371 lines
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371 lines
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/// <reference path="../../../globals.d.ts" />
// TODO(jteplitz602): Load WorkerGlobalScope from lib.webworker.d.ts file #3492
declare var WorkerGlobalScope;
var globalScope: BrowserNodeGlobal;
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
if (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope) {
// TODO: Replace any with WorkerGlobalScope from lib.webworker.d.ts #3492
globalScope = <any>self;
} else {
globalScope = <any>global;
} else {
globalScope = <any>window;
// Need to declare a new variable for global here since TypeScript
// exports the original value of the symbol.
var _global: BrowserNodeGlobal = globalScope;
export {_global as global};
export var Type = Function;
* Runtime representation of a type.
* In JavaScript a Type is a constructor function.
export interface Type extends Function { new (...args): any; }
export function getTypeNameForDebugging(type: Type): string {
return type['name'];
export class BaseException extends Error {
constructor(public message?: string, private _originalException?, private _originalStack?,
private _context?) {
this.stack = (<any>new Error(message)).stack;
get originalException(): any { return this._originalException; }
get originalStack(): any { return this._originalStack; }
get context(): any { return this._context; }
toString(): string { return this.message; }
export function makeTypeError(message?: string): Error {
return new TypeError(message);
export var Math = _global.Math;
export var Date = _global.Date;
var assertionsEnabled_ = typeof _global['assert'] !== 'undefined';
export function assertionsEnabled(): boolean {
return assertionsEnabled_;
// TODO: remove calls to assert in production environment
// Note: Can't just export this and import in in other files
// as `assert` is a reserved keyword in Dart
_global.assert = function assert(condition) {
if (assertionsEnabled_) {
// This function is needed only to properly support Dart's const expressions
// see https://github.com/angular/ts2dart/pull/151 for more info
export function CONST_EXPR<T>(expr: T): T {
return expr;
export function CONST(): ClassDecorator {
return (target) => target;
export function ABSTRACT(): ClassDecorator {
return (t) => t;
export function isPresent(obj: any): boolean {
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null;
export function isBlank(obj: any): boolean {
return obj === undefined || obj === null;
export function isString(obj: any): boolean {
return typeof obj === "string";
export function isFunction(obj: any): boolean {
return typeof obj === "function";
export function isType(obj: any): boolean {
return isFunction(obj);
export function isStringMap(obj: any): boolean {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null;
export function isPromise(obj: any): boolean {
return obj instanceof (<any>_global).Promise;
export function isArray(obj: any): boolean {
return Array.isArray(obj);
export function isNumber(obj): boolean {
return typeof obj === 'number';
export function isDate(obj): boolean {
return obj instanceof Date && !isNaN(obj.valueOf());
export function stringify(token): string {
if (typeof token === 'string') {
return token;
if (token === undefined || token === null) {
return '' + token;
if (token.name) {
return token.name;
var res = token.toString();
var newLineIndex = res.indexOf("\n");
return (newLineIndex === -1) ? res : res.substring(0, newLineIndex);
// serialize / deserialize enum exist only for consistency with dart API
// enums in typescript don't need to be serialized
export function serializeEnum(val): number {
return val;
export function deserializeEnum(val, values: Map<number, any>): any {
return val;
export class StringWrapper {
static fromCharCode(code: number): string { return String.fromCharCode(code); }
static charCodeAt(s: string, index: number): number { return s.charCodeAt(index); }
static split(s: string, regExp: RegExp): List<string> { return s.split(regExp); }
static equals(s: string, s2: string): boolean { return s === s2; }
static replace(s: string, from: string, replace: string): string {
return s.replace(from, replace);
static replaceAll(s: string, from: RegExp, replace: string): string {
return s.replace(from, replace);
static toUpperCase(s: string): string { return s.toUpperCase(); }
static toLowerCase(s: string): string { return s.toLowerCase(); }
static startsWith(s: string, start: string): boolean { return s.startsWith(start); }
static substring(s: string, start: number, end: number = null): string {
return s.substring(start, end === null ? undefined : end);
static replaceAllMapped(s: string, from: RegExp, cb: Function): string {
return s.replace(from, function(...matches) {
// Remove offset & string from the result array
matches.splice(-2, 2);
// The callback receives match, p1, ..., pn
return cb(matches);
static contains(s: string, substr: string): boolean { return s.indexOf(substr) != -1; }
static compare(a: string, b: string): number {
if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (a > b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
export class StringJoiner {
constructor(public parts = []) {}
add(part: string): void { this.parts.push(part); }
toString(): string { return this.parts.join(""); }
export class NumberParseError extends BaseException {
name: string;
constructor(public message: string) { super(); }
toString(): string { return this.message; }
export class NumberWrapper {
static toFixed(n: number, fractionDigits: number): string { return n.toFixed(fractionDigits); }
static equal(a: number, b: number): boolean { return a === b; }
static parseIntAutoRadix(text: string): number {
var result: number = parseInt(text);
if (isNaN(result)) {
throw new NumberParseError("Invalid integer literal when parsing " + text);
return result;
static parseInt(text: string, radix: number): number {
if (radix == 10) {
if (/^(\-|\+)?[0-9]+$/.test(text)) {
return parseInt(text, radix);
} else if (radix == 16) {
if (/^(\-|\+)?[0-9ABCDEFabcdef]+$/.test(text)) {
return parseInt(text, radix);
} else {
var result: number = parseInt(text, radix);
if (!isNaN(result)) {
return result;
throw new NumberParseError("Invalid integer literal when parsing " + text + " in base " +
// TODO: NaN is a valid literal but is returned by parseFloat to indicate an error.
static parseFloat(text: string): number { return parseFloat(text); }
static get NaN(): number { return NaN; }
static isNaN(value: any): boolean { return isNaN(value); }
static isInteger(value: any): boolean { return Number.isInteger(value); }
export var RegExp = _global.RegExp;
export class RegExpWrapper {
static create(regExpStr: string, flags: string = ''): RegExp {
flags = flags.replace(/g/g, '');
return new _global.RegExp(regExpStr, flags + 'g');
static firstMatch(regExp: RegExp, input: string): List<string> {
// Reset multimatch regex state
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
return regExp.exec(input);
static test(regExp: RegExp, input: string): boolean {
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
return regExp.test(input);
static matcher(regExp: RegExp, input: string): {
re: RegExp;
input: string
// Reset regex state for the case
// someone did not loop over all matches
// last time.
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
return {re: regExp, input: input};
export class RegExpMatcherWrapper {
static next(matcher: {
re: RegExp;
input: string
}): string[] {
return matcher.re.exec(matcher.input);
export class FunctionWrapper {
static apply(fn: Function, posArgs: any): any { return fn.apply(null, posArgs); }
// JS has NaN !== NaN
export function looseIdentical(a, b): boolean {
return a === b || typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number" && isNaN(a) && isNaN(b);
// JS considers NaN is the same as NaN for map Key (while NaN !== NaN otherwise)
// see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map
export function getMapKey<T>(value: T): T {
return value;
export function normalizeBlank(obj: Object): any {
return isBlank(obj) ? null : obj;
export function normalizeBool(obj: boolean): boolean {
return isBlank(obj) ? false : obj;
export function isJsObject(o: any): boolean {
return o !== null && (typeof o === "function" || typeof o === "object");
export function print(obj: Error | Object) {
if (obj instanceof BaseException) {
} else {
// Can't be all uppercase as our transpiler would think it is a special directive...
export class Json {
static parse(s: string): Object { return _global.JSON.parse(s); }
static stringify(data: Object): string {
// Dart doesn't take 3 arguments
return _global.JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
export class DateWrapper {
static create(year: number, month: number = 1, day: number = 1, hour: number = 0,
minutes: number = 0, seconds: number = 0, milliseconds: number = 0): Date {
return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
static fromMillis(ms: number): Date { return new Date(ms); }
static toMillis(date: Date): number { return date.getTime(); }
static now(): Date { return new Date(); }
static toJson(date: Date): string { return date.toJSON(); }
export function setValueOnPath(global: any, path: string, value: any) {
var parts = path.split('.');
var obj: any = global;
while (parts.length > 1) {
var name = parts.shift();
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
obj = obj[name];
} else {
obj = obj[name] = {};
obj[parts.shift()] = value;