{ "cli-hello-world": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 1485, "main-es2015": 141151, "polyfills-es2015": 36571 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-minimal": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 1485, "main-es2015": 17362, "polyfills-es2015": 36657 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-compat": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 1485, "main-es2015": 147573, "polyfills-es2015": 36571 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-i18n": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 1485, "main-es2015": 136168, "polyfills-es2015": 37248 } } }, "cli-hello-world-lazy": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 2289, "main-es2015": 245351, "polyfills-es2015": 36938, "5-es2015": 751 } } }, "cli-hello-world-lazy-rollup": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime-es2015": 2289, "main-es2015": 221897, "polyfills-es2015": 36938, "5-es2015": 779 } } }, "hello_world__closure": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "bundle": "TODO(i): temporarily increase the payload size limit from 105779 - this is due to a closure issue related to ESM reexports that still needs to be investigated", "bundle": "TODO(i): we should define ngDevMode to false in Closure, but --define only works in the global scope.", "bundle": "TODO(i): (FW-2164) TS 3.9 new class shape seems to have broken Closure in big ways. The size went from 169991 to 252338", "bundle": "TODO(i): after removal of tsickle from ngc-wrapped / ng_package, we had to switch to SIMPLE optimizations which increased the size from 252338 to 1198917, see PR#37221 and PR#37317 for more info", "bundle": 1209659 } } } }