Igor Minar da1272f368 build(analytics): add basic build-analytics to the project
This is pretty experimental, but the goal is to track the performance
of our build over time so that we can more easily track perf regressions.

Currently it's integrated only with gulp tasks, but I'd like to expand it
to tracking travis jobs, protractor/benchpress test runs, npm installs, etc.

No PII is being collected. And the data is collected via a Google Analytics
property owned by the Angular team account.

Closes #4672
2015-10-12 03:50:00 +00:00

143 lines
4.4 KiB

"name": "angular",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.40",
"branchPattern": "2.0.*",
"description": "Angular 2 - a web framework for modern web apps",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": "",
"contributors": [
"Alex Eagle <>",
"Chirayu Krishnappa <>",
"Jeff Cross <>",
"Matias Niemela <>",
"Misko Hevery <>",
"Rado Kirov <>",
"Tobias Bosch <>",
"Victor Savkin <>",
"Yegor Jbanov <>",
"Jeremy Elbourn <>"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "node tools/npm/check-node-modules --purge",
"postinstall": "node tools/npm/copy-npm-shrinkwrap && node tools/chromedriverpatch.js && webdriver-manager update && bower install && gulp pubget.dart && tsd reinstall --overwrite --clean --config modules/angular2/tsd.json && tsd reinstall --overwrite --clean --config tools/tsd.json && tsd reinstall --overwrite --config modules/angular1_router/tsd.json",
"test": "gulp test.all.js && gulp test.all.dart"
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