extends ../../../ts/latest/guide/component-styles.jade block includes include ../_util-fns //- TODO: consider adding material equivalent to TS Appendices 1 & 2 if relevant. block style-url :marked Note that the URLs in `styleUrls` are relative to the component. block module-bundlers //- TODO: determine if an equivalent of the TS material is relevant for Dart. //- Leaving empty for now. block css-import-url :marked In *this* case the URL is relative to the CSS file into which we are importing. .alert.is-important :marked URLs are currently not interpreted in this way, see [issue 8518](https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/8518). Until this issue is fixed, absolute package-reference style URLs must be given as is illustrated below. block module-id p. Thankfully, this is the default interpretation of relative URLs in Angular2 for Dart: +makeExample('component-styles/ts/app/quest-summary.component.ts', 'urls')(format='.') :marked Note that special measures must be taken in Angular2 for TypeScript, if relative URLs are to have the same interpretation. See [here](../../../ts/latest/guide/component-styles.html#!#relative-urls) for details.