crisbeto d5b87d32b0 perf(ivy): move attributes array into component def (#32798)
Currently Ivy stores the element attributes into an array above the component def and passes it into the relevant instructions, however the problem is that upon minification the array will get a unique name which won't compress very well. These changes move the attributes array into the component def and pass in the index into the instructions instead.

const _c0 = ['foo', 'bar'];

SomeComp.ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
  template: function() {
    element(0, 'div', _c0);

SomeComp.ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
  consts: [['foo', 'bar']],
  template: function() {
    element(0, 'div', 0);

A couple of cases that this PR doesn't handle:
* Template references are still in a separate array.
* i18n attributes are still in a separate array.

PR Close #32798
2019-10-09 13:16:55 -07:00

496 lines
20 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
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import {ChangeDetectorRef} from '@angular/core/src/change_detection/change_detector_ref';
import {Provider} from '@angular/core/src/di/interface/provider';
import {ElementRef} from '@angular/core/src/linker/element_ref';
import {TemplateRef} from '@angular/core/src/linker/template_ref';
import {ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core/src/linker/view_container_ref';
import {Renderer2} from '@angular/core/src/render/api';
import {createLView, createTView, getOrCreateTNode, getOrCreateTView, renderComponentOrTemplate} from '@angular/core/src/render3/instructions/shared';
import {TAttributes, TNodeType} from '@angular/core/src/render3/interfaces/node';
import {getLView, resetComponentState, selectView} from '@angular/core/src/render3/state';
import {stringifyElement} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/src/browser_util';
import {SWITCH_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ as R3_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY} from '../../src/change_detection/change_detector_ref';
import {Injector} from '../../src/di/injector';
import {Type} from '../../src/interface/type';
import {SWITCH_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ as R3_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY} from '../../src/linker/element_ref';
import {SWITCH_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ as R3_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY} from '../../src/linker/template_ref';
import {SWITCH_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ as R3_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY} from '../../src/linker/view_container_ref';
import {RendererStyleFlags2, RendererType2, SWITCH_RENDERER2_FACTORY__POST_R3__ as R3_RENDERER2_FACTORY} from '../../src/render/api';
import {CreateComponentOptions} from '../../src/render3/component';
import {getDirectivesAtNodeIndex, getLContext, isComponentInstance} from '../../src/render3/context_discovery';
import {extractDirectiveDef, extractPipeDef} from '../../src/render3/definition';
import {NG_ELEMENT_ID} from '../../src/render3/fields';
import {ComponentDef, ComponentTemplate, ComponentType, DirectiveDef, DirectiveType, RenderFlags, renderComponent as _renderComponent, tick, ɵɵProvidersFeature, ɵɵdefineComponent, ɵɵdefineDirective} from '../../src/render3/index';
import {DirectiveDefList, DirectiveDefListOrFactory, DirectiveTypesOrFactory, HostBindingsFunction, PipeDef, PipeDefList, PipeDefListOrFactory, PipeTypesOrFactory} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/definition';
import {PlayerHandler} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/player';
import {ProceduralRenderer3, RComment, RElement, RNode, RText, Renderer3, RendererFactory3, RendererStyleFlags3, domRendererFactory3} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/renderer';
import {HEADER_OFFSET, LView, LViewFlags, TVIEW, T_HOST} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/view';
import {destroyLView} from '../../src/render3/node_manipulation';
import {getRootView} from '../../src/render3/util/view_traversal_utils';
import {Sanitizer} from '../../src/sanitization/sanitizer';
import {getRendererFactory2} from './imported_renderer2';
export abstract class BaseFixture {
* Each fixture creates the following initial DOM structure:
* <div fixture="mark">
* <div host="mark"></div>
* </div>
* Components are bootstrapped into the <div host="mark"></div>.
* The <div fixture="mark"> is there for cases where the root component creates DOM node _outside_
* of its host element (for example when the root component injectes ViewContainerRef or does
* low-level DOM manipulation).
* The <div fixture="mark"> is _not_ attached to the document body.
containerElement: HTMLElement;
hostElement: HTMLElement;
constructor() {
this.containerElement = document.createElement('div');
this.containerElement.setAttribute('fixture', 'mark');
this.hostElement = document.createElement('div');
this.hostElement.setAttribute('host', 'mark');
* Current state of HTML rendered by the bootstrapped component.
get html(): string { return toHtml(this.hostElement as any as Element); }
* Current state of HTML rendered by the fixture (will include HTML rendered by the bootstrapped
* component as well as any elements outside of the component's host).
get outerHtml(): string { return toHtml(this.containerElement as any as Element); }
function noop() {}
* Fixture for testing template functions in a convenient way.
* This fixture allows:
* - specifying the creation block and update block as two separate functions,
* - maintaining the template state between invocations,
* - access to the render `html`.
export class TemplateFixture extends BaseFixture {
hostView: LView;
private _directiveDefs: DirectiveDefList|null;
private _pipeDefs: PipeDefList|null;
private _sanitizer: Sanitizer|null;
private _rendererFactory: RendererFactory3;
* @param createBlock Instructions which go into the creation block:
* `if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { __here__ }`.
* @param updateBlock Optional instructions which go into the update block:
* `if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { __here__ }`.
private createBlock: () => void, private updateBlock: () => void = noop, decls: number = 0,
private vars: number = 0, directives?: DirectiveTypesOrFactory|null,
pipes?: PipeTypesOrFactory|null, sanitizer?: Sanitizer|null,
rendererFactory?: RendererFactory3, private _consts?: TAttributes[]) {
this._directiveDefs = toDefs(directives, extractDirectiveDef);
this._pipeDefs = toDefs(pipes, extractPipeDef);
this._sanitizer = sanitizer || null;
this._rendererFactory = rendererFactory || domRendererFactory3;
this.hostView = renderTemplate(
(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
decls, vars, null !, this._rendererFactory, null, this._directiveDefs, this._pipeDefs,
sanitizer, this._consts);
* Update the existing template
* @param updateBlock Optional update block.
update(updateBlock?: () => void): void {
this.hostElement, updateBlock || this.updateBlock, 0, this.vars, null !,
this._rendererFactory, this.hostView, this._directiveDefs, this._pipeDefs, this._sanitizer,
destroy(): void {
* Fixture for testing Components in a convenient way.
export class ComponentFixture<T> extends BaseFixture {
component: T;
requestAnimationFrame: {(fn: () => void): void; flush(): void; queue: (() => void)[];};
constructor(private componentType: ComponentType<T>, opts: {
injector?: Injector,
sanitizer?: Sanitizer,
rendererFactory?: RendererFactory3,
playerHandler?: PlayerHandler
} = {}) {
this.requestAnimationFrame = function(fn: () => void) {
} as any;
this.requestAnimationFrame.queue = [];
this.requestAnimationFrame.flush = function() {
while (requestAnimationFrame.queue.length) {
requestAnimationFrame.queue.shift() !();
this.component = _renderComponent(componentType, {
host: this.hostElement,
scheduler: this.requestAnimationFrame,
injector: opts.injector,
sanitizer: opts.sanitizer,
rendererFactory: opts.rendererFactory || domRendererFactory3,
playerHandler: opts.playerHandler
update(): void {
destroy(): void {
// Skip removing the DOM element if it has already been removed (the view has already
// been destroyed).
if (this.hostElement.parentNode === this.containerElement) {
// The methods below use global state and we should stop using them.
// Fixtures above are preferred way of testing Components and Templates
export const document = ((typeof global == 'object' && global || window) as any).document;
export let containerEl: HTMLElement = null !;
let hostView: LView|null;
const isRenderer2 =
typeof process == 'object' && process.argv[3] && process.argv[3] === '--r=renderer2';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log(`Running tests with ${!isRenderer2 ? 'document' : 'Renderer2'} renderer...`);
const testRendererFactory: RendererFactory3 =
isRenderer2 ? getRendererFactory2(document) : domRendererFactory3;
export const requestAnimationFrame:
{(fn: () => void): void; flush(): void; queue: (() => void)[];} = function(fn: () => void) {
} as any;
requestAnimationFrame.flush = function() {
while (requestAnimationFrame.queue.length) {
requestAnimationFrame.queue.shift() !();
export function resetDOM() {
requestAnimationFrame.queue = [];
if (containerEl) {
try {
} catch (e) {
containerEl = document.createElement('div');
containerEl.setAttribute('host', '');
hostView = null;
// TODO: assert that the global state is clean (e.g. ngData, previousOrParentNode, etc)
* @param hostNode Existing node to render into.
* @param templateFn Template function with the instructions.
* @param decls The number of nodes, local refs, and pipes in this template
* @param context to pass into the template.
* @param providedRendererFactory renderer factory to use
* @param host The host element node to use
* @param directives Directive defs that should be used for matching
* @param pipes Pipe defs that should be used for matching
* @param consts Constants associated with the template.
export function renderTemplate<T>(
hostNode: RElement, templateFn: ComponentTemplate<T>, decls: number, vars: number, context: T,
providedRendererFactory: RendererFactory3, componentView: LView | null,
directives?: DirectiveDefListOrFactory | null, pipes?: PipeDefListOrFactory | null,
sanitizer?: Sanitizer | null, consts?: TAttributes[]): LView {
if (componentView === null) {
const renderer = providedRendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null);
// We need to create a root view so it's possible to look up the host element through its index
const tView = createTView(-1, null, 1, 0, null, null, null, null, null);
const hostLView = createLView(
null, tView, {}, LViewFlags.CheckAlways | LViewFlags.IsRoot, null, null,
providedRendererFactory, renderer);
selectView(hostLView, null); // SUSPECT! why do we need to enter the View?
const def: ComponentDef<any> = ɵɵdefineComponent({
selectors: [],
type: Object,
template: templateFn,
decls: decls,
vars: vars,
consts: consts,
def.directiveDefs = directives || null;
def.pipeDefs = pipes || null;
const componentTView = getOrCreateTView(def);
const hostTNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, hostLView[T_HOST], 0, TNodeType.Element, null, null);
hostLView[hostTNode.index] = hostNode;
componentView = createLView(
hostLView, componentTView, context, LViewFlags.CheckAlways, hostNode, hostTNode,
providedRendererFactory, renderer, sanitizer);
renderComponentOrTemplate(componentView, templateFn, context);
return componentView;
* @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture`
export function renderToHtml(
template: ComponentTemplate<any>, ctx: any, decls: number = 0, vars: number = 0,
directives?: DirectiveTypesOrFactory | null, pipes?: PipeTypesOrFactory | null,
providedRendererFactory?: RendererFactory3 | null, keepNgReflect = false,
consts?: TAttributes[]) {
hostView = renderTemplate(
containerEl, template, decls, vars, ctx, providedRendererFactory || testRendererFactory,
hostView, toDefs(directives, extractDirectiveDef), toDefs(pipes, extractPipeDef), null,
return toHtml(containerEl, keepNgReflect);
function toDefs(
types: DirectiveTypesOrFactory | undefined | null,
mapFn: (type: Type<any>) => DirectiveDef<any>): DirectiveDefList|null;
function toDefs(
types: PipeTypesOrFactory | undefined | null,
mapFn: (type: Type<any>) => PipeDef<any>): PipeDefList|null;
function toDefs(
types: Type<any>[] | (() => Type<any>[]) | undefined | null,
mapFn: (type: Type<any>) => PipeDef<any>| DirectiveDef<any>): any {
if (!types) return null;
if (typeof types == 'function') {
types = types();
// This is necessary so we can switch between the Render2 version and the Ivy version
// of special objects like ElementRef and TemplateRef.
* @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture`
export function renderComponent<T>(type: ComponentType<T>, opts?: CreateComponentOptions): T {
return _renderComponent(type, {
rendererFactory: opts && opts.rendererFactory || testRendererFactory,
host: containerEl,
scheduler: requestAnimationFrame,
sanitizer: opts ? opts.sanitizer : undefined,
hostFeatures: opts && opts.hostFeatures
* @deprecated use `TemplateFixture` or `ComponentFixture`
export function toHtml<T>(componentOrElement: T | RElement, keepNgReflect = false): string {
let element: any;
if (isComponentInstance(componentOrElement)) {
const context = getLContext(componentOrElement);
element = context ? context.native : null;
} else {
element = componentOrElement;
if (element) {
let html = stringifyElement(element);
if (!keepNgReflect) {
html = html.replace(/\sng-reflect-\S*="[^"]*"/g, '')
.replace(/<!--bindings=\{(\W.*\W\s*)?\}-->/g, '');
html = html.replace(/^<div host="">(.*)<\/div>$/, '$1')
.replace(/^<div fixture="mark">(.*)<\/div>$/, '$1')
.replace(/^<div host="mark">(.*)<\/div>$/, '$1')
.replace(' style=""', '')
.replace(/<!--container-->/g, '')
.replace(/<!--ng-container-->/g, '');
return html;
} else {
return '';
export function createComponent(
name: string, template: ComponentTemplate<any>, decls: number = 0, vars: number = 0,
directives: DirectiveTypesOrFactory = [], pipes: PipeTypesOrFactory = [],
viewQuery: ComponentTemplate<any>| null = null, providers: Provider[] = [],
viewProviders: Provider[] = [], hostBindings?: HostBindingsFunction<any>,
consts: TAttributes[] = []): ComponentType<any> {
return class Component {
value: any;
static ngFactoryDef = () => new Component;
static ngComponentDef = ɵɵdefineComponent({
type: Component,
selectors: [[name]],
decls: decls,
vars: vars,
template: template,
viewQuery: viewQuery,
directives: directives, hostBindings,
pipes: pipes,
features: (providers.length > 0 || viewProviders.length > 0)?
[ɵɵProvidersFeature(providers || [], viewProviders || [])]: [],
consts: consts,
export function createDirective(
name: string, {exportAs}: {exportAs?: string[]} = {}): DirectiveType<any> {
return class Directive {
static ngFactoryDef = () => new Directive();
static ngDirectiveDef = ɵɵdefineDirective({
type: Directive,
selectors: [['', name, '']],
exportAs: exportAs,
/** Gets the directive on the given node at the given index */
export function getDirectiveOnNode(nodeIndex: number, dirIndex: number = 0) {
const directives = getDirectivesAtNodeIndex(nodeIndex + HEADER_OFFSET, getLView(), true);
if (directives == null) {
throw new Error(`No directives exist on node in slot ${nodeIndex}`);
return directives[dirIndex];
// Verify that DOM is a type of render. This is here for error checking only and has no use.
export const renderer: Renderer3 = null as any as Document;
export const element: RElement = null as any as HTMLElement;
export const text: RText = null as any as Text;
* Switches between Render2 version of special objects like ElementRef and the Ivy version
* of these objects. It's necessary to keep them separate so that we don't pull in fns
* like injectElementRef() prematurely.
export function enableIvyInjectableFactories() {
(ElementRef as any)[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = () => R3_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY(ElementRef);
(TemplateRef as any)[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = () => R3_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY(TemplateRef, ElementRef);
(ViewContainerRef as any)[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = () =>
R3_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY(ViewContainerRef, ElementRef);
(ChangeDetectorRef as any)[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = () => R3_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY();
(Renderer2 as any)[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = () => R3_RENDERER2_FACTORY();
export class MockRendererFactory implements RendererFactory3 {
lastRenderer: any;
private _spyOnMethods: string[];
constructor(spyOnMethods?: string[]) { this._spyOnMethods = spyOnMethods || []; }
createRenderer(hostElement: RElement|null, rendererType: RendererType2|null): Renderer3 {
const renderer = this.lastRenderer = new MockRenderer(this._spyOnMethods);
return renderer;
class MockRenderer implements ProceduralRenderer3 {
public spies: {[methodName: string]: any} = {};
constructor(spyOnMethods: string[]) {
spyOnMethods.forEach(methodName => {
this.spies[methodName] = spyOn(this as any, methodName).and.callThrough();
destroy(): void {}
createComment(value: string): RComment { return document.createComment(value); }
createElement(name: string, namespace?: string|null): RElement {
return namespace ? document.createElementNS(namespace, name) : document.createElement(name);
createText(value: string): RText { return document.createTextNode(value); }
appendChild(parent: RElement, newChild: RNode): void { parent.appendChild(newChild); }
insertBefore(parent: RNode, newChild: RNode, refChild: RNode|null): void {
parent.insertBefore(newChild, refChild, false);
removeChild(parent: RElement, oldChild: RNode): void { parent.removeChild(oldChild); }
selectRootElement(selectorOrNode: string|any): RElement {
return ({} as any);
parentNode(node: RNode): RElement|null { return node.parentNode as RElement; }
nextSibling(node: RNode): RNode|null { return node.nextSibling; }
setAttribute(el: RElement, name: string, value: string, namespace?: string|null): void {
// set all synthetic attributes as properties
if (name[0] === '@') {
this.setProperty(el, name, value);
} else {
el.setAttribute(name, value);
removeAttribute(el: RElement, name: string, namespace?: string|null): void {}
addClass(el: RElement, name: string): void {}
removeClass(el: RElement, name: string): void {}
el: RElement, style: string, value: any,
flags?: RendererStyleFlags2|RendererStyleFlags3): void {}
removeStyle(el: RElement, style: string, flags?: RendererStyleFlags2|RendererStyleFlags3): void {}
setProperty(el: RElement, name: string, value: any): void { (el as any)[name] = value; }
setValue(node: RText, value: string): void { node.textContent = value; }
// TODO(misko): Deprecate in favor of addEventListener/removeEventListener
listen(target: RNode, eventName: string, callback: (event: any) => boolean | void): () => void {
return () => {};