BREAKING CHANGE: Previously, components that would implement lifecycle interfaces would include methods like "onChanges" or "afterViewInit." Given that components were at risk of using such names without realizing that Angular would call the methods at different points of the component lifecycle. This change adds an "ng" prefix to all lifecycle hook methods, far reducing the risk of an accidental name collision. To fix, just rename these methods: * onInit * onDestroy * doCheck * onChanges * afterContentInit * afterContentChecked * afterViewInit * afterViewChecked * _Router Hooks_ * onActivate * onReuse * onDeactivate * canReuse * canDeactivate To: * ngOnInit, * ngOnDestroy, * ngDoCheck, * ngOnChanges, * ngAfterContentInit, * ngAfterContentChecked, * ngAfterViewInit, * ngAfterViewChecked * _Router Hooks_ * routerOnActivate * routerOnReuse * routerOnDeactivate * routerCanReuse * routerCanDeactivate The names of lifecycle interfaces and enums have not changed, though interfaces have been updated to reflect the new method names. Closes #5036
API Examples
This folder contains small example apps that get in-lined into our API docs. These examples are written with idiomatic TypeScript, and are not transpiled to Dart. Each example contains tests for application behavior (as opposed to testing Angular's behavior) just like an Angular application developer would write.