An opening tag `<` without any characters after it is interperted as a text node (just a "less than" character) rather than the start of an element in the template AST. This commit adjusts the autocomplete engine to provide element autocompletions when the nearest character to the left of the cursor is `<`. Part of the fix for angular/vscode-ng-language-service#1140 PR Close #41068
710 lines
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710 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AST, BindingPipe, EmptyExpr, ImplicitReceiver, LiteralPrimitive, MethodCall, ParseSourceSpan, PropertyRead, PropertyWrite, SafeMethodCall, SafePropertyRead, TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstBoundEvent, TmplAstElement, TmplAstNode, TmplAstReference, TmplAstTemplate, TmplAstText, TmplAstTextAttribute, TmplAstVariable} from '@angular/compiler';
import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core';
import {CompletionKind, DirectiveInScope, TemplateDeclarationSymbol} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import {BoundEvent} from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {addAttributeCompletionEntries, AttributeCompletionKind, buildAttributeCompletionTable, getAttributeCompletionSymbol} from './attribute_completions';
import {DisplayInfo, DisplayInfoKind, getDirectiveDisplayInfo, getSymbolDisplayInfo, getTsSymbolDisplayInfo, unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind} from './display_parts';
import {TargetContext, TargetNodeKind, TemplateTarget} from './template_target';
import {filterAliasImports} from './utils';
type PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder =
type ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder =
type PipeCompletionBuilder = CompletionBuilder<BindingPipe>;
export enum CompletionNodeContext {
* Performs autocompletion operations on a given node in the template.
* This class acts as a closure around all of the context required to perform the 3 autocompletion
* operations (completions, get details, and get symbol) at a specific node.
* The generic `N` type for the template node is narrowed internally for certain operations, as the
* compiler operations required to implement completion may be different for different node types.
* @param N type of the template node in question, narrowed accordingly.
export class CompletionBuilder<N extends TmplAstNode|AST> {
private readonly typeChecker = this.compiler.getNextProgram().getTypeChecker();
private readonly templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
private readonly nodeParent = this.targetDetails.parent;
private readonly nodeContext = nodeContextFromTarget(this.targetDetails.context);
private readonly template = this.targetDetails.template;
private readonly position = this.targetDetails.position;
private readonly tsLS: ts.LanguageService, private readonly compiler: NgCompiler,
private readonly component: ts.ClassDeclaration, private readonly node: N,
private readonly targetDetails: TemplateTarget) {}
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionsAtPosition`.
getCompletionsAtPosition(options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletion(options);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletion();
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletions();
} else if (this.isPipeCompletion()) {
return this.getPipeCompletions();
} else {
return undefined;
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionEntryDetails`.
entryName: string, formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(entryName, formatOptions, preferences);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletionDetails(entryName);
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletionDetails(entryName);
* Analogue for `ts.LanguageService.getCompletionEntrySymbol`.
getCompletionEntrySymbol(name: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
if (this.isPropertyExpressionCompletion()) {
return this.getPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(name);
} else if (this.isElementTagCompletion()) {
return this.getElementTagCompletionSymbol(name);
} else if (this.isElementAttributeCompletion()) {
return this.getElementAttributeCompletionSymbol(name);
} else {
return undefined;
* Determine if the current node is the completion of a property expression, and narrow the type
* of `this.node` if so.
* This narrowing gives access to additional methods related to completion of property
* expressions.
private isPropertyExpressionCompletion(this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstNode|AST>):
this is PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder {
return this.node instanceof PropertyRead || this.node instanceof MethodCall ||
this.node instanceof SafePropertyRead || this.node instanceof SafeMethodCall ||
this.node instanceof PropertyWrite || this.node instanceof EmptyExpr ||
// BoundEvent nodes only count as property completions if in an EventValue context.
(this.node instanceof BoundEvent && this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.EventValue);
* Get completions for property expressions.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletion(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder,
options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof BoundEvent ||
this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
return this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletion(options);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
const tsResults = this.tsLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, options);
if (tsResults === undefined) {
return undefined;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
let ngResults: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const result of tsResults.entries) {
return {
entries: ngResults,
* Get the details of a specific completion for a property expression.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string,
formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
let details: ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined = undefined;
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof BoundEvent ||
this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
details =
this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(entryName, formatOptions, preferences);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
details = this.tsLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, entryName, formatOptions,
/* source */ undefined, preferences);
if (details !== undefined) {
details.displayParts = filterAliasImports(details.displayParts);
return details;
* Get the `ts.Symbol` for a specific completion for a property expression.
private getPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, name: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
if (this.node instanceof EmptyExpr || this.node instanceof LiteralPrimitive ||
this.node instanceof BoundEvent || this.node.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver) {
return this.getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(name);
} else {
const location = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker().getExpressionCompletionLocation(
this.node, this.component);
if (location === null) {
return undefined;
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntrySymbol(
location.shimPath, location.positionInShimFile, name, /* source */ undefined);
* Get completions for a property expression in a global context (e.g. `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletion(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder,
options: ts.GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions|
undefined): ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
// Merge TS completion results with results from the template scope.
let entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
const tsLsCompletions = this.tsLS.getCompletionsAtPosition(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, options);
if (tsLsCompletions !== undefined) {
for (const tsCompletion of tsLsCompletions.entries) {
// Skip completions that are shadowed by a template entity definition.
if (templateContext.has( {
// Substitute the TS completion's `replacementSpan` (which uses offsets within the TCB)
// with the `replacementSpan` within the template source.
for (const [name, entity] of templateContext) {
sortText: name,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(
entity.kind === CompletionKind.Reference ? DisplayInfoKind.REFERENCE :
return {
// Although this completion is "global" in the sense of an Angular expression (there is no
// explicit receiver), it is not "global" in a TypeScript sense since Angular expressions have
// the component as an implicit receiver.
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: true,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
* Get the details of a specific completion for a property expression in a global context (e.g.
* `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionDetails(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string,
formatOptions: ts.FormatCodeOptions|ts.FormatCodeSettings|undefined,
preferences: ts.UserPreferences|undefined): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
if (templateContext.has(entryName)) {
const entry = templateContext.get(entryName)!;
// Entries that reference a symbol in the template context refer either to local references or
// variables.
const symbol = this.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(entry.node, this.component) as
TemplateDeclarationSymbol |
if (symbol === null) {
return undefined;
const {kind, displayParts, documentation} =
getSymbolDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, this.typeChecker, symbol);
return {
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind),
name: entryName,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
} else {
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntryDetails(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, entryName, formatOptions,
/* source */ undefined, preferences);
* Get the `ts.Symbol` of a specific completion for a property expression in a global context
* (e.g.
* `{{y|}}`).
private getGlobalPropertyExpressionCompletionSymbol(
this: PropertyExpressionCompletionBuilder, entryName: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
const completions =
this.templateTypeChecker.getGlobalCompletions(this.template, this.component);
if (completions === null) {
return undefined;
const {componentContext, templateContext} = completions;
if (templateContext.has(entryName)) {
const node: TmplAstReference|TmplAstVariable = templateContext.get(entryName)!.node;
const symbol = this.templateTypeChecker.getSymbolOfNode(node, this.component) as
TemplateDeclarationSymbol |
if (symbol === null || symbol.tsSymbol === null) {
return undefined;
return symbol.tsSymbol;
} else {
return this.tsLS.getCompletionEntrySymbol(
componentContext.shimPath, componentContext.positionInShimFile, entryName,
/* source */ undefined);
private isElementTagCompletion(): this is CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement|TmplAstText> {
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstText) {
const positionInTextNode = this.position - this.node.sourceSpan.start.offset;
// We only provide element completions in a text node when there is an open tag immediately to
// the left of the position.
return this.node.value.substring(0, positionInTextNode).endsWith('<');
} else if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
return this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.ElementTag;
return false;
private getElementTagCompletion(this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement|TmplAstText>):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
let start: number;
let length: number;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
// The replacementSpan is the tag name.
start = this.node.sourceSpan.start.offset + 1; // account for leading '<'
length =;
} else {
const positionInTextNode = this.position - this.node.sourceSpan.start.offset;
const textToLeftOfPosition = this.node.value.substring(0, positionInTextNode);
start = this.node.sourceSpan.start.offset + textToLeftOfPosition.lastIndexOf('<') + 1;
// We only autocomplete immediately after the < so we don't replace any existing text
length = 0;
const replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan = {start, length};
const entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] =
.map(([tag, directive]) => ({
kind: tagCompletionKind(directive),
name: tag,
sortText: tag,
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
private getElementTagCompletionDetails(
this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement|TmplAstText>,
entryName: string): ts.CompletionEntryDetails|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
const tagMap = templateTypeChecker.getPotentialElementTags(this.component);
if (!tagMap.has(entryName)) {
return undefined;
const directive = tagMap.get(entryName)!;
let displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[];
let documentation: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]|undefined = undefined;
if (directive === null) {
displayParts = [];
} else {
const displayInfo = getDirectiveDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, directive);
displayParts = displayInfo.displayParts;
documentation = displayInfo.documentation;
return {
kind: tagCompletionKind(directive),
name: entryName,
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
private getElementTagCompletionSymbol(
this: CompletionBuilder<TmplAstElement|TmplAstText>, entryName: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
const templateTypeChecker = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
const tagMap = templateTypeChecker.getPotentialElementTags(this.component);
if (!tagMap.has(entryName)) {
return undefined;
const directive = tagMap.get(entryName)!;
return directive?.tsSymbol;
private isElementAttributeCompletion(): this is ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder {
return (this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey ||
this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding) &&
(this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent);
private getElementAttributeCompletions(this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
let replacementSpan: ts.TextSpan|undefined = undefined;
if ((this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute || this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) &&
this.node.keySpan !== undefined) {
replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromParseSourceSpan(this.node.keySpan);
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
let entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const completion of attrTable.values()) {
// First, filter out completions that don't make sense for the current node. For example, if
// the user is completing on a property binding `[foo|]`, don't offer output event
// completions.
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
if (!completion.twoWayBindingSupported &&
this.nodeContext === CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute ||
this.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
// Is the completion in an attribute context (instead of a property context)?
const isAttributeContext =
(this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute);
// Is the completion for an element (not an <ng-template>)?
const isElementContext =
this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement;
entries, completion, isAttributeContext, isElementContext, replacementSpan);
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
private getElementAttributeCompletionDetails(
this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder, entryName: string): ts.CompletionEntryDetails
|undefined {
// `entryName` here may be `foo` or `[foo]`, depending on which suggested completion the user
// chose. Strip off any binding syntax to get the real attribute name.
const {name, kind} = stripBindingSugar(entryName);
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
if (!attrTable.has(name)) {
return undefined;
const completion = attrTable.get(name)!;
let displayParts: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[];
let documentation: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[]|undefined = undefined;
let info: DisplayInfo|null;
switch (completion.kind) {
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomAttribute:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DomProperty:
// TODO(alxhub): ideally we would show the same documentation as quick info here. However,
// since these bindings don't exist in the TCB, there is no straightforward way to retrieve
// a `ts.Symbol` for the field in the TS DOM definition.
displayParts = [];
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveAttribute:
info = getDirectiveDisplayInfo(this.tsLS, completion.directive);
displayParts = info.displayParts;
documentation = info.documentation;
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput:
case AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveOutput:
const propertySymbol = getAttributeCompletionSymbol(completion, this.typeChecker);
if (propertySymbol === null) {
return undefined;
info = getTsSymbolDisplayInfo(
this.tsLS, this.typeChecker, propertySymbol,
completion.kind === AttributeCompletionKind.DirectiveInput ? DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY :
if (info === null) {
return undefined;
displayParts = info.displayParts;
documentation = info.documentation;
return {
name: entryName,
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind),
kindModifiers: ts.ScriptElementKindModifier.none,
displayParts: [],
private getElementAttributeCompletionSymbol(
this: ElementAttributeCompletionBuilder, attribute: string): ts.Symbol|undefined {
const {name} = stripBindingSugar(attribute);
let element: TmplAstElement|TmplAstTemplate;
if (this.node instanceof TmplAstElement || this.node instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.node;
} else if (
this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstElement || this.nodeParent instanceof TmplAstTemplate) {
element = this.nodeParent;
} else {
// Nothing to do without an element to process.
return undefined;
const attrTable = buildAttributeCompletionTable(
this.component, element, this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker());
if (!attrTable.has(name)) {
return undefined;
const completion = attrTable.get(name)!;
return getAttributeCompletionSymbol(completion, this.typeChecker) ?? undefined;
private isPipeCompletion(): this is PipeCompletionBuilder {
return this.node instanceof BindingPipe;
private getPipeCompletions(this: PipeCompletionBuilder):
ts.WithMetadata<ts.CompletionInfo>|undefined {
const pipes = this.templateTypeChecker.getPipesInScope(this.component);
if (pipes === null) {
return undefined;
const replacementSpan = makeReplacementSpanFromAst(this.node);
const entries: ts.CompletionEntry[] =
| => ({
kind: unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(DisplayInfoKind.PIPE),
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: false,
function makeReplacementSpanFromParseSourceSpan(span: ParseSourceSpan): ts.TextSpan {
return {
start: span.start.offset,
length: span.end.offset - span.start.offset,
function makeReplacementSpanFromAst(node: PropertyRead|PropertyWrite|MethodCall|SafePropertyRead|
BoundEvent): ts.TextSpan|undefined {
if ((node instanceof EmptyExpr || node instanceof LiteralPrimitive ||
node instanceof BoundEvent)) {
// empty nodes do not replace any existing text
return undefined;
return {
start: node.nameSpan.start,
length: node.nameSpan.end - node.nameSpan.start,
function tagCompletionKind(directive: DirectiveInScope|null): ts.ScriptElementKind {
let kind: DisplayInfoKind;
if (directive === null) {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.ELEMENT;
} else if (directive.isComponent) {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.COMPONENT;
} else {
kind = DisplayInfoKind.DIRECTIVE;
return unsafeCastDisplayInfoKindToScriptElementKind(kind);
const BINDING_SUGAR = /[\[\(\)\]]/g;
function stripBindingSugar(binding: string): {name: string, kind: DisplayInfoKind} {
const name = binding.replace(BINDING_SUGAR, '');
if (binding.startsWith('[')) {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.PROPERTY};
} else if (binding.startsWith('(')) {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.EVENT};
} else {
return {name, kind: DisplayInfoKind.ATTRIBUTE};
function nodeContextFromTarget(target: TargetContext): CompletionNodeContext {
switch (target.kind) {
case TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementTag;
case TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext:
// Completions in element bodies are for new attributes.
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey;
case TargetNodeKind.TwoWayBindingContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.TwoWayBinding;
case TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext:
return CompletionNodeContext.ElementAttributeKey;
case TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext:
if (target.node instanceof TmplAstBoundEvent) {
return CompletionNodeContext.EventValue;
} else {
return CompletionNodeContext.None;
// No special context is available.
return CompletionNodeContext.None;