Show top menu at 992px screen width. The JS expression was checking just for screen widths strictly greater than 992px to show the menu, while the CSS media query was showing the hamburger icon just for screen widths strictly smaller than 992px, so there was a gap of 1px that the user could't navigate through the top menu. closes #24324 PR Close #26418
418 lines
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418 lines
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import { Component, ElementRef, HostBinding, HostListener, OnInit,
QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core';
import { MatSidenav } from '@angular/material/sidenav';
import { CurrentNodes, NavigationService, NavigationNode, VersionInfo } from 'app/navigation/navigation.service';
import { DocumentService, DocumentContents } from 'app/documents/document.service';
import { Deployment } from 'app/shared/deployment.service';
import { LocationService } from 'app/shared/location.service';
import { NotificationComponent } from 'app/layout/notification/notification.component';
import { ScrollService } from 'app/shared/scroll.service';
import { SearchBoxComponent } from 'app/search/search-box/search-box.component';
import { SearchResults } from 'app/search/interfaces';
import { SearchService } from 'app/search/search.service';
import { TocService } from 'app/shared/toc.service';
import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { first, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
const sideNavView = 'SideNav';
selector: 'aio-shell',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
currentDocument: DocumentContents;
currentDocVersion: NavigationNode;
currentNodes: CurrentNodes = {};
currentPath: string;
docVersions: NavigationNode[];
dtOn = false;
footerNodes: NavigationNode[];
* An HTML friendly identifier for the currently displayed page.
* This is computed from the `` by replacing `/` with `-`
pageId: string;
* An HTML friendly identifer for the "folder" of the currently displayed page.
* This is computed by taking everything up to the first `/` in the ``
folderId: string;
* These CSS classes are computed from the current state of the application
* (e.g. what document is being viewed) to allow for fine grain control over
* the styling of individual pages.
* You will get three classes:
* * `page-...`: computed from the current document id (e.g. events, guide-security, tutorial-toh-pt2)
* * `folder-...`: computed from the top level folder for an id (e.g. guide, tutorial, etc)
* * `view-...`: computef from the navigation view (e.g. SideNav, TopBar, etc)
hostClasses = '';
// Disable all Angular animations for the initial render.
isStarting = true;
isTransitioning = true;
isFetching = false;
isSideBySide = false;
private isFetchingTimeout: any;
private isSideNavDoc = false;
private sideBySideWidth = 992;
sideNavNodes: NavigationNode[];
topMenuNodes: NavigationNode[];
topMenuNarrowNodes: NavigationNode[];
hasFloatingToc = false;
private showFloatingToc = new BehaviorSubject(false);
private showFloatingTocWidth = 800;
tocMaxHeight: string;
private tocMaxHeightOffset = 0;
versionInfo: VersionInfo;
get isOpened() { return this.isSideBySide && this.isSideNavDoc; }
get mode() { return this.isSideBySide ? 'side' : 'over'; }
// Search related properties
showSearchResults = false;
searchResults: Observable<SearchResults>;
@ViewChildren('searchBox, searchResultsView', { read: ElementRef })
searchElements: QueryList<ElementRef>;
searchBox: SearchBoxComponent;
sidenav: MatSidenav;
notification: NotificationComponent;
notificationAnimating = false;
public deployment: Deployment,
private documentService: DocumentService,
private hostElement: ElementRef,
private locationService: LocationService,
private navigationService: NavigationService,
private scrollService: ScrollService,
private searchService: SearchService,
private tocService: TocService
) { }
ngOnInit() {
// Do not initialize the search on browsers that lack web worker support
if ('Worker' in window) {
// Delay initialization by up to 2 seconds
this.searchService.initWorker('app/search/search-worker.js', 2000);
/* No need to unsubscribe because this root component never dies */
this.documentService.currentDocument.subscribe(doc => this.currentDocument = doc);
this.locationService.currentPath.subscribe(path => {
// Redirect to docs if we are in archive mode and are not hitting a docs page
// (i.e. we have arrived at a marketing page)
if (this.deployment.mode === 'archive' && !/^(docs$|api|guide|tutorial)/.test(path)) {
if (path === this.currentPath) {
// scroll only if on same page (most likely a change to the hash)
} else {
// don't scroll; leave that to `onDocRendered`
this.currentPath = path;
// Start progress bar if doc not rendered within brief time
this.isFetchingTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.isFetching = true, 200);
this.navigationService.currentNodes.subscribe(currentNodes => this.currentNodes = currentNodes);
// Compute the version picker list from the current version and the versions in the navigation map
this.navigationService.navigationViews.pipe(map(views => views['docVersions'])))
.subscribe(([versionInfo, versions]) => {
// TODO(pbd): consider whether we can lookup the stable and next versions from the internet
const computedVersions: NavigationNode[] = [
{ title: 'next', url: '' },
{ title: 'stable', url: '' },
if (this.deployment.mode === 'archive') {
computedVersions.push({ title: `v${versionInfo.major}` });
this.docVersions = [...computedVersions, ...versions];
// Find the current version - eithers title matches the current deployment mode
// or its title matches the major version of the current version info
this.currentDocVersion = this.docVersions.find(version =>
version.title === this.deployment.mode || version.title === `v${versionInfo.major}`)!;
this.currentDocVersion.title += ` (v${versionInfo.raw})`;
this.navigationService.navigationViews.subscribe(views => {
this.footerNodes = views['Footer'] || [];
this.sideNavNodes = views['SideNav'] || [];
this.topMenuNodes = views['TopBar'] || [];
this.topMenuNarrowNodes = views['TopBarNarrow'] || this.topMenuNodes;
this.navigationService.versionInfo.subscribe(vi => this.versionInfo = vi);
const hasNonEmptyToc = this.tocService.tocList.pipe(map(tocList => tocList.length > 0));
combineLatest(hasNonEmptyToc, this.showFloatingToc)
.subscribe(([hasToc, showFloatingToc]) => this.hasFloatingToc = hasToc && showFloatingToc);
// Generally, we want to delay updating the shell (e.g. host classes, sidenav state) for the new
// document, until after the leaving document has been removed (to avoid having the styles for
// the new document applied prematurely).
// For the first document, though, (when we know there is no previous document), we want to
// ensure the styles are applied as soon as possible to avoid flicker.
this.documentService.currentDocument, // ...needed to determine host classes
this.navigationService.currentNodes) // ...needed to determine `sidenav` state
.subscribe(() => this.updateShell());
onDocReady() {
// About to transition to new view.
this.isTransitioning = true;
// Stop fetching timeout (which, when render is fast, means progress bar never shown)
// If progress bar has been shown, keep it for at least 500ms (to avoid flashing).
setTimeout(() => this.isFetching = false, 500);
onDocRemoved() {
onDocInserted() {
// Update the shell (host classes, sidenav state) to match the new document.
// This may be called as a result of actions initiated by view updates.
// In order to avoid errors (e.g. `ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenChecked`), updating the view
// (e.g. sidenav, host classes) needs to happen asynchronously.
setTimeout(() => this.updateShell());
// Scroll the good position depending on the context
onDocRendered() {
if (this.isStarting) {
// In order to ensure that the initial sidenav-content left margin
// adjustment happens without animation, we need to ensure that
// `isStarting` remains `true` until the margin change is triggered.
// (Apparently, this happens with a slight delay.)
setTimeout(() => this.isStarting = false, 100);
this.isTransitioning = false;
onDocVersionChange(versionIndex: number) {
const version = this.docVersions[versionIndex];
if (version.url) {
@HostListener('window:resize', ['$'])
onResize(width: number) {
this.isSideBySide = width >= this.sideBySideWidth;
| > this.showFloatingTocWidth);
if (this.isSideBySide && !this.isSideNavDoc) {
// If this is a non-sidenav doc and the screen is wide enough so that we can display menu
// items in the top-bar, ensure the sidenav is closed.
// (This condition can only be met when the resize event changes the value of `isSideBySide`
// from `false` to `true` while on a non-sidenav doc.)
@HostListener('click', ['$', '$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.metaKey', '$event.altKey'])
onClick(eventTarget: HTMLElement, button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean, altKey: boolean): boolean {
// Hide the search results if we clicked outside both the "search box" and the "search results"
if (!this.searchElements.some(element => element.nativeElement.contains(eventTarget))) {
// Show developer source view if the footer is clicked while holding the meta and alt keys
if (eventTarget.tagName === 'FOOTER' && metaKey && altKey) {
this.dtOn = !this.dtOn;
return false;
// Deal with anchor clicks; climb DOM tree until anchor found (or null)
let target: HTMLElement|null = eventTarget;
while (target && !(target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) {
target = target.parentElement;
if (target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
return this.locationService.handleAnchorClick(target, button, ctrlKey, metaKey);
// Allow the click to pass through
return true;
setPageId(id: string) {
// Special case the home page
this.pageId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.replace('/', '-');
setFolderId(id: string) {
// Special case the home page
this.folderId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.split('/', 1)[0];
notificationDismissed() {
this.notificationAnimating = true;
// this should be kept in sync with the animation durations in:
// - aio/src/styles/2-modules/_notification.scss
// - aio/src/app/layout/notification/notification.component.ts
setTimeout(() => this.notificationAnimating = false, 250);
updateHostClasses() {
const mode = `mode-${this.deployment.mode}`;
const sideNavOpen = `sidenav-${this.sidenav.opened ? 'open' : 'closed'}`;
const pageClass = `page-${this.pageId}`;
const folderClass = `folder-${this.folderId}`;
const viewClasses = Object.keys(this.currentNodes).map(view => `view-${view}`).join(' ');
const notificationClass = `aio-notification-${this.notification.showNotification}`;
const notificationAnimatingClass = this.notificationAnimating ? 'aio-notification-animating' : '';
this.hostClasses = [
].join(' ');
updateShell() {
// Update the SideNav state (if necessary).
// Update the host classes.
updateSideNav() {
// Preserve current sidenav open state by default.
let openSideNav = this.sidenav.opened;
const isSideNavDoc = !!this.currentNodes[sideNavView];
if (this.isSideNavDoc !== isSideNavDoc) {
// View type changed. Is it now a sidenav view (e.g, guide or tutorial)?
// Open if changed to a sidenav doc; close if changed to a marketing doc.
openSideNav = this.isSideNavDoc = isSideNavDoc;
// May be open or closed when wide; always closed when narrow.
this.sidenav.toggle(this.isSideBySide && openSideNav);
// Dynamically change height of table of contents container
onScroll() {
if (!this.tocMaxHeightOffset) {
// Must wait until `mat-toolbar` is measurable.
const el = this.hostElement.nativeElement as Element;
const headerEl = el.querySelector('.app-toolbar');
const footerEl = el.querySelector('footer');
if (headerEl && footerEl) {
this.tocMaxHeightOffset =
headerEl.clientHeight +
footerEl.clientHeight +
24; // fudge margin
this.tocMaxHeight = (document.body.scrollHeight - window.pageYOffset - this.tocMaxHeightOffset).toFixed(2);
// Restrain scrolling inside an element, when the cursor is over it
restrainScrolling(evt: WheelEvent) {
const elem = evt.currentTarget as Element;
const scrollTop = elem.scrollTop;
if (evt.deltaY < 0) {
// Trying to scroll up: Prevent scrolling if already at the top.
if (scrollTop < 1) {
} else {
// Trying to scroll down: Prevent scrolling if already at the bottom.
const maxScrollTop = elem.scrollHeight - elem.clientHeight;
if (maxScrollTop - scrollTop < 1) {
// Search related methods and handlers
hideSearchResults() {
this.showSearchResults = false;
const oldSearch =;
if ( !== undefined) {
this.locationService.setSearch('', { ...oldSearch, search: undefined });
focusSearchBox() {
if (this.searchBox) {
doSearch(query: string) {
this.searchResults =;
this.showSearchResults = !!query;
@HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event.key', '$event.which'])
onKeyUp(key: string, keyCode: number) {
// forward slash "/"
if (key === '/' || keyCode === 191) {
if (key === 'Escape' || keyCode === 27 ) {
// escape key
if (this.showSearchResults) {