2016-06-09 17:00:15 -07:00

54 lines
2.2 KiB

import {AnimationMetadata, animate, group, sequence, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/core';
import {AsyncTestCompleter, beforeEach, beforeEachProviders, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it, xdescribe, xit} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {AnimationCompiler, CompiledAnimation} from '../../src/animation/animation_compiler';
import {CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from '../../src/compile_metadata';
import {CompileMetadataResolver} from '../../src/metadata_resolver';
export function main() {
describe('RuntimeAnimationCompiler', () => {
var resolver: any /** TODO #9100 */;
inject([CompileMetadataResolver], (res: CompileMetadataResolver) => { resolver = res; }));
var compiler = new AnimationCompiler();
var compileAnimations = (component: CompileDirectiveMetadata): CompiledAnimation => {
return compiler.compileComponent(component)[0];
var compile = (seq: AnimationMetadata) => {
var entry = trigger('myAnimation', [transition('state1 => state2', seq)]);
var compiledAnimationEntry = resolver.getAnimationEntryMetadata(entry);
var component = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
type: new CompileTypeMetadata({name: 'something'}),
template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({animations: [compiledAnimationEntry]})
return compileAnimations(component);
it('should throw an exception containing all the inner animation parser errors', () => {
var animation = sequence([
style({'color': 'red'}), animate(1000, style({'font-size': '100px'})),
style({'color': 'blue'}), animate(1000, style(':missing_state')), style({'color': 'gold'}),
animate(1000, style('broken_state'))
var capturedErrorMessage: string;
try {
} catch (e) {
capturedErrorMessage = e.message;
.toMatchPattern(/Unable to apply styles due to missing a state: "missing_state"/g);
.toMatchPattern(/Animation states via styles must be prefixed with a ":"/);