Patrice Chalin e958be24bf docs(dev guide): attribute-directives - updated dart/ts code and new dart prose
Mainly copyedits and prep for extension

+ example code cleanup & bug fix
+ fix bug in default color initialization
2016-05-06 15:42:01 +01:00

44 lines
1.1 KiB

// #docplaster
// #docregion full
import 'package:angular2/core.dart';
@Directive(selector: '[myHighlight]', host: const {
'(mouseenter)': 'onMouseEnter()',
'(mouseleave)': 'onMouseLeave()'
// #docregion class-1
class HighlightDirective {
String _defaultColor = 'red';
final dynamic _el;
HighlightDirective(ElementRef elRef) : _el = elRef.nativeElement;
// #enddocregion class-1
// #docregion defaultColor
@Input() set defaultColor(String colorName) {
_defaultColor = (colorName ?? _defaultColor);
// #enddocregion defaultColor
// #docregion class-1
// #docregion color
@Input('myHighlight') String highlightColor;
// #enddocregion color
// #docregion mouse-enter
void onMouseEnter() { _highlight(highlightColor ?? _defaultColor); }
// #enddocregion mouse-enter
void onMouseLeave() { _highlight(); }
void _highlight([String color]) {
if(_el != null) = color;
// #enddocregion class-1
// #enddocregion full
// #docregion highlight
@Input() String myHighlight;
// #enddocregion highlight