/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Component, Directive, Inject, InjectionToken, NgModule, Optional, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; import {TestBed, getTestBed} from '@angular/core/testing/src/test_bed'; import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/matchers'; import {onlyInIvy} from '@angular/private/testing'; const NAME = new InjectionToken('name'); // -- module: HWModule @Component({ selector: 'hello-world', template: '', }) export class HelloWorld { } // -- module: Greeting @Component({ selector: 'greeting-cmp', template: 'Hello {{ name }}', }) export class GreetingCmp { name: string; constructor(@Inject(NAME) @Optional() name: string) { this.name = name || 'nobody!'; } } @NgModule({ declarations: [GreetingCmp], exports: [GreetingCmp], }) export class GreetingModule { } @Component({selector: 'simple-cmp', template: 'simple'}) export class SimpleCmp { } @Component({selector: 'with-refs-cmp', template: '
'}) export class WithRefsCmp { } @Component({selector: 'inherited-cmp', template: 'inherited'}) export class InheritedCmp extends SimpleCmp { } @Directive({selector: '[hostBindingDir]', host: {'[id]': 'id'}}) export class HostBindingDir { id = 'one'; } @Component({ selector: 'component-with-prop-bindings', template: `

` }) export class ComponentWithPropBindings { title = 'some title'; label = 'some label'; } @Component({ selector: 'simple-app', template: ` - ` }) export class SimpleApp { } @Component({selector: 'inline-template', template: '


'}) export class ComponentWithInlineTemplate { } @NgModule({ declarations: [ HelloWorld, SimpleCmp, WithRefsCmp, InheritedCmp, SimpleApp, ComponentWithPropBindings, HostBindingDir ], imports: [GreetingModule], providers: [ {provide: NAME, useValue: 'World!'}, ] }) export class HelloWorldModule { } describe('TestBed', () => { beforeEach(() => { getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); }); it('should compile and render a component', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); }); it('should give access to the component instance', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(HelloWorld); }); it('should give the ability to query by css', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByCss = hello.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); expect(greetingByCss.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(GreetingCmp); }); it('should give the ability to trigger the change detection', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByCss = hello.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); greetingByCss.componentInstance.name = 'TestBed!'; hello.detectChanges(); expect(greetingByCss.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello TestBed!'); }); it('should give the ability to access property bindings on a node', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithPropBindings); fixture.detectChanges(); const divElement = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('div')); expect(divElement.properties).toEqual({id: 'one', title: 'some title'}); }); it('should give the ability to access interpolated properties on a node', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithPropBindings); fixture.detectChanges(); const paragraphEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p')); expect(paragraphEl.properties) .toEqual({title: '( some label - some title )', id: '[ some label ] [ some title ]'}); }); it('should give access to the node injector', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); fixture.detectChanges(); const injector = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('greeting-cmp')).injector; // from the node injector const greetingCmp = injector.get(GreetingCmp); expect(greetingCmp.constructor).toBe(GreetingCmp); // from the node injector (inherited from a parent node) const helloWorldCmp = injector.get(HelloWorld); expect(fixture.componentInstance).toBe(helloWorldCmp); const nameInjected = injector.get(NAME); expect(nameInjected).toEqual('World!'); }); it('should give access to the node injector for root node', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const injector = hello.debugElement.injector; // from the node injector const helloInjected = injector.get(HelloWorld); expect(helloInjected).toBe(hello.componentInstance); // from the module injector const nameInjected = injector.get(NAME); expect(nameInjected).toEqual('World!'); }); it('should give access to local refs on a node', () => { const withRefsCmp = TestBed.createComponent(WithRefsCmp); const firstDivDebugEl = withRefsCmp.debugElement.query(By.css('div')); // assert that a native element is referenced by a local ref expect(firstDivDebugEl.references.firstDiv.tagName.toLowerCase()).toBe('div'); }); it('should give the ability to query by directive', () => { const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); const greetingByDirective = hello.debugElement.query(By.directive(GreetingCmp)); expect(greetingByDirective.componentInstance).toBeAnInstanceOf(GreetingCmp); }); it('allow to override a template', () => { // use original template when there is no override let hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); // override the template getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); TestBed.overrideComponent(GreetingCmp, {set: {template: `Bonjour {{ name }}`}}); hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Bonjour World!'); // restore the original template by calling `.resetTestingModule()` getTestBed().resetTestingModule(); TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [HelloWorldModule]}); hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello World!'); }); it('allow to override a provider', () => { TestBed.overrideProvider(NAME, {useValue: 'injected World !'}); const hello = TestBed.createComponent(HelloWorld); hello.detectChanges(); expect(hello.nativeElement).toHaveText('Hello injected World !'); }); it('should resolve components that are extended by other components', () => { // SimpleApp uses SimpleCmp in its template, which is extended by InheritedCmp const simpleApp = TestBed.createComponent(SimpleApp); simpleApp.detectChanges(); expect(simpleApp.nativeElement).toHaveText('simple - inherited'); }); it('should resolve components without async resources synchronously', (done) => { TestBed .configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ComponentWithInlineTemplate], }) .compileComponents() .then(done) .catch(error => { // This should not throw any errors. If an error is thrown, the test will fail. // Specifically use `catch` here to mark the test as done and *then* throw the error // so that the test isn't treated as a timeout. done(); throw error; }); // Intentionally call `createComponent` before `compileComponents` is resolved. We want this to // work for components that don't have any async resources (templateUrl, styleUrls). TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithInlineTemplate); }); onlyInIvy('patched ng defs should be removed after resetting TestingModule') .describe('resetting ng defs', () => { it('should restore ng defs to their initial states', () => { @Pipe({name: 'somePipe', pure: true}) class SomePipe { transform(value: string): string { return `transformed ${value}`; } } @Directive({selector: 'someDirective'}) class SomeDirective { someProp = 'hello'; } @Component({selector: 'comp', template: 'someText'}) class SomeComponent { } @NgModule({declarations: [SomeComponent]}) class SomeModule { } TestBed.configureTestingModule({imports: [SomeModule]}); // adding Pipe and Directive via metadata override TestBed.overrideModule( SomeModule, {set: {declarations: [SomeComponent, SomePipe, SomeDirective]}}); TestBed.overrideComponent( SomeComponent, {set: {template: `{{'hello' | somePipe}}`}}); TestBed.createComponent(SomeComponent); const defBeforeReset = (SomeComponent as any).ngComponentDef; expect(defBeforeReset.pipeDefs().length).toEqual(1); expect(defBeforeReset.directiveDefs().length).toEqual(2); // directive + component TestBed.resetTestingModule(); const defAfterReset = (SomeComponent as any).ngComponentDef; expect(defAfterReset.pipeDefs().length).toEqual(0); expect(defAfterReset.directiveDefs().length).toEqual(1); // component }); it('should cleanup ng defs for classes with no ng annotations (in case of inheritance)', () => { @Component({selector: 'someDirective', template: '...'}) class SomeComponent { } class ComponentWithNoAnnotations extends SomeComponent {} TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [ComponentWithNoAnnotations]}); TestBed.createComponent(ComponentWithNoAnnotations); expect(ComponentWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ngComponentDef')).toBeTruthy(); expect(SomeComponent.hasOwnProperty('ngComponentDef')).toBeTruthy(); TestBed.resetTestingModule(); expect(ComponentWithNoAnnotations.hasOwnProperty('ngComponentDef')).toBeFalsy(); // ngComponentDef should be preserved on super component expect(SomeComponent.hasOwnProperty('ngComponentDef')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });