This change adds Github edit and view links to methods and decorator options. It is possible to add these to properties also but the UI is rather tight as these are displayed in a table. PR Close #24000
185 lines
7.6 KiB
185 lines
7.6 KiB
{% import "lib/githubLinks.html" as github -%}
{% import "lib/paramList.html" as params -%}
{%- macro renderHeritage(exportDoc) -%}
{%- if exportDoc.extendsClauses.length %} extends {% for clause in exportDoc.extendsClauses -%}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ clause.doc.path $}">{$ clause.text $}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{%- if exportDoc.implementsClauses.length %} implements {% for clause in exportDoc.implementsClauses -%}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ clause.doc.path $}">{$ clause.text $}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMembers(doc) -%}
{%- for member in doc.staticProperties %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% for member in doc.staticMethods %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% if doc.constructorDoc and not doc.constructorDoc.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ doc.constructorDoc.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(doc.constructorDoc, 1) $}</a>{% endif -%}
{% for member in doc.properties %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{% for member in doc.methods %}{% if not member.internal %}
<a class="code-anchor" href="{$ doc.path $}#{$ member.anchor | urlencode $}">{$ renderMemberSyntax(member, 1) $}</a>{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{%- for ancestor in doc.extendsClauses %}{% if ancestor.doc %}
// inherited from <a class="code-anchor" href="{$ ancestor.doc.path $}">{$ ancestor.doc.id $}</a>{$ renderMembers(ancestor.doc) $}{% endif %}{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMemberSyntax(member, truncateLines) -%}
{%- if member.accessibility !== 'public' %}{$ member.accessibility $} {% endif -%}
{%- if member.isAbstract %}abstract {% endif -%}
{%- if member.isStatic %}static {% endif -%}
{%- if (member.isGetAccessor or member.isReadonly) and not member.isSetAccessor %}get {% endif -%}
{%- if member.isSetAccessor and not member.isGetAccessor %}set {% endif -%}
{$ member.name $}{$ member.typeParameters | escape $}{% if not member.isGetAccessor %}{$ params.paramList(member.parameters, truncateLines) | trim $}{% endif %}
{%- if member.isOptional %}?{% endif -%}
{$ params.returnType(member.type) | trim | truncateCode(truncateLines) $}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass, method) -%}
<code-example language="ts" hideCopy="true" class="no-box api-heading">{$ renderMemberSyntax(overload) $}</code-example>
{% if overload.shortDescription and (overload.shortDescription != method.shortDescription) %}
<div class="short-description">
{$ overload.shortDescription | marked $}
</div>{% endif %}
<h4 class="no-anchor">Parameters</h4>
{$ params.renderParameters(overload.parameterDocs, cssClass + '-parameters', cssClass + '-parameter') $}
{% if overload.type or overload.returns.type %}
<h4 class="no-anchor">Returns</h4>
{% marked %}`{$ (overload.type or overload.returns.type) $}`{% if overload.returns %}: {$ overload.returns.description $}{% endif %}{% endmarked %}
{% endif %}
{% if overload.throws.length %}
<h4 class="no-anchor">Throws</h4>
{% for error in overload.throws %}
{% marked %}`{$ (error.typeList or 'Error') $}` {$ error.description $}{% endmarked %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if overload.description and (overload.description != method.description) -%}
<div class="description">
{$ overload.description | marked $}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMethodDetail(versionInfo, method, cssClass) -%}
<a id="{$ method.anchor $}"></a>
<table class="is-full-width method-table {$ cssClass $}">
{% if method.name !== 'constructor' %}<thead><tr><th>
{% if method.isCallMember %}<i>call signature</i>
{% elseif method.isNewMember %}<i>construct signature</i>
{% else %}{$ method.name $}()
{% endif %}
{$ github.githubLinks(method, versionInfo) $}
</th></tr></thead>{% endif %}
{% if method.shortDescription %}<tr>
<td class="short-description">
{$ method.shortDescription | marked $}
</tr>{% endif %}
{% if method.overloads.length == 0 %}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(method, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% elseif method.overloads.length < 3 -%}
{% for overload in method.overloads -%}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% endfor -%}
{% else -%}
<details class="overloads">
<summary><h4 class="no-anchor">{$ method.overloads.length $} overloads...</h4></summary>
<div class="detail-contents">
{% for overload in method.overloads %}
{$ renderOverloadInfo(overload, cssClass + '-overload', method) $}
{% if not loop.last %}<hr class="hr-margin fullwidth">{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if method.description -%}
<td class="description">
{$ method.description | marked({ h3: 'h4' }) $}
{%- endif %}
{% if method.usageNotes -%}
<td class="usage-notes">
{$ method.usageNotes | marked({ h3: 'h4' }) $}
{%- endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderMethodDetails(versionInfo, methods, containerClass, itemClass, headingText) -%}
{% set nonInternalMethods = methods | filterByPropertyValue('internal', undefined) %}
{% if nonInternalMethods.length %}
<section class="{$ containerClass $}">
<h2>{$ headingText $}</h2>
{% for member in nonInternalMethods %}
{$ renderMethodDetail(versionInfo, member, itemClass) $}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro renderProperties(properties, containerClass, propertyClass, headingText, headings) -%}
{% set nonInternalProperties = properties | filterByPropertyValue('internal', undefined) %}
{% set hasTypes = properties | hasValues('type') %}
{% if nonInternalProperties.length -%}
<section class="{$ containerClass $}">
<h2>{$ headingText $}</h2>
<table class="is-full-width list-table property-table">
<th>{$ headings[0] or 'Property' $}</th>
{% if hasTypes %}<th>{$ headings[1] or 'Type' $}</th>{% endif %}
<th>{$ headings[2] or 'Description' $}</th>
{% for property in nonInternalProperties %}
<tr class="{$ propertyClass $}">
<td><a id="{$ property.anchor $}"></a>{$ property.name $}</td>
{% if hasTypes %}<td><label class="property-type-label"><code>{$ property.type | escape $}</code></label></td>{% endif %}
{%- if (property.isGetAccessor or property.isReadonly) and not property.isSetAccessor %}<span class='read-only-property'>Read-only.</span>{% endif %}
{% if property.shortDescription %}{$ property.shortDescription | marked $}{% endif %}
{$ (property.description or property.constructorParamDoc.description) | marked $}
{% if property.constructorParamDoc %} <span class='from-constructor'>Declared in constructor.</span>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}