closes #371 This change makes the exclude (ignore) paths work properly. Unfortunately this will not pick up "new" files that are added after the watch has begun. Once gulp 4.0 is released, this will be fixed.
494 lines
16 KiB
494 lines
16 KiB
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var taskListing = require('gulp-task-listing');
var path = require('canonical-path');
var del = require('del');
var _ = require('lodash');
var argv = require('yargs').argv;
var Q = require("q");
// delPromise is a 'promise' version of del
var delPromise = Q.denodeify(del);
var Minimatch = require("minimatch").Minimatch;
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
var Package = require('dgeni').Package;
var fsExtra = require('fs-extra');
var fs = fsExtra;
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var execPromise = Q.denodeify(exec);
var prompt = require('prompt');
// TODO:
// 1. Think about using runSequence
// 2. Think about using spawn instead of exec in case of long error messages.
var TOOLS_PATH = './tools';
var ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH = '../angular';
var PUBLIC_PATH = './public';
var DOCS_PATH = path.join(PUBLIC_PATH, 'docs');
var NOT_API_DOCS_GLOB = path.join(PUBLIC_PATH, './{docs/*/latest/!(api),!(docs)}/**/*');
var RESOURCES_PATH = path.join(PUBLIC_PATH, 'resources');
var docShredder = require(path.resolve(TOOLS_PATH, 'doc-shredder/doc-shredder'));
var exampleZipper = require(path.resolve(TOOLS_PATH, '_example-zipper/exampleZipper'));
var _devguideShredOptions = {
examplesDir: path.join(DOCS_PATH, '_examples'),
fragmentsDir: path.join(DOCS_PATH, '_fragments'),
zipDir: path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'zips')
var _apiShredOptions = {
examplesDir: path.join(ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH, 'modules/angular2/examples'),
fragmentsDir: path.join(DOCS_PATH, '_fragments/_api'),
zipDir: path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'zips/api')
var _excludePatterns = ['**/node_modules/**', '**/typings/**', '**/packages/**'];
var _excludeMatchers ={
return new Minimatch(excludePattern)
// Public tasks
gulp.task('default', ['help']);
gulp.task('help', taskListing.withFilters(function(taskName) {
var isSubTask = taskName.substr(0,1) == "_";
return isSubTask;
}, function(taskName) {
var shouldRemove = taskName === 'default';
return shouldRemove;
gulp.task('serve-and-sync', ['build-docs'], function (cb) {
watchAndSync({devGuide: true, apiDocs: true, apiExamples: true, localFiles: true}, cb);
gulp.task('serve-and-sync-api-docs', ['build-docs'], function (cb) {
watchAndSync({apiDocs: true, apiExamples: true}, cb);
gulp.task('serve-and-sync-devGuide', ['build-docs'], function (cb) {
watchAndSync({devGuide: true}, cb);
gulp.task('build-and-serve', ['build-docs'], function (cb) {
watchAndSync({localFiles: true}, cb);
gulp.task('build-docs', ['build-devguide-docs', 'build-api-docs', '_zip-examples']);
gulp.task('build-api-docs', ['build-js-api-docs', 'build-ts-api-docs']);
gulp.task('build-devguide-docs', ['_shred-devguide-examples'], function() {
return buildShredMaps(true);
gulp.task('build-ts-api-docs', ['_shred-api-examples'], function() {
return buildApiDocs('ts');
gulp.task('build-js-api-docs', ['_shred-api-examples'], function() {
return buildApiDocs('js');
gulp.task('git-changed-examples', ['_shred-devguide-examples'], function(){
var after, sha, messageSuffix;
if (argv.after) {
try {
after = new Date(argv.after);
messageSuffix = ' after: ' + argv.after;
} catch (e) {
throw argv.after + " is not a valid date.";
} else if (argv.sha) {
sha = argv.sha;
messageSuffix = ' on commit: ' + (argv.sha.length ? argv.sha : '[last commit]');
} else {
gutil.log('git-changed-examples may be called with either an "--sha" argument like this:');
gutil.log(' gulp git-changed-examples --sha=4d2ac96fa247306ddd2d4c4e0c8dee2223502eb2');
gutil.log('or with an "--after" argument like this')
gutil.log(' gulp git-changed-examples --after="August 1, 2015"');
var jadeShredMap;
return buildShredMaps(false).then(function(docs) {
jadeShredMap = docs[0];
if (after) {
return getChangedExamplesAfter(after);
} else if (sha) {
return getChangedExamples(sha);
} else {
gutil.log('git-changed-examples may be called with either an "--sha" argument like this:');
gutil.log(' gulp git-changed-examples --sha=4d2ac96fa247306ddd2d4c4e0c8dee2223502eb2');
gutil.log('or with an "--after" argument like this')
gutil.log(' gulp git-changed-examples --after="August 1, 2015"');
}).then(function(examplePaths) {
examplePaths = filterOutExcludedPatterns(examplePaths, _excludeMatchers);
gutil.log('\nExamples changed ' + messageSuffix);
gutil.log("\nJade files affected by changed example files " + messageSuffix);
var jadeExampleMap = jadeShredMapToJadeExampleMap(jadeShredMap, examplePaths);
gutil.log(JSON.stringify(jadeExampleMap, null, " "));
}).catch(function(err) {
throw err;
gulp.task('check-deploy', ['build-docs'], function() {
gutil.log('running harp compile...');
return execPromise('npm run harp -- compile . ./www', {}).then(function() {
execPromise('npm run live-server ./www');
return askDeploy();
}).then(function(shouldDeploy) {
if (shouldDeploy) {
return execPromise('firebase deploy');
} else {
return ['Not deploying'];
}).then(function(s) {
gulp.task('test-api-builder', function (cb) {
execCommands(['npm run test-api-builder'], {}, cb);
// Internal tasks
gulp.task('_shred-devguide-examples', ['_shred-clean-devguide'], function() {
return docShredder.shred( _devguideShredOptions);
gulp.task('_shred-clean-devguide', function(cb) {
var cleanPath = path.join(_devguideShredOptions.fragmentsDir, '**/*.*')
return delPromise([ cleanPath, '!**/*.ovr.*', '!**/_api/**']);
gulp.task('_shred-api-examples', ['_shred-clean-api'], function() {
return docShredder.shred( _apiShredOptions);
gulp.task('_shred-clean-api', function(cb) {
var cleanPath = path.join(_apiShredOptions.fragmentsDir, '**/*.*')
return delPromise([ cleanPath, '!**/*.ovr.*' ]);
gulp.task('_zip-examples', function() {
exampleZipper.zipExamples(_devguideShredOptions.examplesDir, _devguideShredOptions.zipDir);
exampleZipper.zipExamples(_apiShredOptions.examplesDir, _apiShredOptions.zipDir);
// Helper functions
function watchAndSync(options, cb) {
execCommands(['npm run harp -- server .'], {}, cb);
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
browserSync.init({proxy: 'localhost:9000'});
if (options.devGuide) {
devGuideExamplesWatch(_devguideShredOptions, browserSync.reload);
if (options.apiDocs) {
if (options.apiExamples) {
if (options.localFiles) {
|, browserSync.reload);
// returns a promise;
function askDeploy() {
var schema = {
name: 'shouldDeploy',
description: 'Deploy to Firebase? (y/n): ',
type: 'string',
pattern: /Y|N|y|n/,
message: "Respond with either a 'y' or 'n'",
required: true
var getPromise = Q.denodeify(prompt.get);
return getPromise([schema]).then(function(result) {
return result.shouldDeploy.toLowerCase() === 'y';
function filterOutExcludedPatterns(fileNames, excludeMatchers) {
return fileNames.filter(function(fileName) {
return !excludeMatchers.some(function(excludeMatcher) {
return excludeMatcher.match(fileName);
function apiSourceWatch(postBuildAction) {
var srcPattern = [path.join(ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH, 'modules/angular2/src/**/*.*')];
|, {readDelay: 500}, function (event, done) {
gutil.log('API source changed');
gutil.log('Event type: ' + event.event); // added, changed, or deleted
gutil.log('Event path: ' + event.path); // The path of the modified file
return Q.all([buildApiDocs('ts'), buildApiDocs('js')]).then(postBuildAction);
function apiExamplesWatch(postShredAction) {
var examplesPath = path.join(ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH, 'modules/angular2/examples/**');
var includePattern = path.join(examplesPath, '**/*.*');
var excludePattern = '!' + path.join(examplesPath, '**/node_modules/**/*.*');
var cleanPath = [path.join(_apiShredOptions.fragmentsDir, '**/*.*'), '!**/*.ovr.*'];
|[includePattern, excludePattern], {readDelay: 500}, function (event, done) {
gutil.log('API example changed');
gutil.log('Event type: ' + event.type); // added, changed, or deleted
gutil.log('Event path: ' + event.path); // The path of the modified file
return delPromise(cleanPath).then(function() {
return docShredder.shred(_apiShredOptions);
function devGuideExamplesWatch(shredOptions, postShredAction) {
var includePattern = path.join(shredOptions.examplesDir, '**/*.*');
var excludePattern = '!' + path.join(shredOptions.examplesDir, '**/node_modules/**/*.*');
|[includePattern, excludePattern], {readDelay: 500}, function (event, done) {
gutil.log('Dev Guide example changed')
gutil.log('Event type: ' + event.type); // added, changed, or deleted
gutil.log('Event path: ' + event.path); // The path of the modified file
return docShredder.shredSingleDir(shredOptions, event.path).then(postShredAction);
// Generate the API docs for the specified language, if not specified then it defaults to ts
function buildApiDocs(targetLanguage) {
var ALLOWED_LANGUAGES = ['ts', 'js'];
try {
// Build a specialized package to generate different versions of the API docs
var package = new Package('apiDocs', [require(path.resolve(TOOLS_PATH, 'api-builder/'))]);
package.config(function(targetEnvironments, writeFilesProcessor) {
ALLOWED_LANGUAGES.forEach(function(target) { targetEnvironments.addAllowed(target); });
if (targetLanguage) {
writeFilesProcessor.outputFolder = targetLanguage + '/latest/api';
var dgeni = new Dgeni([package]);
return dgeni.generate();
} catch(err) {
throw err;
function copyApiDocsToJsFolder() {
// Make a copy of the JS API docs to the TS folder
return gulp.src([path.join(DOCS_PATH, 'ts/latest/api/**/*.*'), '!' + path.join(DOCS_PATH, 'ts/latest/api/index.jade')])
function buildShredMaps(shouldWrite) {
var options = {
devguideExamplesDir: _devguideShredOptions.examplesDir,
apiExamplesDir: _apiShredOptions.examplesDir,
fragmentsDir: _devguideShredOptions.fragmentsDir,
jadeDir: './public/docs',
outputDir: './public/docs',
writeFilesEnabled: shouldWrite
return docShredder.buildShredMap(options).then(function(docs) {
return docs;
// returns a promise containing filePaths with any changed or added examples;
function getChangedExamples(sha) {
var Git = require("nodegit");
var examplesPath = _devguideShredOptions.examplesDir;
var relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), examplesPath);
return".").then(function(repo) {
if (sha.length) {
return repo.getCommit(sha);
} else {
return repo.getHeadCommit();
}).then(function(commit) {
return getChangedExamplesForCommit(commit, relativePath);
}).catch(function(err) {
function getChangedExamplesAfter(date, relativePath) {
var Git = require("nodegit");
var examplesPath = _devguideShredOptions.examplesDir;
var relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), examplesPath);
return".").then(function(repo) {
return repo.getHeadCommit();
}).then(function(commit) {
var repo = commit.owner();
var revWalker = repo.createRevWalk();
return revWalker.getCommitsUntil(function (commit) {
return > date.getTime();
}).then(function(commits) {
return Q.all( {
return getChangedExamplesForCommit(commit, relativePath);
}).then(function(arrayOfPaths) {
var pathMap = {};
arrayOfPaths.forEach(function(paths) {
paths.forEach(function(path) {
pathMap[path] = true;
var uniqPaths = _.keys(pathMap);
return uniqPaths;
}).catch(function(err) {
var x = err;
function getChangedExamplesForCommit(commit, relativePath) {
return commit.getDiff().then(function(diffList) {
var filePaths = [];
diffList.forEach(function (diff) {
diff.patches().forEach(function (patch) {
if (patch.isAdded() || patch.isModified) {
var filePath = path.normalize(patch.newFile().path());
var isExample = filePath.indexOf(relativePath) >= 0;
// gutil.log(filePath + " isExample: " + isExample);
if (isExample) {
return filePaths;
function jadeShredMapToJadeExampleMap(jadeShredMap, examplePaths) {
// remove dups in examplePaths
var exampleSet = {};
examplePaths.forEach(function(examplePath) {
exampleSet[examplePath] = examplePath;
var basePath = path.resolve(".");
var jadeToFragMap = jadeShredMap.jadeToFragMap;
var jadeExampleMap = {};
for (var jadePath in jadeToFragMap) {
var relativeJadePath = path.relative(basePath, jadePath);
var vals = jadeToFragMap[jadePath];
vals.forEach(function(val) {
var relativeExamplePath = path.relative(basePath, val.examplePath);
if (exampleSet[relativeExamplePath] != null) {
addKeyValue(jadeExampleMap, relativeJadePath, relativeExamplePath);
return jadeExampleMap;
function jadeShredMapToExampleJadeMap(jadeShredMap) {
var jadeToFragMap = jadeShredMap.jadeToFragMap;
var exampleJadeMap = {};
for (var jadePath in jadeToFragMap) {
var vals = jadeToFragMap[jadePath];
vals.forEach(function(val) {
var examplePath = val.examplePath;
addKeyValue(exampleJadeMap, examplePath, jadePath);
return exampleJadeMap;
function addKeyValue(map, key, value) {
var vals = map[key];
if (vals) {
if (vals.indexOf(value) == -1) {
} else {
map[key] = [value];
// Synchronously execute a chain of commands.
// cmds: an array of commands
// options: { shouldLog: true, shouldThrow: true }
// cb: function(err, stdout, stderr)
function execCommands(cmds, options, cb) {
options = options || {};
options.shouldThrow = options.shouldThrow == null ? true : options.shouldThrow;
options.shouldLog = options.shouldLog == null ? true : options.shouldLog;
if (!cmds || cmds.length == 0) cb(null, null, null);
var exec = require('child_process').exec; // just to make it more portable.
exec(cmds[0], options, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err == null) {
if (options.shouldLog) {
gutil.log('cmd: ' + cmds[0]);
gutil.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
if (cmds.length == 1) {
cb(err, stdout, stderr);
} else {
execCommands(cmds.slice(1), options, cb);
} else {
if (options.shouldLog) {
gutil.log('exec error on cmd: ' + cmds[0]);
gutil.log('exec error: ' + err);
if (stdout) gutil.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
if (stderr) gutil.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
if (err && options.shouldThrow) throw err;
cb(err, stdout, stderr);
function checkAngularProjectPath() {
if (!fs.existsSync(ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH)) {
throw new Error('API related tasks require the angular2 repo to be at ' + path.resolve(ANGULAR_PROJECT_PATH));