import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/async'; import {isPresent, global, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang'; var evalCounter = 0; function nextModuleId() { return `evalScript${evalCounter++}`; } export function evalModule(moduleSource: string, imports: string[][], args: any[]): Promise { var moduleId = nextModuleId(); var moduleSourceWithImports = []; var importModuleNames = []; imports.forEach(sourceImport => { var modName = sourceImport[0]; var modAlias = sourceImport[1]; importModuleNames.push(modName); // Note: After transpilation to commonJS and loading this file in a browser // using SystemJS, the loader might get confused by the presence of require, // and attempt to load "+ modName +.js" !?! // A simple string concat manages to prevent that, but that is one compiler // optimaztion away from breaking again. Proceed with caution! moduleSourceWithImports.push(`var ${modAlias} = require` + `('${modName}');`); }); moduleSourceWithImports.push(moduleSource); var moduleBody = new Function('require', 'exports', 'module', moduleSourceWithImports.join('\n')); var System = global['System']; if (isPresent(System) && isPresent(System.registerDynamic)) { System.registerDynamic(moduleId, importModuleNames, false, moduleBody); return >System.import(moduleId).then((module) =>; } else { var exports = {}; moduleBody(require, exports, {}); return PromiseWrapper.resolve(exports['run'](args)); } }