Joey Perrott 90e9574ac7 ci: run windows CI jobs on PRs ()
Previously windows CI jobs were only run on upstream branches, with the addition
of larger Windows executors as well as the improvement of setup speed in the
windows environment setup script allows for the windows tests to pass in a
reasonable timeframe.

PR Close 
2020-10-14 14:09:49 -07:00

58 lines
3.8 KiB

# Install Bazel pre-reqs on Windows
# Install MSYS2 and packages
choco install msys2 --version 20200903.0.0 --no-progress --package-parameters "/NoUpdate"
C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -l -c "pacman --needed --noconfirm -S zip unzip patch diffutils"
# Add PATH modifications to the Powershell profile. This is the win equivalent of .bash_profile.
new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
# Paths for nodejs, npm, yarn, and msys2. Use single quotes to prevent interpolation.
# Add before the original path to use msys2 instead of the installed gitbash.
Add-Content $profile '$Env:path = "${Env:ProgramFiles}\nodejs\;C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Roaming\npm\;${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Yarn\bin\;C:\Users\circleci\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin\;C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\;" + $Env:path'
# Environment variables for Bazel
Add-Content $profile '$Env:BAZEL_SH = "C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe"'
# Get the bazelisk version devdep and store it in a global var for use in the circleci job.
$bazeliskVersion = & ${Env:ProgramFiles}\nodejs\node.exe -e "console.log(require('./package.json').devDependencies['@bazel/bazelisk'])"
# This is a tricky situation: we want $bazeliskVersion to be evaluated but not $Env:BAZELISK_VERSION.
# Formatting works
$bazeliskVersionGlobalVar = '$Env:BAZELISK_VERSION = "{0}"' -f $bazeliskVersion
Add-Content $profile $bazeliskVersionGlobalVar
# Remove the CircleCI checkout SSH override, because it breaks cloning repositories through Bazel.
# See for an example.
# TODO: is this really needed? Maybe there's a better way. It doesn't happen on Linux or on Codefresh.
git config --global --unset url.ssh://
# Decrypt GCP Credentials and store them as the Google default credentials.
mkdir ${env:APPDATA}\gcloud
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci\gcp_token -md md5 -out "$env:APPDATA\gcloud\application_default_credentials.json" -k "$env:CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME"
# Set bazel configuration for CircleCI runs.
copy .circleci\ ${Env:USERPROFILE}\.bazelrc
# Install specific version of node.
nvm install 12.14.1
nvm use 12.14.1
# These Bazel prereqs aren't needed because the CircleCI image already includes them.
# choco install yarn --version 1.16.0 --no-progress
# choco install vcredist2015 --version 14.0.24215.20170201
# We don't need VS Build Tools for the tested bazel targets.
# If it's needed again, uncomment these lines.
# VS Build Tools are needed for Bazel C++ targets (like com_google_protobuf)
# choco install visualstudio2019buildtools --version --no-progress --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 --add Microsoft.Component.VC.Runtime.UCRTSDK --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.17763"
# Add-Content $profile '$Env:BAZEL_VC = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\"'
# Python is needed for Bazel Python targets
# choco install python --version 3.5.1 --no-progress