacer); } return expectedContent; } function parsePlaceholders(str: string): Placeholder[] { const placeholders = eval(`(${str})`); if (!Array.isArray(placeholders) || !placeholders.every( p => Array.isArray(p) && p.length === 2 && typeof p[0] === 'string' && typeof p[1] === 'string')) { throw new Error('Expected an array of Placeholder arrays (`[string, string]`) but got ' + str); } return placeholders; } function parseMetaProperties(str: string): Record { const obj = eval(`(${str})`); if (typeof obj !== 'object') { throw new Error(`Expected an object of properties but got:\n\n${str}.`); } for (const key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Expected an object whose values are strings, but property ${key} has type ${ typeof obj[key]}, when parsing:\n\n${str}`); } } return obj; } const AttributeMarkerMap: Record = { NamespaceURI: AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI, Classes: AttributeMarker.Classes, Styles: AttributeMarker.Styles, Bindings: AttributeMarker.Bindings, Template: AttributeMarker.Template, ProjectAs: AttributeMarker.ProjectAs, I18n: AttributeMarker.I18n, }; function getAttributeMarker(member: string): string { const marker = AttributeMarkerMap[member]; if (typeof marker !== 'number') { throw new Error('Unknown AttributeMarker: ' + member); } return `${marker}`; } const SelectorFlagsMap: Record = { NOT: SelectorFlags.NOT, ATTRIBUTE: SelectorFlags.ATTRIBUTE, ELEMENT: SelectorFlags.ELEMENT, CLASS: SelectorFlags.CLASS, }; function getSelectorFlag(member: string): number { const marker = SelectorFlagsMap[member]; if (typeof marker !== 'number') { throw new Error('Unknown SelectorFlag: ' + member); } return marker; } function stringParam() { return /'([^']*?[^\\])'/; } function arrayParam() { return /(\[.*?\])/; } function objectParam() { return /(\{[^}]*\})/; } function macroFn(fnName: RegExp, ...args: RegExp[]): RegExp { const ws = /[\s\r\n]*/.source; return new RegExp( ws + fnName.source + '\\(' + args.map(r => `${ws}${r.source}${ws}`).join(',') + '\\)' + ws, 'g'); } /** * Creates a macro to replace a union of flags with its numeric constant value. * * @param pattern The regex to match a single occurrence of the flag. * @param getFlagValue A function to extract the numeric flag value from the pattern. */ function flagUnion(pattern: RegExp, getFlagValue: (...match: string[]) => number): typeof EXPECTED_FILE_MACROS[number] { return [ // Match at least one occurrence of the pattern, optionally followed by more occurrences // separated by a pipe. new RegExp(pattern.source + '(?:\s*\\\|\s*' + pattern.source + ')*', 'g'), (match: string) => { // Replace all matches with the union of the individually matched flags. return String(match.split('|') .map(flag => getFlagValue(...flag.trim().match(pattern)!)) .reduce((accumulator, flagValue) => accumulator | flagValue, 0)); }, ]; }