Tim Blasi bd015f14e8 build(dartanalyzer): Ignore TODOs during build
The newest version of the analyzer emits hints when it encounters TODOs
in code, which is breaking the Dart dev version of our build.

Ignore TODOs for the purpose of build health.

See #6410
2016-01-15 22:53:09 +00:00

225 lines
7.9 KiB

var Q = require('q');
var readline = require('readline');
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var path = require('path');
var glob = require('glob');
var fs = require('fs');
var travisFoldStart = require('../travis/travis-fold');
var util = require('./util');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
module.exports = function(gulp, plugins, config) {
var travisFoldEnd = travisFoldStart(`dartanalyzer-${config.use_ddc ? 'ddc' : ''}-${config.dest}`);
var tempFile = '_analyzer.dart';
return util.forEachSubDirSequential(config.dest, function(dir) {
var pubspecContents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, 'pubspec.yaml'));
var pubspec = yaml.safeLoad(pubspecContents);
var packageName =;
var libFiles = []'lib/**/*.dart', {cwd: dir}));
var webFiles = []'web/**/*.dart', {cwd: dir}));
var testFiles = []'test/**/*_spec.dart', {cwd: dir}));
var analyzeFile = ['library _analyzer;'];
libFiles.concat(testFiles).concat(webFiles).forEach(function(fileName, index) {
if (fileName !== tempFile && fileName.indexOf("/packages/") === -1) {
if (fileName.indexOf('lib') == 0) {
fileName = 'package:' + packageName + '/' +
path.relative('lib', fileName).replace(/\\/g, '/');
analyzeFile.push('import "' + fileName + '" as mod' + index + ';');
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dir, tempFile), analyzeFile.join('\n'));
var defer = Q.defer();
if (config.use_ddc) {
analyze(dir, defer.makeNodeResolver(), true);
} else {
analyze(dir, defer.makeNodeResolver());
return defer.promise;
function analyze(dirName, done, useDdc) {
// TODO remove --package-warnings once dartanalyzer handles transitive libraries
var flags = ['--fatal-warnings', '--package-warnings', '--format=machine'];
if (useDdc) {
console.log('Using DDC analyzer to analyze', dirName);
var args = flags.concat(tempFile);
var stream = spawn(config.command, args, {
// inherit stdin and stderr, but filter stdout
stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, 'pipe'],
cwd: dirName
// Filter out unused imports from our generated file.
// We don't reexports from the generated file
// as this could lead to name clashes when two files
// export the same thing.
var rl =
readline.createInterface({input: stream.stderr, output: process.stdout, terminal: false});
var hintCount = 0;
var errorCount = 0;
var warningCount = 0;
rl.on('line', function(line) {
if (line == "find: > bin [: No such file or directory") {
// Skip bad output from Dart SDK .bat files on Windows
var parsedLine = _AnalyzerOutputLine.parse(line);
if (!parsedLine) {
console.log('Unexpected output: ' + line);
// TODO remove once dartanalyzer handles transitive libraries
// skip errors in third-party packages
if (parsedLine.sourcePath.indexOf(dirName) == -1) {
if (parsedLine.shouldIgnore()) {
if (parsedLine.isHint) {
} else if (parsedLine.isWarning) {
} else {
console.log(dirName + ':' + parsedLine);
stream.on('close', function() {
var error;
var report = [];
if (errorCount > 0) {
report.push(errorCount + ' error(s)');
if (warningCount > 0) {
report.push(warningCount + ' warning(s)');
if (hintCount > 0) {
report.push(hintCount + ' hint(s)');
if (report.length > 0) {
error = 'Dartanalyzer showed ' + report.join(', ');
stream.on('error', function(error) { done(error); });
// See
function _AnalyzerOutputLine(result) {
this.severity = result[1];
this.errorType = result[2];
this.errorCode = result[3];
this.sourcePath = result[4];
this.lineNum = result[5];
this.colNum = result[6];
this.asciiLineLength = parseInt(result[7], 10);
this.errorMsg = result[8];
this.isError = Boolean(this.severity.match(/ERROR/i));
this.isHint = Boolean(this.severity.match(/INFO/i));
this.isWarning = Boolean(this.severity.match(/WARNING/i));
_AnalyzerOutputLine.parse = function(line) {
var result = _AnalyzerOutputLine._analyzerParseRegExp.exec(line);
return result ? new _AnalyzerOutputLine(result) : null;
_AnalyzerOutputLine._analyzerParseRegExp =
new RegExp('([^\|]+)\\|' + // #1, severity (NONE, INFO, WARNING, ERROR)
'([^\|]+)\\|' + // #2, errorCode.type (HINT, *_WARNING, *_ERROR, etc)
'([^\|]+)\\|' + // #3, errorCode (UNUSED_IMPORT, UNUSED_CATCH_STACK, etc)
'([^\|]+[^\|\\\\])\\|' + // #4, sourcePath with '|' chars backslash-escaped.
'([^\|]+)\\|' + // #5, line number
'([^\|]+)\\|' + // #6, column number
'([^\|]+)\\|' + // #7, length of the ASCII line to draw
'(.*)$'); // #8, error message
/* Maps file path (as string) to file source (an array of strings, one per line). */
_AnalyzerOutputLine.cache = {};
_AnalyzerOutputLine.ERR_NO_SOURCE = '(Could not find source line).';
_AnalyzerOutputLine.prototype = {
toString: function() {
var sourceLine = this._getSourceLine();
var lineText = _AnalyzerOutputLine.ERR_NO_SOURCE;
if (sourceLine) {
var repeat = function(str, num) {
if (str.repeat) return str.repeat(num);
return{length: num}, str);
lineText =
'\n' + sourceLine + '\n' + repeat(' ', this.colNum) + repeat('^', this.asciiLineLength);
return '[' + this.severity + '] type: ' + this.errorType + ' ' +
this.errorMsg + ' (' + this.sourcePath + ', line ' + this.lineNum +
', col ' + this.colNum + ')' + lineText;
shouldIgnore: function() {
if (this.errorCode.match(/UNUSED_IMPORT/i)) {
if (this.sourcePath.match(/_analyzer\.dart/)) {
return true;
// TODO remove it once ts2dart properly generates abstract getters
if (this.errorMsg.match(/unimplemented/)) {
return true;
if (this.errorCode.match(/DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE/i)) {
return true;
// TODO:
if (this.errorCode.match(/UNUSED_CATCH_STACK/i)) {
return true;
// TODOs shouldn't break our build...
if (this.errorCode.match(/TODO/i)) {
return true;
// Don't worry about hints in generated files.
if (this.isHint && this.sourcePath.match(/generated/i)) {
return true;
return false;
// Reads the source file for the Analyzer output, caching it for future use.
_getSourceLine: function() {
var cache = _AnalyzerOutputLine.cache;
var sourceLines = null;
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(this.sourcePath)) {
sourceLines = cache[this.sourcePath];
} else {
try {
sourceLines = String(fs.readFileSync(this.sourcePath));
sourceLines = sourceLines.split('\n');
} catch (e) {
sourceLines = null;
} finally {
// Even if this fails, cache `null` so we don't try again.
cache[this.sourcePath] = sourceLines;
return sourceLines && this.lineNum <= sourceLines.length ? sourceLines[this.lineNum - 1] : null;