import {describe, beforeEach, it, expect, ddescribe, iit, el, IS_DARTIUM} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {XHRMock} from 'angular2/src/mock/xhr_mock'; import {PromiseWrapper, Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; export function main() { describe('XHRMock', () => { var xhr; beforeEach(() => { xhr = new XHRMock(); }); function expectResponse(request: Promise, url: string, response: string, done = null) { function onResponse(text: string) { if (response === null) { throw `Unexpected response ${url} -> ${text}`; } else { expect(text).toEqual(response); if (isPresent(done)) done(); } } function onError(error: string) { if (response !== null) { throw `Unexpected error ${url}`; } else { expect(error).toEqual(`Failed to load ${url}`); if (isPresent(done)) done(); } } PromiseWrapper.then(request, onResponse, onError); } it('should return a response from the definitions', (done) => { var url = '/foo'; var response = 'bar'; xhr.when(url, response); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, response, done); xhr.flush(); }); it('should return an error from the definitions', (done) => { var url = '/foo'; var response = null; xhr.when(url, response); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, response, done); xhr.flush(); }); it('should return a response from the expectations', (done) => { var url = '/foo'; var response = 'bar'; xhr.expect(url, response); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, response, done); xhr.flush(); }); it('should return an error from the expectations', (done) => { var url = '/foo'; var response = null; xhr.expect(url, response); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, response, done); xhr.flush(); }); it('should not reuse expectations', () => { var url = '/foo'; var response = 'bar'; xhr.expect(url, response); xhr.get(url); xhr.get(url); expect(() => { xhr.flush(); }).toThrowError('Unexpected request /foo'); }); it('should return expectations before definitions', (done) => { var url = '/foo'; xhr.when(url, 'when'); xhr.expect(url, 'expect'); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, 'expect'); expectResponse(xhr.get(url), url, 'when', done); xhr.flush(); }); it('should throw when there is no definitions or expectations', () => { xhr.get('/foo'); expect(() => { xhr.flush(); }).toThrowError('Unexpected request /foo'); }); it('should throw when flush is called without any pending requests', () => { expect(() => { xhr.flush(); }).toThrowError('No pending requests to flush'); }); it('should throw on unstatisfied expectations', () => { xhr.expect('/foo', 'bar'); xhr.when('/bar', 'foo'); xhr.get('/bar'); expect(() => { xhr.flush(); }).toThrowError('Unsatisfied requests: /foo'); }); }); }