
200 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AST, Attribute, BoundDirectivePropertyAst, BoundEventAst, ElementAst, TemplateAst, TemplateAstPath, findNode, tokenReference} from '@angular/compiler';
import {getExpressionScope} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/language_services';
import {TemplateInfo} from './common';
import {getExpressionSymbol} from './expressions';
import {Definition, Location, Span, Symbol, SymbolTable} from './types';
import {diagnosticInfoFromTemplateInfo, findTemplateAstAt, inSpan, offsetSpan, spanOf} from './utils';
export interface SymbolInfo {
symbol: Symbol;
span: Span;
export function locateSymbol(info: TemplateInfo): SymbolInfo|undefined {
if (!info.position) return undefined;
const templatePosition = info.position - info.template.span.start;
const path = findTemplateAstAt(info.templateAst, templatePosition);
if (path.tail) {
let symbol: Symbol|undefined = undefined;
let span: Span|undefined = undefined;
const attributeValueSymbol = (ast: AST, inEvent: boolean = false): boolean => {
const attribute = findAttribute(info);
if (attribute) {
if (inSpan(templatePosition, spanOf(attribute.valueSpan))) {
const dinfo = diagnosticInfoFromTemplateInfo(info);
const scope = getExpressionScope(dinfo, path, inEvent);
if (attribute.valueSpan) {
const expressionOffset = attribute.valueSpan.start.offset + 1;
const result = getExpressionSymbol(
scope, ast, templatePosition - expressionOffset, info.template.query);
if (result) {
symbol = result.symbol;
span = offsetSpan(result.span, expressionOffset);
return true;
return false;
visitNgContent(ast) {},
visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast) {},
visitElement(ast) {
const component = ast.directives.find(d => d.directive.isComponent);
if (component) {
symbol = info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(component.directive.type.reference);
symbol = symbol && new OverrideKindSymbol(symbol, 'component');
span = spanOf(ast);
} else {
// Find a directive that matches the element name
const directive = ast.directives.find(
d => d.directive.selector != null && d.directive.selector.indexOf( >= 0);
if (directive) {
symbol = info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(directive.directive.type.reference);
symbol = symbol && new OverrideKindSymbol(symbol, 'directive');
span = spanOf(ast);
visitReference(ast) {
symbol = ast.value && info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(tokenReference(ast.value));
span = spanOf(ast);
visitVariable(ast) {},
visitEvent(ast) {
if (!attributeValueSymbol(ast.handler, /* inEvent */ true)) {
symbol = findOutputBinding(info, path, ast);
symbol = symbol && new OverrideKindSymbol(symbol, 'event');
span = spanOf(ast);
visitElementProperty(ast) { attributeValueSymbol(ast.value); },
visitAttr(ast) {},
visitBoundText(ast) {
const expressionPosition = templatePosition - ast.sourceSpan.start.offset;
if (inSpan(expressionPosition, ast.value.span)) {
const dinfo = diagnosticInfoFromTemplateInfo(info);
const scope = getExpressionScope(dinfo, path, /* includeEvent */ false);
const result =
getExpressionSymbol(scope, ast.value, expressionPosition, info.template.query);
if (result) {
symbol = result.symbol;
span = offsetSpan(result.span, ast.sourceSpan.start.offset);
visitText(ast) {},
visitDirective(ast) {
symbol = info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(ast.directive.type.reference);
span = spanOf(ast);
visitDirectiveProperty(ast) {
if (!attributeValueSymbol(ast.value)) {
symbol = findInputBinding(info, path, ast);
span = spanOf(ast);
if (symbol && span) {
return {symbol, span: offsetSpan(span, info.template.span.start)};
function findAttribute(info: TemplateInfo): Attribute|undefined {
if (info.position) {
const templatePosition = info.position - info.template.span.start;
const path = findNode(info.htmlAst, templatePosition);
return path.first(Attribute);
function findInputBinding(
info: TemplateInfo, path: TemplateAstPath, binding: BoundDirectivePropertyAst): Symbol|
undefined {
const element = path.first(ElementAst);
if (element) {
for (const directive of element.directives) {
const invertedInput = invertMap(directive.directive.inputs);
const fieldName = invertedInput[binding.templateName];
if (fieldName) {
const classSymbol = info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(directive.directive.type.reference);
if (classSymbol) {
return classSymbol.members().get(fieldName);
function findOutputBinding(
info: TemplateInfo, path: TemplateAstPath, binding: BoundEventAst): Symbol|undefined {
const element = path.first(ElementAst);
if (element) {
for (const directive of element.directives) {
const invertedOutputs = invertMap(directive.directive.outputs);
const fieldName = invertedOutputs[];
if (fieldName) {
const classSymbol = info.template.query.getTypeSymbol(directive.directive.type.reference);
if (classSymbol) {
return classSymbol.members().get(fieldName);
function invertMap(obj: {[name: string]: string}): {[name: string]: string} {
const result: {[name: string]: string} = {};
for (const name of Object.keys(obj)) {
const v = obj[name];
result[v] = name;
return result;
* Wrap a symbol and change its kind to component.
class OverrideKindSymbol implements Symbol {
constructor(private sym: Symbol, private kindOverride: string) {}
get name(): string { return; }
get kind(): string { return this.kindOverride; }
get language(): string { return this.sym.language; }
get type(): Symbol|undefined { return this.sym.type; }
get container(): Symbol|undefined { return this.sym.container; }
get public(): boolean { return this.sym.public; }
get callable(): boolean { return this.sym.callable; }
get nullable(): boolean { return this.sym.nullable; }
get definition(): Definition { return this.sym.definition; }
members() { return this.sym.members(); }
signatures() { return this.sym.signatures(); }
selectSignature(types: Symbol[]) { return this.sym.selectSignature(types); }
indexed(argument: Symbol) { return this.sym.indexed(argument); }