Julie Ralph 3d8eb8cbca fix(platform-browser/testing): clean up public api for platform-browser/testing (#9519)
Mostly, removing things that were never intended to be exported publicy.


The following are no longer publicly exported APIs. They were intended as internal
utilities and you should use your own util:

expect (and custom matchers for Jasmine)
2016-06-23 16:42:25 -07:00

237 lines
9.4 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {describe, beforeEach, it, expect, ddescribe, iit,} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {ShadowCss, processRules, CssRule} from '@angular/compiler/src/shadow_css';
import {RegExpWrapper, StringWrapper, isPresent} from '../src/facade/lang';
import {normalizeCSS} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
export function main() {
describe('ShadowCss', function() {
function s(css: string, contentAttr: string, hostAttr: string = '') {
var shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
var shim = shadowCss.shimCssText(css, contentAttr, hostAttr);
var nlRegexp = /\n/g;
return normalizeCSS(StringWrapper.replaceAll(shim, nlRegexp, ''));
it('should handle empty string', () => { expect(s('', 'a')).toEqual(''); });
it('should add an attribute to every rule', () => {
var css = 'one {color: red;}two {color: red;}';
var expected = 'one[a] {color:red;}two[a] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle invalid css', () => {
var css = 'one {color: red;}garbage';
var expected = 'one[a] {color:red;}garbage';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should add an attribute to every selector', () => {
var css = 'one, two {color: red;}';
var expected = 'one[a], two[a] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should support newlines in the selector and content ', () => {
var css = 'one, \ntwo {\ncolor: red;}';
var expected = 'one[a], two[a] {color:red;}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle media rules', () => {
var css = '@media screen and (max-width:800px, max-height:100%) {div {font-size:50px;}}';
var expected =
'@media screen and (max-width:800px, max-height:100%) {div[a] {font-size:50px;}}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle media rules with simple rules', () => {
var css = '@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {div {font-size: 50px;}} div {}';
var expected = '@media screen and (max-width:800px) {div[a] {font-size:50px;}} div[a] {}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
it('should handle support rules', () => {
var css = '@supports (display: flex) {section {display: flex;}}';
var expected = '@supports (display:flex) {section[a] {display:flex;}}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);
// Check that the browser supports unprefixed CSS animation
it('should handle keyframes rules', () => {
var css = '@keyframes foo {0% {transform:translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(css);
it('should handle -webkit-keyframes rules', () => {
var css = '@-webkit-keyframes foo {0% {-webkit-transform:translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(css);
it('should handle complicated selectors', () => {
expect(s('one::before {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a]::before {}');
expect(s('one two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] two[a] {}');
expect(s('one > two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] > two[a] {}');
expect(s('one + two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] + two[a] {}');
expect(s('one ~ two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] ~ two[a] {}');
var res = s('.one.two > three {}', 'a'); // IE swap classes
expect(res == '.one.two[a] > three[a] {}' || res == '.two.one[a] > three[a] {}')
expect(s('one[attr="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr=value] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr^="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr^="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr$="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr$="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr*="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr*="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr|="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr|="value"][a] {}');
expect(s('one[attr] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr][a] {}');
expect(s('[is="one"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('[is="one"][a] {}');
it('should handle :host', () => {
expect(s(':host {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, [a-host].y {}');
expect(s(':host(.x,.y) > .z {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .z, [a-host].y > .z {}');
it('should handle :host-context', () => {
expect(s(':host-context(.x) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, .x [a-host] {}');
expect(s(':host-context(.x) > .y {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
.toEqual('[a-host].x > .y, .x [a-host] > .y {}');
it('should support polyfill-next-selector', () => {
var css = s('polyfill-next-selector {content: \'x > y\'} z {}', 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('x[a] > y[a]{}');
css = s('polyfill-next-selector {content: "x > y"} z {}', 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('x[a] > y[a]{}');
it('should support polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
var css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'#menu > .bar\';color: blue;}', 'a');
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, '#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
css = s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: "#menu > .bar";color: blue;}', 'a');
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, '#menu > .bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
it('should support multiple instances polyfill-unscoped-rule', () => {
var css =
s('polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'foo\';color: blue;}' +
'polyfill-unscoped-rule {content: \'bar\';color: blue;}',
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, 'foo {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
expect(StringWrapper.contains(css, 'bar {;color:blue;}')).toBeTruthy();
it('should support polyfill-rule', () => {
var css = s('polyfill-rule {content: \':host.foo .bar\';color: blue;}', 'a', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar {;color:blue;}');
css = s('polyfill-rule {content: ":host.foo .bar";color:blue;}', 'a', 'a-host');
expect(css).toEqual('[a-host].foo .bar {;color:blue;}');
it('should handle ::shadow', () => {
var css = s('x::shadow > y {}', 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('x[a] > y[a] {}');
it('should handle /deep/', () => {
var css = s('x /deep/ y {}', 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('x[a] y {}');
it('should handle >>>', () => {
var css = s('x >>> y {}', 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('x[a] y {}');
it('should pass through @import directives', () => {
var styleStr = '@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto");';
var css = s(styleStr, 'a');
it('should shim rules after @import', () => {
var styleStr = '@import url("a"); div {}';
var css = s(styleStr, 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('@import url("a"); div[a] {}');
it('should leave calc() unchanged', () => {
var styleStr = 'div {height:calc(100% - 55px);}';
var css = s(styleStr, 'a');
expect(css).toEqual('div[a] {height:calc(100% - 55px);}');
it('should strip comments', () => { expect(s('/* x */b {c}', 'a')).toEqual('b[a] {c}'); });
it('should ignore special characters in comments',
() => { expect(s('/* {;, */b {c}', 'a')).toEqual('b[a] {c}'); });
it('should support multiline comments',
() => { expect(s('/* \n */b {c}', 'a')).toEqual('b[a] {c}'); });
describe('processRules', () => {
describe('parse rules', () => {
function captureRules(input: string): CssRule[] {
var result: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = [];
processRules(input, (cssRule: any /** TODO #9100 */) => {
return cssRule;
return result;
it('should work with empty css', () => { expect(captureRules('')).toEqual([]); });
it('should capture a rule without body',
() => { expect(captureRules('a;')).toEqual([new CssRule('a', '')]); });
it('should capture css rules with body',
() => { expect(captureRules('a {b}')).toEqual([new CssRule('a', 'b')]); });
it('should capture css rules with nested rules', () => {
expect(captureRules('a {b {c}} d {e}')).toEqual([
new CssRule('a', 'b {c}'), new CssRule('d', 'e')
it('should capture multiple rules where some have no body', () => {
expect(captureRules('@import a ; b {c}')).toEqual([
new CssRule('@import a', ''), new CssRule('b', 'c')
describe('modify rules', () => {
it('should allow to change the selector while preserving whitespaces', () => {
'@import a; b {c {d}} e {f}', (cssRule: any /** TODO #9100 */) => new CssRule(
cssRule.selector + '2', cssRule.content)))
.toEqual('@import a2; b2 {c {d}} e2 {f}');
it('should allow to change the content', () => {
'a {b}', (cssRule: any /** TODO #9100 */) =>
new CssRule(cssRule.selector, cssRule.content + '2')))
.toEqual('a {b2}');