/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ // Attention: // This file duplicates types and values from @angular/core // so that we are able to make @angular/compiler independent of @angular/core. // This is important to prevent a build cycle, as @angular/core needs to // be compiled with the compiler. import {CssSelector} from './selector'; export interface Inject { token: any; } export const createInject = makeMetadataFactory('Inject', (token: any) => ({token})); export const createInjectionToken = makeMetadataFactory( 'InjectionToken', (desc: string) => ({_desc: desc, ngInjectableDef: undefined})); export interface Attribute { attributeName?: string; } export const createAttribute = makeMetadataFactory('Attribute', (attributeName?: string) => ({attributeName})); export interface Query { descendants: boolean; first: boolean; read: any; isViewQuery: boolean; selector: any; static?: boolean; } export const createContentChildren = makeMetadataFactory( 'ContentChildren', (selector?: any, data: any = {}) => ({selector, first: false, isViewQuery: false, descendants: false, ...data})); export const createContentChild = makeMetadataFactory( 'ContentChild', (selector?: any, data: any = {}) => ({selector, first: true, isViewQuery: false, descendants: true, ...data})); export const createViewChildren = makeMetadataFactory( 'ViewChildren', (selector?: any, data: any = {}) => ({selector, first: false, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true, ...data})); export const createViewChild = makeMetadataFactory( 'ViewChild', (selector: any, data: any) => ({selector, first: true, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true, ...data})); export interface Directive { selector?: string; inputs?: string[]; outputs?: string[]; host?: {[key: string]: string}; providers?: Provider[]; exportAs?: string; queries?: {[key: string]: any}; guards?: {[key: string]: any}; } export const createDirective = makeMetadataFactory('Directive', (dir: Directive = {}) => dir); export interface Component extends Directive { changeDetection?: ChangeDetectionStrategy; viewProviders?: Provider[]; moduleId?: string; templateUrl?: string; template?: string; styleUrls?: string[]; styles?: string[]; animations?: any[]; encapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation; interpolation?: [string, string]; entryComponents?: Array; preserveWhitespaces?: boolean; } export enum ViewEncapsulation { Emulated = 0, Native = 1, None = 2, ShadowDom = 3 } export enum ChangeDetectionStrategy { OnPush = 0, Default = 1 } export const createComponent = makeMetadataFactory( 'Component', (c: Component = {}) => ({changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, ...c})); export interface Pipe { name: string; pure?: boolean; } export const createPipe = makeMetadataFactory('Pipe', (p: Pipe) => ({pure: true, ...p})); export interface Input { bindingPropertyName?: string; } export const createInput = makeMetadataFactory('Input', (bindingPropertyName?: string) => ({bindingPropertyName})); export interface Output { bindingPropertyName?: string; } export const createOutput = makeMetadataFactory( 'Output', (bindingPropertyName?: string) => ({bindingPropertyName})); export interface HostBinding { hostPropertyName?: string; } export const createHostBinding = makeMetadataFactory( 'HostBinding', (hostPropertyName?: string) => ({hostPropertyName})); export interface HostListener { eventName?: string; args?: string[]; } export const createHostListener = makeMetadataFactory( 'HostListener', (eventName?: string, args?: string[]) => ({eventName, args})); export interface NgModule { providers?: Provider[]; declarations?: Array; imports?: Array; exports?: Array; entryComponents?: Array; bootstrap?: Array; schemas?: Array; id?: string; } export const createNgModule = makeMetadataFactory('NgModule', (ngModule: NgModule) => ngModule); export interface ModuleWithProviders { ngModule: Type; providers?: Provider[]; } export interface Injectable { providedIn?: Type|'root'|any; useClass?: Type|any; useExisting?: Type|any; useValue?: any; useFactory?: Type|any; deps?: Array; } export const createInjectable = makeMetadataFactory('Injectable', (injectable: Injectable = {}) => injectable); export interface SchemaMetadata { name: string; } export const CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA: SchemaMetadata = { name: 'custom-elements' }; export const NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA: SchemaMetadata = { name: 'no-errors-schema' }; export const createOptional = makeMetadataFactory('Optional'); export const createSelf = makeMetadataFactory('Self'); export const createSkipSelf = makeMetadataFactory('SkipSelf'); export const createHost = makeMetadataFactory('Host'); export interface Type extends Function { new (...args: any[]): any; } export const Type = Function; export enum SecurityContext { NONE = 0, HTML = 1, STYLE = 2, SCRIPT = 3, URL = 4, RESOURCE_URL = 5, } export type Provider = any; export const enum NodeFlags { None = 0, TypeElement = 1 << 0, TypeText = 1 << 1, ProjectedTemplate = 1 << 2, CatRenderNode = TypeElement | TypeText, TypeNgContent = 1 << 3, TypePipe = 1 << 4, TypePureArray = 1 << 5, TypePureObject = 1 << 6, TypePurePipe = 1 << 7, CatPureExpression = TypePureArray | TypePureObject | TypePurePipe, TypeValueProvider = 1 << 8, TypeClassProvider = 1 << 9, TypeFactoryProvider = 1 << 10, TypeUseExistingProvider = 1 << 11, LazyProvider = 1 << 12, PrivateProvider = 1 << 13, TypeDirective = 1 << 14, Component = 1 << 15, CatProviderNoDirective = TypeValueProvider | TypeClassProvider | TypeFactoryProvider | TypeUseExistingProvider, CatProvider = CatProviderNoDirective | TypeDirective, OnInit = 1 << 16, OnDestroy = 1 << 17, DoCheck = 1 << 18, OnChanges = 1 << 19, AfterContentInit = 1 << 20, AfterContentChecked = 1 << 21, AfterViewInit = 1 << 22, AfterViewChecked = 1 << 23, EmbeddedViews = 1 << 24, ComponentView = 1 << 25, TypeContentQuery = 1 << 26, TypeViewQuery = 1 << 27, StaticQuery = 1 << 28, DynamicQuery = 1 << 29, TypeModuleProvider = 1 << 30, CatQuery = TypeContentQuery | TypeViewQuery, // mutually exclusive values... Types = CatRenderNode | TypeNgContent | TypePipe | CatPureExpression | CatProvider | CatQuery } export const enum DepFlags { None = 0, SkipSelf = 1 << 0, Optional = 1 << 1, Self = 1 << 2, Value = 1 << 3, } /** * Injection flags for DI. */ export const enum InjectFlags { Default = 0, /** * Specifies that an injector should retrieve a dependency from any injector until reaching the * host element of the current component. (Only used with Element Injector) */ Host = 1 << 0, /** Don't descend into ancestors of the node requesting injection. */ Self = 1 << 1, /** Skip the node that is requesting injection. */ SkipSelf = 1 << 2, /** Inject `defaultValue` instead if token not found. */ Optional = 1 << 3, } export const enum ArgumentType {Inline = 0, Dynamic = 1} export const enum BindingFlags { TypeElementAttribute = 1 << 0, TypeElementClass = 1 << 1, TypeElementStyle = 1 << 2, TypeProperty = 1 << 3, SyntheticProperty = 1 << 4, SyntheticHostProperty = 1 << 5, CatSyntheticProperty = SyntheticProperty | SyntheticHostProperty, // mutually exclusive values... Types = TypeElementAttribute | TypeElementClass | TypeElementStyle | TypeProperty } export const enum QueryBindingType {First = 0, All = 1} export const enum QueryValueType { ElementRef = 0, RenderElement = 1, TemplateRef = 2, ViewContainerRef = 3, Provider = 4 } export const enum ViewFlags { None = 0, OnPush = 1 << 1, } export enum MissingTranslationStrategy { Error = 0, Warning = 1, Ignore = 2, } export interface MetadataFactory { (...args: any[]): T; isTypeOf(obj: any): obj is T; ngMetadataName: string; } function makeMetadataFactory(name: string, props?: (...args: any[]) => T): MetadataFactory { // This must be declared as a function, not a fat arrow, so that ES2015 devmode produces code // that works with the static_reflector.ts in the ViewEngine compiler. // In particular, `_registerDecoratorOrConstructor` assumes that the value returned here can be // new'ed. function factory(...args: any[]) { const values = props ? props(...args) : {}; return { ngMetadataName: name, ...values, }; } (factory as any).isTypeOf = (obj: any) => obj && obj.ngMetadataName === name; (factory as any).ngMetadataName = name; return factory as any; } export interface Route { children?: Route[]; loadChildren?: string|Type|any; } /** * Flags used to generate R3-style CSS Selectors. They are pasted from * core/src/render3/projection.ts because they cannot be referenced directly. */ export const enum SelectorFlags { /** Indicates this is the beginning of a new negative selector */ NOT = 0b0001, /** Mode for matching attributes */ ATTRIBUTE = 0b0010, /** Mode for matching tag names */ ELEMENT = 0b0100, /** Mode for matching class names */ CLASS = 0b1000, } // These are a copy the CSS types from core/src/render3/interfaces/projection.ts // They are duplicated here as they cannot be directly referenced from core. export type R3CssSelector = (string | SelectorFlags)[]; export type R3CssSelectorList = R3CssSelector[]; function parserSelectorToSimpleSelector(selector: CssSelector): R3CssSelector { const classes = selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ? [SelectorFlags.CLASS, ...selector.classNames] : []; const elementName = selector.element && selector.element !== '*' ? selector.element : ''; return [elementName, ...selector.attrs, ...classes]; } function parserSelectorToNegativeSelector(selector: CssSelector): R3CssSelector { const classes = selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ? [SelectorFlags.CLASS, ...selector.classNames] : []; if (selector.element) { return [ SelectorFlags.NOT | SelectorFlags.ELEMENT, selector.element, ...selector.attrs, ...classes ]; } else if (selector.attrs.length) { return [SelectorFlags.NOT | SelectorFlags.ATTRIBUTE, ...selector.attrs, ...classes]; } else { return selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ? [SelectorFlags.NOT | SelectorFlags.CLASS, ...selector.classNames] : []; } } function parserSelectorToR3Selector(selector: CssSelector): R3CssSelector { const positive = parserSelectorToSimpleSelector(selector); const negative: R3CssSelectorList = selector.notSelectors && selector.notSelectors.length ? selector.notSelectors.map(notSelector => parserSelectorToNegativeSelector(notSelector)) : []; return positive.concat(...negative); } export function parseSelectorToR3Selector(selector: string | null): R3CssSelectorList { return selector ? CssSelector.parse(selector).map(parserSelectorToR3Selector) : []; } // Pasted from render3/interfaces/definition since it cannot be referenced directly /** * Flags passed into template functions to determine which blocks (i.e. creation, update) * should be executed. * * Typically, a template runs both the creation block and the update block on initialization and * subsequent runs only execute the update block. However, dynamically created views require that * the creation block be executed separately from the update block (for backwards compat). */ export const enum RenderFlags { /* Whether to run the creation block (e.g. create elements and directives) */ Create = 0b01, /* Whether to run the update block (e.g. refresh bindings) */ Update = 0b10 } // Pasted from render3/interfaces/node.ts /** * A set of marker values to be used in the attributes arrays. These markers indicate that some * items are not regular attributes and the processing should be adapted accordingly. */ export const enum AttributeMarker { /** * Marker indicates that the following 3 values in the attributes array are: * namespaceUri, attributeName, attributeValue * in that order. */ NamespaceURI = 0, /** * Signals class declaration. * * Each value following `Classes` designates a class name to include on the element. * ## Example: * * Given: * ``` *
... * ``` * * the generated code is: * ``` * var _c1 = [AttributeMarker.Classes, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']; * ``` */ Classes = 1, /** * Signals style declaration. * * Each pair of values following `Styles` designates a style name and value to include on the * element. * ## Example: * * Given: * ``` *
* ``` * * the generated code is: * ``` * var _c1 = [AttributeMarker.Styles, 'width', '100px', 'height'. '200px', 'color', 'red']; * ``` */ Styles = 2, /** * This marker indicates that the following attribute names were extracted from bindings (ex.: * [foo]="exp") and / or event handlers (ex. (bar)="doSth()"). * Taking the above bindings and outputs as an example an attributes array could look as follows: * ['class', 'fade in', AttributeMarker.SelectOnly, 'foo', 'bar'] */ SelectOnly = 3, }