
205 lines
7.6 KiB

'use strict';
import destCopy from '../broccoli-dest-copy';
import compileWithTypescript, {INTERNAL_TYPINGS_PATH} from '../broccoli-typescript';
var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
import mergeTrees from '../broccoli-merge-trees';
var path = require('path');
import renderLodashTemplate from '../broccoli-lodash';
import replace from '../broccoli-replace';
var stew = require('broccoli-stew');
var writeFile = require('broccoli-file-creator');
var projectRootDir = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', '..'));
module.exports = function makeNodeTree(projects, destinationPath) {
// list of npm packages that this build will create
var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress'];
let srcTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: ['angular2/**'],
exclude: [
'**/e2e_test/**', 'angular2/test/**', 'angular2/examples/**',
'angular2/src/testing/**', 'angular2/testing.ts', 'angular2/testing_internal.ts',
'angular2/src/upgrade/**', 'angular2/upgrade.ts', 'angular2/platform/testing/**',
'angular2/manual_typings/**', 'angular2/typings/**'
let externalTypings = [
'angular2/typings/hammerjs/hammerjs.d.ts', 'angular2/typings/node/node.d.ts',
'angular2/manual_typings/globals.d.ts', 'angular2/typings/es6-collections/es6-collections.d.ts',
let externalTypingsTree = new Funnel('modules', {files: externalTypings});
let packageTypings =
new Funnel('node_modules', {include: ['rxjs/**/*.d.ts', 'zone.js/**/*.d.ts']});
let compileSrcContext = mergeTrees([srcTree, externalTypingsTree, packageTypings]);
// Compile the sources and generate the @internal .d.ts
let compiledSrcTreeWithInternals = compileTree(compileSrcContext, true, []);
var testTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: [
exclude: [
// the following code and tests are not compatible with CJS/node environment
'angular2/test/animate/**', 'angular2/test/core/zone/**',
'angular2/test/testing/fake_async_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/testing/testing_public_spec.ts',
'angular2/test/platform/xhr_impl_spec.ts', 'angular2/test/platform/browser/**/*.ts',
'angular2/test/common/forms/**', 'angular2/manual_typings/**', 'angular2/typings/**',
// we call browser's bootstrap
// we check the public api by importing angular2/angular2
'angular2/test/symbol_inspector/**/*.ts', 'angular2/test/public_api_spec.ts',
'angular2/test/upgrade/**/*.ts', 'angular1_router/**', 'payload_tests/**'
// Compile the tests against the src @internal .d.ts
let srcPrivateDeclarations =
new Funnel(compiledSrcTreeWithInternals, {srcDir: INTERNAL_TYPINGS_PATH});
let testAmbients = [
let testAmbientsTree = new Funnel('modules', {files: testAmbients});
testTree = mergeTrees(
[testTree, srcPrivateDeclarations, testAmbientsTree, externalTypingsTree, packageTypings]);
let compiledTestTree = compileTree(testTree, false, []);
// Merge the compiled sources and tests
let compiledSrcTree =
new Funnel(compiledSrcTreeWithInternals, {exclude: [`${INTERNAL_TYPINGS_PATH}/**`]});
let compiledTree = mergeTrees([compiledSrcTree, compiledTestTree]);
// Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages
outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) {
var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir});
// merge the test tree
compiledTree = mergeTrees([compiledTree, license]);
// Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build
var srcDocs = extractDocs(srcTree);
var testDocs = extractDocs(testTree);
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json'));
var srcPkgJsons = extractPkgJsons(srcTree, BASE_PACKAGE_JSON);
var testPkgJsons = extractPkgJsons(testTree, BASE_PACKAGE_JSON);
// Copy es6 typings so quickstart doesn't require typings install
let typingsTree = mergeTrees([
new Funnel('modules', {
include: [
'angular2/typings/browser.d.ts', '// Typings needed for compilation with --target=es5\n' +
'///<reference path="./es6-collections/es6-collections.d.ts"/>\n' +
'///<reference path="./es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts"/>\n' +
'// Workaround for\n' +
'// to be removed when angular2 upgrades to rxjs beta.2\n' +
'declare type PromiseConstructor = typeof Promise;\n')
var nodeTree =
mergeTrees([compiledTree, srcDocs, testDocs, srcPkgJsons, testPkgJsons, typingsTree]);
// Transform all tests to make them runnable in node
nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, {
files: ['**/test/**/*_spec.js'],
patterns: [
match: /^/,
() =>
`var parse5Adapter = require('angular2/src/platform/server/parse5_adapter');\r\n` +
{match: /$/, replacement: (_, relativePath) => '\r\n main(); \r\n'}
// Prepend 'use strict' directive to all JS files.
// See
nodeTree = replace(
nodeTree, {files: ['**/*.js'], patterns: [{match: /^/, replacement: () => `'use strict';`}]});
return destCopy(nodeTree, destinationPath);
function compileTree(tree, genInternalTypings, rootFilePaths: string[] = []) {
return compileWithTypescript(tree, {
// build pipeline options
'rootFilePaths': rootFilePaths,
'internalTypings': genInternalTypings,
// tsc options
'emitDecoratorMetadata': true,
'experimentalDecorators': true,
'declaration': true,
'stripInternal': true,
'module': 'commonjs',
'moduleResolution': 'classic',
'noEmitOnError': true,
'rootDir': '.',
'inlineSourceMap': true,
'inlineSources': true,
'target': 'es5'
function extractDocs(tree) {
var docs = new Funnel(tree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*']});
return stew.rename(docs, '', '');
function extractPkgJsons(tree, BASE_PACKAGE_JSON) {
// Generate shared package.json info
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
repository: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.repository,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies,
defaultDevDependencies: {}
var packageJsons = new Funnel(tree, {include: ['**/package.json']});
return renderLodashTemplate(packageJsons, {context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});