import {describe, it, expect, beforeEach, ddescribe, iit, xit} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {extractStyleUrls, isStyleUrlResolvable} from '@angular/compiler/src/style_url_resolver'; import {UrlResolver} from '@angular/compiler/src/url_resolver'; export function main() { describe('extractStyleUrls', () => { var urlResolver; beforeEach(() => { urlResolver = new UrlResolver(); }); it('should not resolve "url()" urls', () => { var css = ` .foo { background-image: url("double.jpg"); background-image: url('simple.jpg'); background-image: url(noquote.jpg); }`; var resolvedCss = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css).style; expect(resolvedCss).toEqual(css); }); it('should extract "@import" urls', () => { var css = ` @import '1.css'; @import "2.css"; `; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css); expect(''); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls).toEqual(['', '']); }); it('should extract "@import url()" urls', () => { var css = ` @import url('3.css'); @import url("4.css"); @import url(5.css); `; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css); expect(''); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls) .toEqual(['', '', '']); }); it('should extract "@import urls and keep rules in the same line', () => { var css = `@import url('some.css');div {color: red};`; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css); expect('div {color: red};'); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls).toEqual(['']); }); it('should extract media query in "@import"', () => { var css = ` @import 'print1.css' print; @import url(print2.css) print; `; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css); expect(''); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls) .toEqual(['', '']); }); it('should leave absolute non-package @import urls intact', () => { var css = `@import url('');`; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(urlResolver, '', css); expect(`@import url('');`); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls).toEqual([]); }); it('should resolve package @import urls', () => { var css = `@import url('package:a/b/some.css');`; var styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(new FakeUrlResolver(), '', css); expect(``); expect(styleWithImports.styleUrls).toEqual(['fake_resolved_url']); }); }); describe('isStyleUrlResolvable', () => { it('should resolve relative urls', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('someUrl.css')).toBe(true); }); it('should resolve package: urls', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('package:someUrl.css')).toBe(true); }); it('should resolve asset: urls', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('asset:someUrl.css')).toBe(true); }); it('should not resolve empty urls', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable(null)).toBe(false); expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('')).toBe(false); }); it('should not resolve urls with other schema', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('http://otherurl')).toBe(false); }); it('should not resolve urls with absolute paths', () => { expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('/otherurl')).toBe(false); expect(isStyleUrlResolvable('//otherurl')).toBe(false); }); }); } /// The real thing behaves differently between Dart and JS for package URIs. class FakeUrlResolver extends UrlResolver { constructor() { super(); } resolve(baseUrl: string, url: string): string { return 'fake_resolved_url'; } }