block includes
include ../_util-fns
- var _JavaScript = 'JavaScript';
//- Double underscore means don't escape var, use !{__var}.
- var __chaining_op = ';
or ,
- var __new_op = 'new
- var __objectAsMap = 'object';
This chapter offers tips and techniques for testing Angular applications.
Along the way you will learn some general testing principles and techniques but the focus is on
testing applications written with Angular
# Table of Contents
# 目录
1. [Introduction to Angular Testing](#testing-intro)
1. [Angular测试入门](#testing-intro)
1. [Setup](#setup)
1. [搭建测试环境](#setup)
- [setup files](#setup-files): `karma.conf`, `karma-test-shim`, `systemjs.config`
- [文件配置](#setup-files): `karma.conf`, `karma-test-shim`, `systemjs.config`
- [npm packages](#npm-packages)
- [npm 包](#npm-packages)
1. [The first karma test](#1st-karma-test)
1. [第一个Karma测试](#1st-karma-test)
1. [Introduction to the Angular testing utilities](#atu-intro)
1. [Angular测试工具](#atu-intro)
1. [The sample application and its tests](#sample-app)
1. [例子应用及其测试](#sample-app)
1. [A simple component test](#simple-component-test)
1. [一个简单的组件测试](#simple-component-test)
- [_configureTestingModule_](#configure-testing-module)
- [_configureTestingModule_](#configure-testing-module)
- [_createComponent_](#create-component)
- [_createComponent_](#create-component)
- [_ComponentFixture_, _DebugElement_, _query(By.css)_](#component-fixture)
- [_ComponentFixture_, _DebugElement_, _query(By.css)_](#component-fixture)
- [_detectChanges_](#detect-changes)
- [_detectChanges_](#detect-changes)
- [_autoDetectChanges_](#auto-detect-changes)
- [_autoDetectChanges_](#auto-detect-changes)
1. [Test a component with a service dependency](#component-with-dependency)
1. [测试拥有服务依赖的组件](#component-with-dependency)
- [test doubles](#service-test-doubles)
- [测试复制品](#service-test-doubles)
- [get the injected service](#get-injected-service)
- [获取注入的服务](#get-injected-service)
- [_TestBed.get_](#testbed-get)
- [_TestBed.get_](#testbed-get)
1. [Test a component with an async service](#component-with-async-service)
1. [测试拥有异步服务的组件](#component-with-async-service)
- [spies](#service-spy)
- [spies](#service-spy)
- [_async_](#async)
- [_async_](#async)
- [_whenStable_](#when-stable)
- [_whenStable_](#when-stable)
- [_fakeAsync_](#async)
- [_fakeAsync_](#async)
- [_tick_](#tick)
- [_tick_](#tick)
- [_jasmine.done_](#jasmine-done)
- [_jasmine.done_](#jasmine-done)
1. [Test a component with an external template](#component-with-external-template)
1. [测试拥有外部模板的组件](#component-with-external-template)
- [_async_](#async-in-before-each) in `beforeEach`
- [_async_](#async-in-before-each) in `beforeEach`
- [_compileComponents_](#compile-components)
- [_compileComponents_](#compile-components)
1. [Test a component with inputs and outputs](#component-with-inputs-output)
1. [测试拥有导入(inputs)和导出(outputs)的组件](#component-with-inputs-output)
- [_triggerEventHandler_](#trigger-event-handler)
- [_triggerEventHandler_](#trigger-event-handler)
1. [Test a component inside a test host component](#component-inside-test-host)
1. [在宿主组件中测试组件](#component-inside-test-host)
1. [Test a routed component](#routed-component)
1. [测试路由组件](#routed-component)
- [_inject_](#inject)
- [_inject_](#inject)
1. [Test a routed component with parameters](#routed-component-w-param)
1. [测试一个带有参数的被路由的组件](#routed-component-w-param)
- [_Observable_ test double](#stub-observable)
- [**可观察**测试复制品](#stub-observable)
1. [Use a _page_ object to simplify setup](#page-object)
1. [使用**page**对象来简化配置](#page-object)
1. [Setup with module imports](#import-module)
1. [用模块的导入进行配置](#import-module)
1. [Override component providers](#component-override)
1. [替换组件提供商](#component-override)
1. [Test a _RouterOutlet_ component](#router-outlet-component)
1. [测试一个**RouterOutlet**组件](#router-outlet-component)
- [stubbing unneeded components](#stub-component)
- [伪造不需要的组件](#stub-component)
- [Stubbing the _RouterLink_](#router-link-stub)
- [伪造_RouterLink_](#router-link-stub)
- [_By.directive_ and injected directives](#by-directive)
- [_By.directive_和注入的指令](#by-directive)
1. ["Shallow" component tests with *NO\_ERRORS\_SCHEMA*](#shallow-component-test)
1. [使用*NO\_ERRORS\_SCHEMA*来“浅化”组件测试](#shallow-component-test)
1. [Test an attribute directive](#attribute-directive)
1. [测试属性指令](#attribute-directive)
1. [Isolated unit tests](#isolated-unit-tests "Unit testing without the Angular testing utilities")
1. [隔离的单元测试](#isolated-unit-tests "Unit testing without the Angular testing utilities")
- [服务](#isolated-service-tests)
- [管道](#isolated-pipe-tests)
- [组件](#isolated-component-tests)
1. [Angular testing utility APIs](#atu-apis)
1. [Angular测试工具APIs](#atu-apis)
- [Stand-alone functions](#atu-apis): `async`, `fakeAsync`, etc.
- [独立函数](#atu-apis): `async`, `fakeAsync`, etc.
- [_TestBed_](#testbed-class-summary)
- [_TestBed_](#testbed-class-summary)
- [_ComponentFixture_](#component-fixture-class-summary)
- [_ComponentFixture_](#component-fixture-class-summary)
- [_DebugElement_](#debug-element-details)
- [_DebugElement_](#debug-element-details)
1. [FAQ](#faq "Frequently asked questions")
1. [常见问题](#faq "Frequently asked questions")
It’s a big agenda. Fortunately, you can learn a little bit at a time and put each lesson to use.
# 在线例子
The chapter sample code is available as live examples for inspection, experiment, and download.
* karma.conf.js
The karma configuration file that specifies which plug-ins to use,
which application and test files to load, which browser(s) to use,
and how to report test results.
It loads three other setup files:
* `systemjs.config.js`
* `systemjs.config.extras.js`
* `karma-test-shim.js`
td(style="vertical-align: top") karma-test-shim.js
This shim prepares karma specifically for the Angular test environment
and launches karma itself.
It loads the `systemjs.config.js` file as part of that process.
td(style="vertical-align: top") systemjs.config.js
loads the application and test files.
This script tells SystemJS where to find those files and how to load them.
It's the same version of `systemjs.config.js` used by QuickStart-based applications.
td(style="vertical-align: top") systemjs.config.extras.js
An optional file that supplements the SystemJS configuration in `systemjs.config.js` with
configuration for the specific needs of the application itself.
A stock `systemjs.config.js` can't anticipate those needs.
You fill the gaps here.
The sample version for this chapter adds the **model barrel**
to the SystemJs `packages` configuration.
+makeExample('testing/ts/systemjs.config.extras.js', '', 'systemjs.config.extras.js')(format='.')
### npm packages
### npm包
The sample tests are written to run in Jasmine and karma.
The two "fast path" setups added the appropriate Jasmine and karma npm packages to the
`devDependencies` section of the `package.json`.
They were installed when you ran `npm install`.
你运行`npm install`时就会安装它们。
# The first karma test
# 第一个`karma`测试
Start with a simple test to make sure the setup works properly.
Create a new file called `1st.spec.ts` in the application root folder, `app/`
Tests written in Jasmine are called _specs_ .
**The filename extension must be `.spec.ts`**,
the convention adhered to by `karma.conf.js` and other tooling.
**Put spec files somewhere within the `app/` folder.**
The `karma.conf.js` tells karma to look for spec files there,
for reasons explained [below](#spec-file-location).
Add the following code to `app/1st.spec.ts`.
+makeExample('testing/ts/app/1st.spec.ts', '', 'app/1st.spec.ts')(format='.')
## Run karma
## 运行`Karma`
Compile and run it in karma from the command line with this command:
code-example(format="." language="bash").
npm test
The command compiles the application and test code and starts karma.
Both processes watch pertinent files, write messages to the console, and re-run when they detect changes.
The QuickStart development path defined the `test` command in the `scripts` section of npm's `package.json`.
The Angular CLI has different commands to do the same thing. Adjust accordingly.
Angular CLI使用不同的命令来做同样的事情。对不同的环境采取不同的方案。
After a few moments, karma opens a browser and starts writing to the console.
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/testing/karma-browser.png' style="width:400px;" alt="Karma browser")
Hide (don't close!) the browser and focus on the console output which should look something like this.
code-example(format="." language="bash").
> npm test
[0] 1:37:03 PM - Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
[1] Chrome 51.0.2704: Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS
Chrome 51.0.2704: Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS
SUCCESS (0.005 secs / 0.005 secs)
Both the compiler and karma continue to run. The compiler output is preceeded by `[0]`;
the karma output by `[1]`.
Change the expectation from `true` to `false`.
The _compiler_ watcher detects the change and recompiles.
code-example(format="." language="bash").
[0] 1:49:21 PM - File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...
[0] 1:49:25 PM - Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
The _karma_ watcher detects the change to the compilation output and re-runs the test.
code-example(format="." language="bash").
[1] Chrome 51.0.2704 1st tests true is true FAILED
[1] Expected false to equal true.
[1] Chrome 51.0.2704: Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) (0.005 secs / 0.005 secs)
It failed of course.
Restore the expectation from `false` back to `true`.
Both processes detect the change, re-run, and karma reports complete success.
The console log can be quite long. Keep your eye on the last line.
It says `SUCCESS` when all is well.
If it says `FAILED`, scroll up to look for the error or, if that's too painful,
pipe the console output to a file and inspect with your favorite editor.
code-example(format="." language="json").
npm test > spec-output.txt
## Test debugging
## 调试测试
Debug specs in the browser in the same way you debug an application.
- Reveal the karma browser window (hidden earlier).
- 显示`Karma`的浏览器窗口(之前被隐藏了)。
- Click the "DEBUG" button; it opens a new browser tab and re-runs the tests
- 点击“DEBUG”按钮;它打开一个新的浏览器标签页并重新开始运行测试
- Open the browser's “Developer Tools” (F12 or Ctrl-Shift-I).
- 打开浏览器的“Developer Tools”(F12或者Ctrl-Shift-I)。
- Pick the "sources" section
- 选择“sources”页
- Open the `1st.spec.ts` test file (Ctrl-P, then start typing the name of the file).
- 打开`1st.spec.ts`测试文件(Ctrl-P, 然后输入文件名字)。
- Set a breakpoint in the test
- 在测试中设置一个断点。
- Refresh the browser … and it stops at the breakpoint.
- 刷新浏览器...然后它就会停在断点上。
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/testing/karma-1st-spec-debug.png' style="width:700px;" alt="Karma debugging")
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a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部
# Introduction to the Angular Testing Utilities
# Angular测试工具入门
Many tests explore how applications classes interact with Angular and the DOM while under Angular's control.
Such tests are easy to write with the help of the Angular testing utilities
which include the `TestBed` class and some helper functions.
Tests written with these utilities are the main focus of this chapter.
But they are not the only tests you should write.
### Isolated unit tests
### 孤立的单元测试
[Isolated unit tests](#isolated-unit-tests "Unit testing without the Angular testing utilities")
examine an instance of a class all by itself without any dependence on Angular or any injected values.
The tester creates a test instance of the class with new, supplying test doubles for the constructor parameters as needed, and
then probes the test instance API surface.
[孤立的单元测试](#isolated-unit-tests "不使用Angular测试工具进行单元测试")独立自己检测类的实例,不依靠Angular或者任何其他注入值。
You can and should write isolated unit tests for pipes and services.
+makeExample('testing/ts/app/shared/title-case.pipe.spec.ts', 'mini-excerpt', 'app/shared/title-case.pipe.spec.ts (excerpt)')
Components can be tested in isolation as well.
However, isolated unit tests don't reveal how these classes interact with Angular.
In particular, they can't reveal how a component class interacts with its own template or with other components.
Such tests require the Angular testing utilities.
### Testing with the Angular Testing Utilities
### 利用**Angular测试工具**进行测试
The Angular testing utilities include the `TestBed` class and several helper functions from `@angular/core/testing`.
The `TestBed` creates an Angular testing module — an `@NgModule` class —
that you configure to produce the module environment for the class you want to test.
You tell the `TestBed` to create an instance of the _component-under-test_ and probe that instance with tests.
`TestBed`创建一个Angular测试模块 - 一个`@NgModule`类 - 通过配置它,你为想要测试的类创造模块环境。
Before each spec, the `TestBed` resets itself to a base state.
The base state includes a default testing module configuration consisting of the
declarables (components, directives, and pipes) and providers (some of them mocked)
that almost everyone needs.
The testing shims mentioned [earlier](#setup) initialize the testing module configuration
to something like the `BrowserModule` from `@angular/platform-browser`.
This default configuration is merely a _foundation_ for testing an app.
You call `TestBed.configureTestingModule` with an object that defines additional imports, declarations, providers and schemas
to fit your application tests.
Optional `override...` methods can fine-tune aspects of the configuration.
After configuring the `TestBed`, tell it to create an instance of the _component-under-test_ and the test fixture
that you'll need to inspect and control the component's immediate environment.
+makeExample('testing/ts/app/banner.component.spec.ts', 'simple-example-before-each', 'app/banner.component.spec.ts (simplified)')(format='.')
Angular tests can interact with the HTML in the test DOM,
simulate user activity, tell Angular to perform specific task (such as change detection),
and see the effects of these actions both in the _component-under-test_ and in the test DOM.
+makeExample('testing/ts/app/banner.component.spec.ts', 'simple-example-it', 'app/banner.component.spec.ts (simplified)')(format='.')
A comprehensive review of the Angular testing utilities appears [later in the chapter](#atu-apis).
Let's dive right into Angular testing, starting with with the components of a sample application.
a(href="#top").to-top Back to top
a(href="#top").to-top 回到顶部
# The sample application and its tests
# 例子应用和它的测试
This chapter tests a cut-down version of the _Tour of Heroes_ [tutorial app](../tutorial).
The following live example shows how it works and provides the complete source code.
The following live example runs all the tests of this application
inside the browser, using the Jasmine Test Runner instead of karma.
It includes the tests discussed in this chapter and additional tests for you to explore.
This live example contains both application and test code.
Give it some time to load and warm up.