George Kalpakas 14b7dfa007 fix(aio): create a proper commit link on preview comments (#15941)
Previously, only a few characters of the SHA would appear on the preview link
comment posted on the PR. This was usually enough for GitHub to create a link to
the corresponding commit, but it was possible to have collisions with other
commits with the same first characters (which prevented GitHub from identifying
the correct commit and create a link.)

This commit fixes this issue by including the full SHA on the commentso GitHub
can identify the correct commit and create the link. GitHub will automatically
truncate the link text (by default to 7 chars unless more are necessary to
uniquely identify the commit).
2017-04-13 11:55:33 -07:00

118 lines
4.0 KiB

// Imports
import * as express from 'express';
import * as http from 'http';
import {GithubPullRequests} from '../common/github-pull-requests';
import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from '../common/utils';
import {BuildCreator} from './build-creator';
import {CreatedBuildEvent} from './build-events';
import {BuildVerifier} from './build-verifier';
import {UploadError} from './upload-error';
// Constants
// Interfaces - Types
interface UploadServerConfig {
buildsDir: string;
domainName: string;
githubOrganization: string;
githubTeamSlugs: string[];
githubToken: string;
repoSlug: string;
secret: string;
// Classes
class UploadServerFactory {
// Methods - Public
public create({
}: UploadServerConfig): http.Server {
assertNotMissingOrEmpty('domainName', domainName);
const buildVerifier = new BuildVerifier(secret, githubToken, repoSlug, githubOrganization, githubTeamSlugs);
const buildCreator = this.createBuildCreator(buildsDir, githubToken, repoSlug, domainName);
const middleware = this.createMiddleware(buildVerifier, buildCreator);
const httpServer = http.createServer(middleware);
httpServer.on('listening', () => {
const info = httpServer.address();`Up and running (and listening on ${info.address}:${info.port})...`);
return httpServer;
// Methods - Protected
protected createBuildCreator(buildsDir: string, githubToken: string, repoSlug: string,
domainName: string): BuildCreator {
const buildCreator = new BuildCreator(buildsDir);
const githubPullRequests = new GithubPullRequests(githubToken, repoSlug);
buildCreator.on(CreatedBuildEvent.type, ({pr, sha}: CreatedBuildEvent) => {
const body = `The preview for ${sha} is available [here][1].\n\n` +
`[1]: https://pr${pr}-${sha}.${domainName}/`;
githubPullRequests.addComment(pr, body);
return buildCreator;
protected createMiddleware(buildVerifier: BuildVerifier, buildCreator: BuildCreator): express.Express {
const middleware = express();
middleware.get(/^\/create-build\/([1-9][0-9]*)\/([0-9a-f]{40})\/?$/, (req, res) => {
const pr = req.params[0];
const sha = req.params[1];
const archive = req.header(X_FILE_HEADER);
const authHeader = req.header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
if (!authHeader) {
this.throwRequestError(401, `Missing or empty '${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}' header`, req);
} else if (!archive) {
this.throwRequestError(400, `Missing or empty '${X_FILE_HEADER}' header`, req);
verify(+pr, authHeader).
then(() => buildCreator.create(pr, sha, archive)).
then(() => res.sendStatus(201)).
catch(err => this.respondWithError(res, err));
middleware.get(/^\/health-check\/?$/, (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
middleware.get('*', req => this.throwRequestError(404, 'Unknown resource', req));
middleware.all('*', req => this.throwRequestError(405, 'Unsupported method', req));
middleware.use((err: any, _req: any, res: express.Response, _next: any) => this.respondWithError(res, err));
return middleware;
protected respondWithError(res: express.Response, err: any) {
if (!(err instanceof UploadError)) {
err = new UploadError(500, String((err && err.message) || err));
const statusText = http.STATUS_CODES[err.status] || '???';
console.error(`Upload error: ${err.status} - ${statusText}`);
protected throwRequestError(status: number, error: string, req: express.Request) {
throw new UploadError(status, `${error} in request: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}`);
// Exports
export const uploadServerFactory = new UploadServerFactory();