Tim Blasi 104302a958 refactor(dart/transform): Remove unnecessary getter/setter codegen
Currently the transformer generates all getters and setters even when
creating pre-generated change detectors, which remove the need for them.

Generate getters and setters via the model provided by `ProtoViewDto`,
which contains enough information to allow omitting unnecessary getters
and setters from code output.

Allow generating getters, setters, and method names which are Dart
pseudo keywords.

Closes #3489
2015-08-19 17:36:12 +00:00

162 lines
6.5 KiB

library angular2.test.transform.template_compiler.all_tests;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/dom/html_adapter.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/asset_reader.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/logging.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/template_compiler/generator.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:guinness/guinness.dart';
import '../common/read_file.dart';
var formatter = new DartFormatter();
AssetReader reader = new TestAssetReader();
main() => allTests();
void allTests() {
describe('registrations', () {
void changeDetectorTests() {
Future<String> process(AssetId assetId) => processTemplates(reader, assetId);
// TODO(tbosch): This is just a temporary test that makes sure that the dart server and
// dart browser is in sync. Change this to "not contains notifyBinding"
// when https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/3019 is solved.
it('should not always notifyDispatcher for template variables', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/ng_for_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var output = await (process(new AssetId('a', inputPath)));
it('should include directives mentioned in directive aliases.', () async {
// Input 2 is the same as input1, but contains the directive aliases
// inlined.
var input1Path =
var input2Path =
// Except for the directive argument in the View annotation, the generated
// change detectors are identical.
var output1 = (await process(new AssetId('a', input1Path))).replaceFirst(
'directives: const [alias1]', 'directives: const [GoodbyeCmp]');
var output2 = await process(new AssetId('a', input2Path));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output1, output2);
void noChangeDetectorTests() {
Future<String> process(AssetId assetId) =>
processTemplates(reader, assetId, generateChangeDetectors: false);
it('should parse simple expressions in inline templates.', () async {
var inputPath =
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse simple methods in inline templates.', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/inline_method_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse simple expressions in linked templates.', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/url_expression_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse simple methods in linked templates.', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/url_method_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should not generate duplicate getters/setters', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/duplicate_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse `View` directives with a single dependency.', () async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/one_directive_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse `View` directives with a single prefixed dependency.',
() async {
var inputPath = 'template_compiler/with_prefix_files/hello.ng_deps.dart';
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
inputPath = 'template_compiler/with_prefix_files/goodbye.ng_deps.dart';
expected = readFile(
output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should parse angular directives with a prefix', () async {
var inputPath =
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should create the same output for multiple calls.', () async {
var inputPath =
var expected = readFile(
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
it('should generate all expected getters, setters, & methods.', () async {
var base = 'template_compiler/registrations_files';
var inputPath = path.join(base, 'registrations.ng_deps.dart');
var expected =
readFile(path.join(base, 'expected/registrations.ng_deps.dart'));
var output = await process(new AssetId('a', inputPath));
_formatThenExpectEquals(output, expected);
void _formatThenExpectEquals(String actual, String expected) {