.grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Core Team .clear .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date June 15, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/06/rc2-now-available.html" ) RC2 Now Available p Today we’re happy to announce that we are shipping Angular 2.0.0-rc2. This release includes 1. Animation Framework 2. Improvements to Forms 3. More than 100 community contributions... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/stephenfluin.jpg") .posted Posted by Stephen Fluin .c6 .article-card .date June 9, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://angularjs.blogspot.com/2016/06/improvements-coming-for-routing-in.html" ) Improvements Coming for Routing in Angular p A little more than a month ago, we introduced a new router at ng-conf. We’re grateful to have heard from many folks at ng-conf about flaws in this new design, so we are announcing... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/stephenfluin.jpg") .posted Posted by Stephen Fluin .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2.l-space-top-4 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Developer Community .clear .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date June 14, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/06/14/routing-in-angular-2-revisited.html" ) Routing in Angular 2 Revisited p Just recently, the Angular team announced yet another version of the new router. Take a first look at the new and better APIs, touching on the most common scenarios... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/pascalprecht.jpg") .posted Posted by Pascal Precht .c6 .article-card .date June 13, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="https://toddmotto.com/rewriting-angular-styleguide-angular-2" ) A new Angular 1.x ES2015 styleguide, the path to Angular 2 p Angular 1.x has changed vastly since the original styleguide, and ES6/ES2015 has now become a defacto standard. The new styleguide focuses on using ES2015, offering recommendations on tooling to use it today... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/shield-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by Todd Motto .grid-fluid .c6 .article-card .date June 9, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="https://medium.com/@urish/building-simon-with-angular2-iot-fceb78bb18e5" ) Building Simon with Angular2-IoT p I thought it would be fun to see if I could make the same [Angular 2] control/logic code for both a web application and a physical, “Internet of Things” device.... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/angular-gde-bio-placeholder.png") .posted Posted by Uri Shaked .c6 .article-card .date June 8, 2016 .title a( target="_blank" href="http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/06/08/component-relative-paths-in-angular-2.html" ) Component-Relative Paths in Angular 2 p Component-based development is Angular 2’s most-loved feature. By now you should be familiar with using the @Component decorators to create components.\... .author img(src="/resources/images/bios/thomas.jpg") .posted Posted by Thomas Burleson .grid-fluid.l-space-bottom-2.l-space-top-4 .c12.text-center h3.text-headline.text-uppercase Twitter .clear .grid-fluid .c3 p .c6 .article-card .title a( href="http://twitter.com/angularjs" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" ) Follow @angularjs p.