Misko Hevery 053b7a50e1 feat(ngUpgrade): faster ng2->ng1 adapter by only compiling ng1 once
The adapter only compiles ng1 template. This means that we need to 
reimplement / emulate all of the ng1’s API on the HOST element.

interface IDirective {
  compile?: IDirectiveCompileFn;               // NOT SUPPORTED
  controller?: any;                            // IMPLEMENTED
  controllerAs?: string;                       // IMPLEMENTED
  bindToController?: boolean|Object;           // IMPLEMENTED
  link?: IDirectiveLinkFn | IDirectivePrePost; // IMPLEMENTED (pre-link only)
  name?: string;                               // N/A
  priority?: number;                           // NOT SUPPORTED
  replace?: boolean;                           // NOT SUPPORTED
  require?: any;                               // IMPLEMENTED
  restrict?: string;                           // WORKING
  scope?: any;                                 // IMPLEMENTED
  template?: any;                              // IMPLEMENTED
  templateUrl?: any;                           // IMPLEMENTED
  terminal?: boolean;                          // NOT SUPPORTED
  transclude?: any;                            // IMPLEMENTED
2015-10-15 20:28:28 +00:00