module.exports = function processNavigationMap(versionInfo, log) { return { $runAfter: ['paths-computed'], $runBefore: ['rendering-docs'], $process: function(docs) { const navigationDoc = docs.find(doc => doc.docType === 'navigation-json'); if (!navigationDoc) { throw new Error( 'Missing navigation map document (docType="navigation-json").' + 'Did you forget to add it to the readFileProcessor?'); } // Verify that all the navigation paths are to valid docs const pathMap = {}; docs.forEach(doc => pathMap[doc.path] = true); const errors = walk(, pathMap, []); if (errors.length) { log.error(`Navigation doc: ${navigationDoc.fileInfo.relativePath} contains invalid urls`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(errors); // TODO(petebd): fail if there are errors: throw new Error('processNavigationMap failed'); } // Add in the version data in a "secret" field to be extracted in the docs app['__versionInfo'] = versionInfo.currentVersion; } }; }; function walk(node, map, path) { let errors = []; for(const key in node) { const child = node[key]; if (child !== null) { // null is allowed if (key === 'url') { const url = child.replace(/#.*$/, ''); // strip hash if (isRelative(url) && !map[url]) { errors.push({ path: path.join('.'), url }); } } else if (typeof child !== 'string') { errors = errors.concat(walk(child, map, path.concat([key]))); } } } return errors; } function isRelative(url) { return !/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(url); }