Igor Minar 5d3ba8dec7 test: update ts-api-guardian's strip_export_pattern to exclude Ivy instructions ()
Previously the instructions were included in the golden files to monitor the frequency and rate of
the instruction API changes for the purpose of understanding the stability of this API (as it was
considered for becoming a public API and deployed to npm via generated code).

This experiment has confirmed that the instruction API is not stable enough to be used as public
API. We've since also came up with an alternative plan to compile libraries with the Ivy compiler
for npm deployment and this plan does not rely on making Ivy instructions public.

For these reasons, I'm removing the instructions from the golden files as it's no longer important
to track them.

The are three instructions that are still being included: `ɵɵdefineInjectable`, `ɵɵinject`, and

These instructions are already generated by the VE compiler to support tree-shakable providers, and
code depending on these instructions is already deployed to npm. For this reason we need to treat
them as public api.

This change also reduces the code review overhead, because changes to public api golden files now
require multiple approvals.

PR Close 
2020-07-27 14:37:41 -07:00

283 lines
10 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
// tslint:disable:no-console
// TODO(alexeagle): why not import chalk from 'chalk'?
// Something to do with TS default export in UMD emit...
const chalk = require('chalk');
import * as minimist from 'minimist';
import * as path from 'path';
import {SerializationOptions, generateGoldenFile, verifyAgainstGoldenFile, discoverAllEntrypoints} from './main';
/** Name of the CLI */
const CMD = 'ts-api-guardian';
/** Name of the Bazel workspace that runs the CLI. */
const bazelWorkspaceName = process.env.BAZEL_WORKSPACE;
* Path to the Bazel workspace directory. Only set if the CLI is run with `bazel run`.
* https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#run.
const bazelWorkspaceDirectory = process.env.BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY;
* Regular expression that matches Bazel manifest paths that start with the
* current Bazel workspace, followed by a path delimiter.
const bazelWorkspaceManifestPathRegex =
bazelWorkspaceName ? new RegExp(`^${bazelWorkspaceName}[/\\\\]`) : null;
export function startCli() {
const {argv, mode, errors} = parseArguments(process.argv.slice(2));
const options: SerializationOptions = {
stripExportPattern: [].concat(argv['stripExportPattern']),
allowModuleIdentifiers: [].concat(argv['allowModuleIdentifiers']),
// Since the API guardian can be also used by other projects, we should not set up the default
// Angular project tag rules unless specified explicitly through a given option.
if (argv['useAngularTagRules']) {
options.exportTags = {
requireAtLeastOne: ['publicApi', 'codeGenApi'],
banned: ['experimental'],
toCopy: ['deprecated', 'codeGenApi']
options.memberTags = {
requireAtLeastOne: [],
banned: ['experimental', 'publicApi', 'codeGenApi'],
toCopy: ['deprecated']
options.paramTags = {
requireAtLeastOne: [],
banned: ['experimental', 'publicApi', 'codeGenApi'],
toCopy: ['deprecated']
// In autoDiscoverEntrypoints mode we set the inputed files as the discovered entrypoints
// for the rootDir
let entrypoints: string[];
if (argv['autoDiscoverEntrypoints']) {
entrypoints = discoverAllEntrypoints(argv['rootDir']);
} else {
entrypoints = argv._.slice();
for (const error of errors) {
if (mode === 'help') {
} else {
const targets = resolveFileNamePairs(argv, mode, entrypoints);
if (mode === 'out') {
for (const {entrypoint, goldenFile} of targets) {
generateGoldenFile(entrypoint, goldenFile, options);
} else { // mode === 'verify'
let hasDiff = false;
for (const {entrypoint, goldenFile} of targets) {
const diff = verifyAgainstGoldenFile(entrypoint, goldenFile, options);
if (diff) {
hasDiff = true;
const lines = diff.split('\n');
if (lines.length) {
lines.pop(); // Remove trailing newline
for (const line of lines) {
const chalkMap:
{[key: string]: any} = {'-': chalk.red, '+': chalk.green, '@': chalk.cyan};
const chalkFunc = chalkMap[line[0]] || chalk.reset;
if (hasDiff) {
const bazelTarget = process.env['BAZEL_TARGET'];
// Under bazel, give instructions how to use bazel run to accept the golden file.
if (bazelTarget) {
console.error('\n\nIf you modify a public API, you must accept the new golden file.');
console.error('\n\nTo do so, execute the following Bazel target:');
console.error(` yarn bazel run ${bazelTarget.replace(/_bin$/, '')}.accept`);
if (process.env['TEST_WORKSPACE'] === 'angular') {
console.error('\n\nFor more information, see');
'\n https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/docs/PUBLIC_API.md#golden-files');
export function parseArguments(input: string[]):
{argv: minimist.ParsedArgs, mode: string, errors: string[]} {
let help = false;
const errors: string[] = [];
const argv = minimist(input, {
string: [
'out', 'outDir', 'verify', 'verifyDir', 'rootDir', 'stripExportPattern',
boolean: [
'help', 'useAngularTagRules', 'autoDiscoverEntrypoints',
// Options used by chalk automagically
'color', 'no-color'
alias: {'outFile': 'out', 'verifyFile': 'verify'},
unknown: (option: string) => {
if (option[0] === '-') {
errors.push(`Unknown option: ${option}`);
help = true;
return false; // do not add to argv._
} else {
return true; // add to argv._
help = help || argv['help'];
if (help) {
return {argv, mode: 'help', errors};
let modes: string[] = [];
if (argv['out']) {
if (argv['outDir']) {
if (argv['verify']) {
if (argv['verifyDir']) {
if (argv['autoDiscoverEntrypoints']) {
if (!argv['rootDir']) {
errors.push(`--rootDir must be provided with --autoDiscoverEntrypoints.`);
modes = ['help'];
if (!argv['outDir'] && !argv['verifyDir']) {
errors.push(`--outDir or --verifyDir must be used with --autoDiscoverEntrypoints.`);
modes = ['help'];
} else {
if (!argv._.length) {
errors.push('No input file specified.');
modes = ['help'];
} else if (modes.length !== 1) {
errors.push('Specify either --out[Dir] or --verify[Dir]');
modes = ['help'];
} else if (argv._.length > 1 && !argv['outDir'] && !argv['verifyDir']) {
errors.push(`More than one input specified. Use --${modes[0]}Dir instead.`);
modes = ['help'];
return {argv, mode: modes[0], errors};
function printUsageAndExit(error = false) {
const print = error ? console.warn.bind(console) : console.log.bind(console);
print(`Usage: ${CMD} [options] <file ...>
${CMD} --out <output file> <entrypoint .d.ts file>
${CMD} --outDir <output dir> [--rootDir .] <entrypoint .d.ts files>
${CMD} --verify <golden file> <entrypoint .d.ts file>
${CMD} --verifyDir <golden file dir> [--rootDir .] <entrypoint .d.ts files>
--help Show this usage message
--out <file> Write golden output to file
--outDir <dir> Write golden file structure to directory
--verify <file> Read golden input from file
--verifyDir <dir> Read golden file structure from directory
--rootDir <dir> Specify the root directory of input files
--useAngularTagRules <boolean> Whether the Angular specific tag rules should be used.
--stripExportPattern <regexp> Do not output exports matching the pattern
--allowModuleIdentifiers <identifier>
Allow identifier for "* as foo" imports
--autoDiscoverEntrypoints Automatically find all entrypoints .d.ts files in the rootDir`);
process.exit(error ? 1 : 0);
* Resolves a given path in the file system. If `ts-api-guardian` runs with Bazel, file paths
* are resolved through runfiles. Additionally in Bazel, this method handles the case where
* manifest file paths are not existing, but need to resolve to the Bazel workspace directory.
* This happens commonly when goldens are approved, but the golden file does not exist yet.
function resolveFilePath(fileName: string): string {
// If an absolute path is specified, the path is already resolved.
if (path.isAbsolute(fileName)) {
return fileName;
// Outside of Bazel, file paths are resolved based on the current working directory.
if (!bazelWorkspaceName) {
return path.resolve(fileName);
// In Bazel, we first try to resolve the file through the runfiles. We do this by calling
// the `require.resolve` function that is patched by the Bazel NodeJS rules. Note that we
// need to catch errors because files inside tree artifacts cannot be resolved through
// runfile manifests. Hence, we need to have alternative resolution logic when resolving
// file paths. Additionally, it could happen that manifest paths which aren't part of the
// runfiles are specified (i.e. golden is approved but does not exist in the workspace yet).
try {
return require.resolve(fileName);
} catch {
// This handles cases where file paths cannot be resolved through runfiles. This happens
// commonly when goldens are approved while the golden does not exist in the workspace yet.
// In those cases, we want to build up a relative path based on the manifest path, and join
// it with the absolute bazel workspace directory (which is only set in `bazel run`).
// e.g. `angular/goldens/<..>/common` should become `{workspace_dir}/goldens/<...>/common`.
if (bazelWorkspaceManifestPathRegex !== null && bazelWorkspaceDirectory &&
bazelWorkspaceManifestPathRegex.test(fileName)) {
return path.join(bazelWorkspaceDirectory, fileName.substr(bazelWorkspaceName.length + 1));
throw Error(`Could not resolve file path in runfiles: ${fileName}`);
function resolveFileNamePairs(argv: minimist.ParsedArgs, mode: string, entrypoints: string[]):
{entrypoint: string, goldenFile: string}[] {
if (argv[mode]) {
return [{
entrypoint: resolveFilePath(entrypoints[0]),
goldenFile: resolveFilePath(argv[mode]),
} else { // argv[mode + 'Dir']
let rootDir = argv['rootDir'] || '.';
const goldenDir = argv[mode + 'Dir'];
return entrypoints.map((fileName: string) => {
return {
entrypoint: resolveFilePath(fileName),
goldenFile: resolveFilePath(path.join(goldenDir, path.relative(rootDir, fileName))),