184 lines
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184 lines
6.1 KiB
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Parser as ExpressionParser} from '../expression_parser/parser';
import {StringMapWrapper} from '../facade/collection';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {HtmlAst, HtmlElementAst} from '../html_parser/html_ast';
import {HtmlParser} from '../html_parser/html_parser';
import {DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, InterpolationConfig} from '../html_parser/interpolation_config';
import {ParseError} from '../parse_util';
import {Message, id} from './message';
import {I18N_ATTR_PREFIX, I18nError, Part, messageFromAttribute, messageFromI18nAttribute, partition} from './shared';
* All messages extracted from a template.
export class ExtractionResult {
constructor(public messages: Message[], public errors: ParseError[]) {}
* Removes duplicate messages.
export function removeDuplicates(messages: Message[]): Message[] {
let uniq: {[key: string]: Message} = {};
messages.forEach(m => {
if (!StringMapWrapper.contains(uniq, id(m))) {
uniq[id(m)] = m;
return StringMapWrapper.values(uniq);
* Extracts all messages from a template.
* Algorithm:
* To understand the algorithm, you need to know how partitioning works.
* Partitioning is required as we can use two i18n comments to group node siblings together.
* That is why we cannot just use nodes.
* Partitioning transforms an array of HtmlAst into an array of Part.
* A part can optionally contain a root element or a root text node. And it can also contain
* children.
* A part can contain i18n property, in which case it needs to be extracted.
* Example:
* The following array of nodes will be split into four parts:
* ```
* <a>A</a>
* <b i18n>B</b>
* <!-- i18n -->
* <c>C</c>
* D
* <!-- /i18n -->
* E
* ```
* Part 1 containing the a tag. It should not be translated.
* Part 2 containing the b tag. It should be translated.
* Part 3 containing the c tag and the D text node. It should be translated.
* Part 4 containing the E text node. It should not be translated..
* It is also important to understand how we stringify nodes to create a message.
* We walk the tree and replace every element node with a placeholder. We also replace
* all expressions in interpolation with placeholders. We also insert a placeholder element
* to wrap a text node containing interpolation.
* Example:
* The following tree:
* ```
* <a>A{{I}}</a><b>B</b>
* ```
* will be stringified into:
* ```
* <ph name="e0"><ph name="t1">A<ph name="0"/></ph></ph><ph name="e2">B</ph>
* ```
* This is what the algorithm does:
* 1. Use the provided html parser to get the html AST of the template.
* 2. Partition the root nodes, and process each part separately.
* 3. If a part does not have the i18n attribute, recurse to process children and attributes.
* 4. If a part has the i18n attribute, stringify the nodes to create a Message.
export class MessageExtractor {
private _messages: Message[];
private _errors: ParseError[];
private _htmlParser: HtmlParser, private _expressionParser: ExpressionParser,
private _implicitTags: string[], private _implicitAttrs: {[k: string]: string[]}) {}
template: string, sourceUrl: string,
interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG): ExtractionResult {
this._messages = [];
this._errors = [];
const res = this._htmlParser.parse(template, sourceUrl, true, interpolationConfig);
if (res.errors.length == 0) {
this._recurse(res.rootNodes, interpolationConfig);
return new ExtractionResult(this._messages, this._errors.concat(res.errors));
private _extractMessagesFromPart(part: Part, interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig): void {
if (part.hasI18n) {
this._messages.push(...part.createMessages(this._expressionParser, interpolationConfig));
this._recurseToExtractMessagesFromAttributes(part.children, interpolationConfig);
} else {
this._recurse(part.children, interpolationConfig);
if (isPresent(part.rootElement)) {
this._extractMessagesFromAttributes(part.rootElement, interpolationConfig);
private _recurse(nodes: HtmlAst[], interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig): void {
if (isPresent(nodes)) {
let parts = partition(nodes, this._errors, this._implicitTags);
parts.forEach(part => this._extractMessagesFromPart(part, interpolationConfig));
private _recurseToExtractMessagesFromAttributes(
nodes: HtmlAst[], interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig): void {
nodes.forEach(n => {
if (n instanceof HtmlElementAst) {
this._extractMessagesFromAttributes(n, interpolationConfig);
this._recurseToExtractMessagesFromAttributes(n.children, interpolationConfig);
private _extractMessagesFromAttributes(
p: HtmlElementAst, interpolationConfig: InterpolationConfig): void {
let transAttrs: string[] =
isPresent(this._implicitAttrs[p.name]) ? this._implicitAttrs[p.name] : [];
let explicitAttrs: string[] = [];
// `i18n-` prefixed attributes should be translated
p.attrs.filter(attr => attr.name.startsWith(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX)).forEach(attr => {
try {
messageFromI18nAttribute(this._expressionParser, interpolationConfig, p, attr));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof I18nError) {
} else {
throw e;
// implicit attributes should also be translated
p.attrs.filter(attr => !attr.name.startsWith(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX))
.filter(attr => explicitAttrs.indexOf(attr.name) == -1)
.filter(attr => transAttrs.indexOf(attr.name) > -1)
attr => this._messages.push(
messageFromAttribute(this._expressionParser, interpolationConfig, attr)));