/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {convertPerfProfileToEvents} from 'benchpress/src/firefox_extension/lib/parser_util'; function assertEventsEqual(actualEvents, expectedEvents) { expect(actualEvents.length == expectedEvents.length); for (var i = 0; i < actualEvents.length; ++i) { var actualEvent = actualEvents[i]; var expectedEvent = expectedEvents[i]; for (var key in actualEvent) { expect(actualEvent[key]).toEqual(expectedEvent[key]); } } }; export function main() { describe('convertPerfProfileToEvents', function() { it('should convert single instantaneous event', function() { var profileData = { threads: [ {samples: [{time: 1, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}]} ] }; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual(perfEvents, [{ph: 'X', ts: 1, name: 'script'}]); }); it('should convert single non-instantaneous event', function() { var profileData = { threads: [{ samples: [ {time: 1, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 2, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 100, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]} ] }] }; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual( perfEvents, [{ph: 'B', ts: 1, name: 'script'}, {ph: 'E', ts: 100, name: 'script'}]); }); it('should convert multiple instantaneous events', function() { var profileData = { threads: [{ samples: [ {time: 1, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 2, frames: [{location: 'PresShell::Paint'}]} ] }] }; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual( perfEvents, [{ph: 'X', ts: 1, name: 'script'}, {ph: 'X', ts: 2, name: 'render'}]); }); it('should convert multiple mixed events', function() { var profileData = { threads: [{ samples: [ {time: 1, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 2, frames: [{location: 'PresShell::Paint'}]}, {time: 5, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 10, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]} ] }] }; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual(perfEvents, [ {ph: 'X', ts: 1, name: 'script'}, {ph: 'X', ts: 2, name: 'render'}, {ph: 'B', ts: 5, name: 'script'}, {ph: 'E', ts: 10, name: 'script'} ]); }); it('should add args to gc events', function() { var profileData = {threads: [{samples: [{time: 1, frames: [{location: 'forceGC'}]}]}]}; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual(perfEvents, [{ph: 'X', ts: 1, name: 'gc', args: {usedHeapSize: 0}}]); }); it('should skip unknown events', function() { var profileData = { threads: [{ samples: [ {time: 1, frames: [{location: 'FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript'}]}, {time: 2, frames: [{location: 'foo'}]} ] }] }; var perfEvents = convertPerfProfileToEvents(profileData); assertEventsEqual(perfEvents, [{ph: 'X', ts: 1, name: 'script'}]); }); }); };