Destructuring of the form: function foo({a, b}: {a?, b?} = {}) breaks strictNullChecks, due to the TypeScript bug This change eliminates usage of destructuring in function argument lists in cases where it would leak into the public API .d.ts.
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/** @stable */
export declare class ActivatedRoute {
readonly children: ActivatedRoute[];
component: Type<any> | string | null;
data: Observable<Data>;
readonly firstChild: ActivatedRoute | null;
fragment: Observable<string>;
outlet: string;
readonly paramMap: Observable<ParamMap>;
params: Observable<Params>;
readonly parent: ActivatedRoute | null;
readonly pathFromRoot: ActivatedRoute[];
readonly queryParamMap: Observable<ParamMap>;
queryParams: Observable<Params>;
readonly root: ActivatedRoute;
readonly routeConfig: Route | null;
snapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
url: Observable<UrlSegment[]>;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
readonly children: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[];
component: Type<any> | string | null;
data: Data;
readonly firstChild: ActivatedRouteSnapshot | null;
fragment: string;
outlet: string;
readonly paramMap: ParamMap;
params: Params;
readonly parent: ActivatedRouteSnapshot | null;
readonly pathFromRoot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[];
readonly queryParamMap: ParamMap;
queryParams: Params;
readonly root: ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
readonly routeConfig: Route | null;
url: UrlSegment[];
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export interface CanActivate {
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean;
/** @stable */
export interface CanActivateChild {
canActivateChild(childRoute: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean;
/** @stable */
export interface CanDeactivate<T> {
canDeactivate(component: T, currentRoute: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, currentState: RouterStateSnapshot, nextState?: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean;
/** @stable */
export interface CanLoad {
canLoad(route: Route): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare class ChildrenOutletContexts {
getContext(childName: string): OutletContext | null;
getOrCreateContext(childName: string): OutletContext;
onChildOutletCreated(childName: string, outlet: RouterOutlet): void;
onChildOutletDestroyed(childName: string): void;
onOutletDeactivated(): Map<string, OutletContext>;
onOutletReAttached(contexts: Map<string, OutletContext>): void;
/** @stable */
export declare function convertToParamMap(params: Params): ParamMap;
/** @stable */
export declare type Data = {
[name: string]: any;
/** @stable */
export declare class DefaultUrlSerializer implements UrlSerializer {
parse(url: string): UrlTree;
serialize(tree: UrlTree): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare type DetachedRouteHandle = {};
/** @stable */
export declare type Event = NavigationStart | NavigationEnd | NavigationCancel | NavigationError | RoutesRecognized | RouteConfigLoadStart | RouteConfigLoadEnd;
/** @stable */
export interface ExtraOptions {
enableTracing?: boolean;
errorHandler?: ErrorHandler;
initialNavigation?: InitialNavigation;
preloadingStrategy?: any;
useHash?: boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare type LoadChildren = string | LoadChildrenCallback;
/** @stable */
export declare type LoadChildrenCallback = () => Type<any> | NgModuleFactory<any> | Promise<Type<any>> | Observable<Type<any>>;
/** @stable */
export declare class NavigationCancel {
id: number;
reason: string;
url: string;
id: number,
url: string,
reason: string);
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class NavigationEnd {
id: number;
url: string;
urlAfterRedirects: string;
id: number,
url: string,
urlAfterRedirects: string);
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class NavigationError {
error: any;
id: number;
url: string;
id: number,
url: string,
error: any);
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export interface NavigationExtras {
fragment?: string;
preserveFragment?: boolean;
/** @deprecated */ preserveQueryParams?: boolean;
queryParams?: Params | null;
queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling | null;
relativeTo?: ActivatedRoute | null;
replaceUrl?: boolean;
skipLocationChange?: boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare class NavigationStart {
id: number;
url: string;
id: number,
url: string);
toString(): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class NoPreloading implements PreloadingStrategy {
preload(route: Route, fn: () => Observable<any>): Observable<any>;
/** @stable */
export declare class OutletContext {
attachRef: ComponentRef<any> | null;
children: ChildrenOutletContexts;
outlet: RouterOutlet | null;
resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver | null;
route: ActivatedRoute | null;
/** @stable */
export interface ParamMap {
readonly keys: string[];
get(name: string): string | null;
getAll(name: string): string[];
has(name: string): boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare type Params = {
[key: string]: any;
/** @experimental */
export declare class PreloadAllModules implements PreloadingStrategy {
preload(route: Route, fn: () => Observable<any>): Observable<any>;
/** @experimental */
export declare abstract class PreloadingStrategy {
abstract preload(route: Route, fn: () => Observable<any>): Observable<any>;
/** @stable */
export declare const PRIMARY_OUTLET = "primary";
/** @stable */
export declare function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any;
/** @stable */
export interface Resolve<T> {
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<T> | Promise<T> | T;
/** @stable */
export declare type ResolveData = {
[name: string]: any;
/** @stable */
export interface Route {
canActivate?: any[];
canActivateChild?: any[];
canDeactivate?: any[];
canLoad?: any[];
children?: Routes;
component?: Type<any>;
data?: Data;
loadChildren?: LoadChildren;
matcher?: UrlMatcher;
outlet?: string;
path?: string;
pathMatch?: string;
redirectTo?: string;
resolve?: ResolveData;
runGuardsAndResolvers?: RunGuardsAndResolvers;
/** @experimental */
export declare class RouteConfigLoadEnd {
route: Route;
constructor(route: Route);
toString(): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare class RouteConfigLoadStart {
route: Route;
constructor(route: Route);
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class Router {
config: Routes;
errorHandler: ErrorHandler;
readonly events: Observable<Event>;
navigated: boolean;
routeReuseStrategy: RouteReuseStrategy;
readonly routerState: RouterState;
readonly url: string;
urlHandlingStrategy: UrlHandlingStrategy;
constructor(rootComponentType: Type<any> | null, urlSerializer: UrlSerializer, rootContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts, location: Location, injector: Injector, loader: NgModuleFactoryLoader, compiler: Compiler, config: Routes);
createUrlTree(commands: any[], navigationExtras?: NavigationExtras): UrlTree;
dispose(): void;
initialNavigation(): void;
isActive(url: string | UrlTree, exact: boolean): boolean;
navigate(commands: any[], extras?: NavigationExtras): Promise<boolean>;
navigateByUrl(url: string | UrlTree, extras?: NavigationExtras): Promise<boolean>;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
parseUrl(url: string): UrlTree;
resetConfig(config: Routes): void;
serializeUrl(url: UrlTree): string;
setUpLocationChangeListener(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare const ROUTER_CONFIGURATION: InjectionToken<ExtraOptions>;
/** @experimental */
export declare const ROUTER_INITIALIZER: InjectionToken<(compRef: ComponentRef<any>) => void>;
/** @experimental */
export declare abstract class RouteReuseStrategy {
abstract retrieve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): DetachedRouteHandle | null;
abstract shouldAttach(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean;
abstract shouldDetach(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean;
abstract shouldReuseRoute(future: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, curr: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean;
abstract store(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, handle: DetachedRouteHandle | null): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterLink {
fragment: string;
preserveFragment: boolean;
/** @deprecated */ preserveQueryParams: boolean;
queryParams: {
[k: string]: any;
queryParamsHandling: QueryParamsHandling;
replaceUrl: boolean;
routerLink: any[] | string;
skipLocationChange: boolean;
readonly urlTree: UrlTree;
constructor(router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, tabIndex: string, renderer: Renderer, el: ElementRef);
onClick(): boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterLinkActive implements OnChanges, OnDestroy, AfterContentInit {
readonly isActive: boolean;
links: QueryList<RouterLink>;
linksWithHrefs: QueryList<RouterLinkWithHref>;
routerLinkActive: string[] | string;
routerLinkActiveOptions: {
exact: boolean;
constructor(router: Router, element: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterLinkWithHref implements OnChanges, OnDestroy {
fragment: string;
href: string;
preserveFragment: boolean;
preserveQueryParams: boolean;
queryParams: {
[k: string]: any;
queryParamsHandling: QueryParamsHandling;
replaceUrl: boolean;
routerLink: any[] | string;
skipLocationChange: boolean;
target: string;
readonly urlTree: UrlTree;
constructor(router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, locationStrategy: LocationStrategy);
ngOnChanges(changes: {}): any;
ngOnDestroy(): any;
onClick(button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean, shiftKey: boolean): boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterModule {
constructor(guard: any, router: Router);
static forChild(routes: Routes): ModuleWithProviders;
static forRoot(routes: Routes, config?: ExtraOptions): ModuleWithProviders;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterOutlet implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
activateEvents: EventEmitter<any>;
readonly activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute;
readonly activatedRouteData: {
[name: string]: any;
readonly component: Object;
deactivateEvents: EventEmitter<any>;
readonly isActivated: boolean;
/** @deprecated */ readonly locationFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;
/** @deprecated */ readonly locationInjector: Injector;
constructor(parentContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts, location: ViewContainerRef, resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, name: string, changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef);
activateWith(activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver | null): void;
attach(ref: ComponentRef<any>, activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute): void;
deactivate(): void;
detach(): ComponentRef<any>;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
ngOnInit(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterPreloader implements OnDestroy {
constructor(router: Router, moduleLoader: NgModuleFactoryLoader, compiler: Compiler, injector: Injector, preloadingStrategy: PreloadingStrategy);
ngOnDestroy(): void;
preload(): Observable<any>;
setUpPreloading(): void;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterState extends Tree<ActivatedRoute> {
snapshot: RouterStateSnapshot;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class RouterStateSnapshot extends Tree<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
url: string;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare type Routes = Route[];
/** @experimental */
export declare const ROUTES: InjectionToken<Route[][]>;
/** @stable */
export declare class RoutesRecognized {
id: number;
state: RouterStateSnapshot;
url: string;
urlAfterRedirects: string;
id: number,
url: string,
urlAfterRedirects: string,
state: RouterStateSnapshot);
toString(): string;
/** @experimental */
export declare type RunGuardsAndResolvers = 'paramsChange' | 'paramsOrQueryParamsChange' | 'always';
/** @experimental */
export declare abstract class UrlHandlingStrategy {
abstract extract(url: UrlTree): UrlTree;
abstract merge(newUrlPart: UrlTree, rawUrl: UrlTree): UrlTree;
abstract shouldProcessUrl(url: UrlTree): boolean;
/** @stable */
export declare class UrlSegment {
readonly parameterMap: ParamMap;
parameters: {
[name: string]: string;
path: string;
path: string,
parameters: {
[name: string]: string;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class UrlSegmentGroup {
children: {
[key: string]: UrlSegmentGroup;
readonly numberOfChildren: number;
parent: UrlSegmentGroup | null;
segments: UrlSegment[];
segments: UrlSegment[],
children: {
[key: string]: UrlSegmentGroup;
hasChildren(): boolean;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare abstract class UrlSerializer {
abstract parse(url: string): UrlTree;
abstract serialize(tree: UrlTree): string;
/** @stable */
export declare class UrlTree {
fragment: string | null;
readonly queryParamMap: ParamMap;
queryParams: {
[key: string]: string;
root: UrlSegmentGroup;
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare const VERSION: Version;