21 lines
665 B
21 lines
665 B
library angular2.test.web_workers.shared.message_bus_util;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:angular2/src/web-workers/shared/message_bus.dart'
show MessageBusInterface;
import 'package:angular2/src/web-workers/shared/isolate_message_bus.dart';
* Returns an IsolateMessageBus thats sink is connected to its own source.
* Useful for testing the sink and source.
MessageBusInterface createConnectedMessageBus() {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
var sendPort = receivePort.sendPort;
var sink = new IsolateMessageBusSink(sendPort);
var source = new IsolateMessageBusSource(receivePort);
return new IsolateMessageBus(sink, source);