/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Diagnostic} from '@angular/compiler-cli'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {ErrorCode, ngErrorCode} from '../../src/ngtsc/diagnostics'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {getTokenAtPosition} from '../../src/ngtsc/util/src/typescript'; import {loadStandardTestFiles} from '../helpers/src/mock_file_loading'; import {NgtscTestEnvironment} from './env'; const testFiles = loadStandardTestFiles(); runInEachFileSystem(() => { describe('ngtsc module scopes', () => { let env!: NgtscTestEnvironment; beforeEach(() => { env = NgtscTestEnvironment.setup(testFiles); env.tsconfig(); }); describe('diagnostics', () => { describe('declarations', () => { it('should detect when a random class is declared', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class RandomClass {} @NgModule({ declarations: [RandomClass], }) export class Module {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); const node = diagnosticToNode(diags[0], ts.isIdentifier); expect(node.text).toEqual('RandomClass'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('is not a directive, a component, or a pipe.'); }); it('should detect when a declaration lives outside the current compilation', () => { env.write('dir.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalDir} from './dir'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ExternalDir], }) export class Module {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); const node = diagnosticToNode(diags[0], ts.isIdentifier); expect(node.text).toEqual('ExternalDir'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain(`not a part of the current compilation`); }); it('should detect when a declaration is shared between two modules', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[test]'}) export class TestDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir] }) export class ModuleA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir], }) export class ModuleB {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); const node = findContainingClass(diagnosticToNode(diags[0], ts.isIdentifier)); expect(node.name!.text).toEqual('TestDir'); const relatedNodes = new Set(diags[0].relatedInformation!.map( related => findContainingClass(diagnosticToNode(related, ts.isIdentifier)).name!.text)); expect(relatedNodes).toContain('ModuleA'); expect(relatedNodes).toContain('ModuleB'); expect(relatedNodes.size).toBe(2); }); it('should detect when a declaration is repeated within the same module', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[test]'}) export class TestDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir, TestDir], }) export class Module {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should detect when a declaration is shared between two modules, and is repeated within them', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[test]'}) export class TestDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir, TestDir] }) export class ModuleA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir, TestDir], }) export class ModuleB {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); const node = findContainingClass(diagnosticToNode(diags[0], ts.isIdentifier)); expect(node.name!.text).toEqual('TestDir'); const relatedNodes = new Set(diags[0].relatedInformation!.map( related => findContainingClass(diagnosticToNode(related, ts.isIdentifier)).name!.text)); expect(relatedNodes).toContain('ModuleA'); expect(relatedNodes).toContain('ModuleB'); expect(relatedNodes.size).toBe(2); }); }); describe('imports', () => { it('should emit imports in a pure function call', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class OtherModule {} @NgModule({imports: [OtherModule]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && i0.ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(TestModule, { imports: [OtherModule] }); })();'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should produce an error when an invalid class is imported', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; class NotAModule {} @NgModule({imports: [NotAModule]}) class IsAModule {} `); const [error] = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(error).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(error.messageText).toContain('IsAModule'); expect(error.messageText).toContain('NgModule.imports'); expect(error.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT)); expect(diagnosticToNode(error, ts.isIdentifier).text).toEqual('NotAModule'); }); it('should produce an error when a non-class is imported from a .d.ts dependency', () => { env.write('dep.d.ts', `export declare let NotAClass: Function;`); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NotAClass} from './dep'; @NgModule({imports: [NotAClass]}) class IsAModule {} `); const [error] = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(error).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(error.messageText).toContain('IsAModule'); expect(error.messageText).toContain('NgModule.imports'); expect(error.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE)); expect(diagnosticToNode(error, ts.isIdentifier).text).toEqual('NotAClass'); }); }); describe('exports', () => { it('should emit exports in a pure function call', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class OtherModule {} @NgModule({exports: [OtherModule]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( '(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && i0.ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(TestModule, { exports: [OtherModule] }); })();'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should produce an error when a non-NgModule class is exported', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; class NotAModule {} @NgModule({exports: [NotAModule]}) class IsAModule {} `); const [error] = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(error).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(error.messageText).toContain('IsAModule'); expect(error.messageText).toContain('NgModule.exports'); expect(error.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT)); expect(diagnosticToNode(error, ts.isIdentifier).text).toEqual('NotAModule'); }); it('should produce a transitive error when an invalid NgModule is exported', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class NotAModule {} @NgModule({ imports: [NotAModule], }) class InvalidModule {} @NgModule({exports: [InvalidModule]}) class IsAModule {} `); // Find the diagnostic referencing InvalidModule, which should have come from IsAModule. const error = env.driveDiagnostics().find( error => diagnosticToNode(error, ts.isIdentifier).text === 'InvalidModule'); if (error === undefined) { return fail('Expected to find a diagnostic referencing InvalidModule'); } expect(error.messageText).toContain('IsAModule'); expect(error.messageText).toContain('NgModule.exports'); expect(error.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_EXPORT)); }); }); describe('re-exports', () => { it('should produce an error when a non-declared/imported class is re-exported', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: 'test'}) class Dir {} @NgModule({exports: [Dir]}) class IsAModule {} `); const [error] = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(error).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(error.messageText).toContain('IsAModule'); expect(error.messageText).toContain('NgModule.exports'); expect(error.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_REEXPORT)); expect(diagnosticToNode(error, ts.isIdentifier).text).toEqual('Dir'); }); }); it('should not produce component template type-check errors if its module is invalid', () => { env.tsconfig({'fullTemplateTypeCheck': true}); // Set up 3 files, each of which declare an NgModule that's invalid in some way. This will // produce a bunch of diagnostics related to the issues with the modules. Each module also // declares a component with a template that references a element. This test // verifies that none of the produced diagnostics mention this nonexistent element, since // no template type-checking should be performed for a component that's part of an invalid // NgModule. // This NgModule declares something which isn't a directive/pipe. env.write('invalid-declaration.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} export class NotACmp {} @NgModule({declarations: [TestCmp, NotACmp]}) export class Module {} `); // This NgModule imports something which isn't an NgModule. env.write('invalid-import.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} export class NotAModule {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], imports: [NotAModule], }) export class Module {} `); // This NgModule imports a DepModule which itself is invalid (it declares something which // isn't a directive/pipe). env.write('transitive-error-in-import.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} export class NotACmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [NotACmp], exports: [NotACmp], }) export class DepModule {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], imports: [DepModule], }) export class Module {} `); for (const diag of env.driveDiagnostics()) { // None of the diagnostics should be related to the fact that the component uses an // unknown element, because in all cases the component's scope was invalid. expect(diag.messageText) .not.toContain( 'doesnt-exist', 'Template type-checking ran for a component, when it shouldn\'t have.'); } }); }); }); function diagnosticToNode( diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic|Diagnostic|ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation, guard: (node: ts.Node) => node is T): T { const diag = diagnostic as ts.Diagnostic | ts.DiagnosticRelatedInformation; if (diag.file === undefined) { throw new Error(`Expected ts.Diagnostic to have a file source`); } const node = getTokenAtPosition(diag.file, diag.start!); expect(guard(node)).toBe(true); return node as T; } }); function findContainingClass(node: ts.Node): ts.ClassDeclaration { while (!ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) { if (node.parent && node.parent !== node) { node = node.parent; } else { throw new Error('Expected node to have a ClassDeclaration parent'); } } return node; }