This contains major changes to the compiler, bootstrap of the platforms and test environment initialization. Main part of #10043 Closes #10164 BREAKING CHANGE: - Semantics and name of `@AppModule` (now `@NgModule`) changed quite a bit. This is actually not breaking as `@AppModules` were not part of rc.4. We will have detailed docs on `@NgModule` separately. - `coreLoadAndBootstrap` and `coreBootstrap` can't be used any more (without migration support). Use `bootstrapModule` / `bootstrapModuleFactory` instead. - All Components listed in routes have to be part of the `declarations` of an NgModule. Either directly on the bootstrap module / lazy loaded module, or in an NgModule imported by them.
436 lines
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436 lines
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* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {BaseException} from '@angular/core';
import {ListWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from '../facade/collection';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {Identifiers, identifierToken} from '../identifiers';
import * as o from '../output/output_ast';
import {convertValueToOutputAst} from '../output/value_util';
import {ProviderAst, ProviderAstType, ReferenceAst, TemplateAst} from '../template_ast';
import {CompileView} from './compile_view';
import {InjectMethodVars} from './constants';
import {CompileIdentifierMap, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileTokenMetadata, CompileQueryMetadata, CompileProviderMetadata, CompileDiDependencyMetadata, CompileIdentifierMetadata,} from '../compile_metadata';
import {getPropertyInView, injectFromViewParentInjector} from './util';
import {CompileQuery, createQueryList, addQueryToTokenMap} from './compile_query';
import {CompileMethod} from './compile_method';
import {createDiTokenExpression} from '../util';
export class CompileNode {
public parent: CompileElement, public view: CompileView, public nodeIndex: number,
public renderNode: o.Expression, public sourceAst: TemplateAst) {}
isNull(): boolean { return isBlank(this.renderNode); }
isRootElement(): boolean { return this.view != this.parent.view; }
export class CompileElement extends CompileNode {
static createNull(): CompileElement {
return new CompileElement(null, null, null, null, null, null, [], [], false, false, []);
private _compViewExpr: o.Expression = null;
public appElement: o.ReadPropExpr;
public elementRef: o.Expression;
public injector: o.Expression;
private _instances = new CompileIdentifierMap<CompileTokenMetadata, o.Expression>();
private _resolvedProviders: CompileIdentifierMap<CompileTokenMetadata, ProviderAst>;
private _queryCount = 0;
private _queries = new CompileIdentifierMap<CompileTokenMetadata, CompileQuery[]>();
private _componentConstructorViewQueryLists: o.Expression[] = [];
public contentNodesByNgContentIndex: Array<o.Expression>[] = null;
public embeddedView: CompileView;
public directiveInstances: o.Expression[];
public referenceTokens: {[key: string]: CompileTokenMetadata};
parent: CompileElement, view: CompileView, nodeIndex: number, renderNode: o.Expression,
sourceAst: TemplateAst, public component: CompileDirectiveMetadata,
private _directives: CompileDirectiveMetadata[],
private _resolvedProvidersArray: ProviderAst[], public hasViewContainer: boolean,
public hasEmbeddedView: boolean, references: ReferenceAst[]) {
super(parent, view, nodeIndex, renderNode, sourceAst);
this.referenceTokens = {};
references.forEach(ref => this.referenceTokens[] = ref.value);
this.elementRef = o.importExpr(Identifiers.ElementRef).instantiate([this.renderNode]);
this._instances.add(identifierToken(Identifiers.ElementRef), this.elementRef);
this.injector = o.THIS_EXPR.callMethod('injector', [o.literal(this.nodeIndex)]);
this._instances.add(identifierToken(Identifiers.Injector), this.injector);
this._instances.add(identifierToken(Identifiers.Renderer), o.THIS_EXPR.prop('renderer'));
if (this.hasViewContainer || this.hasEmbeddedView || isPresent(this.component)) {
private _createAppElement() {
var fieldName = `_appEl_${this.nodeIndex}`;
var parentNodeIndex = this.isRootElement() ? null : this.parent.nodeIndex;
// private is fine here as no child view will reference an AppElement
this.view.fields.push(new o.ClassField(
fieldName, o.importType(Identifiers.AppElement), [o.StmtModifier.Private]));
var statement =
o.literal(this.nodeIndex), o.literal(parentNodeIndex), o.THIS_EXPR, this.renderNode
this.appElement = o.THIS_EXPR.prop(fieldName);
this._instances.add(identifierToken(Identifiers.AppElement), this.appElement);
public createComponentFactoryResolver(precompileComponent: CompileIdentifierMetadata[]) {
if (!precompileComponent || precompileComponent.length === 0) {
var createComponentFactoryResolverExpr =
(precompiledComponent) => o.importExpr(precompiledComponent))),
injectFromViewParentInjector(identifierToken(Identifiers.ComponentFactoryResolver), false)
var provider = new CompileProviderMetadata({
token: identifierToken(Identifiers.ComponentFactoryResolver),
useValue: createComponentFactoryResolverExpr
// Add ComponentFactoryResolver as first provider as it does not have deps on other providers
// ProviderAstType.PrivateService as only the component and its view can see it,
// but nobody else
this._resolvedProvidersArray.unshift(new ProviderAst(
provider.token, false, true, [provider], ProviderAstType.PrivateService,
setComponentView(compViewExpr: o.Expression) {
this._compViewExpr = compViewExpr;
this.contentNodesByNgContentIndex =
for (var i = 0; i < this.contentNodesByNgContentIndex.length; i++) {
this.contentNodesByNgContentIndex[i] = [];
setEmbeddedView(embeddedView: CompileView) {
this.embeddedView = embeddedView;
if (isPresent(embeddedView)) {
var createTemplateRefExpr = o.importExpr(Identifiers.TemplateRef_).instantiate([
this.appElement, this.embeddedView.viewFactory
var provider = new CompileProviderMetadata(
{token: identifierToken(Identifiers.TemplateRef), useValue: createTemplateRefExpr});
// Add TemplateRef as first provider as it does not have deps on other providers
this._resolvedProvidersArray.unshift(new ProviderAst(
provider.token, false, true, [provider], ProviderAstType.Builtin,
beforeChildren(): void {
if (this.hasViewContainer) {
identifierToken(Identifiers.ViewContainerRef), this.appElement.prop('vcRef'));
this._resolvedProviders = new CompileIdentifierMap<CompileTokenMetadata, ProviderAst>();
provider => this._resolvedProviders.add(provider.token, provider));
// create all the provider instances, some in the view constructor,
// some as getters. We rely on the fact that they are already sorted topologically.
this._resolvedProviders.values().forEach((resolvedProvider) => {
var providerValueExpressions = => {
if (isPresent(provider.useExisting)) {
return this._getDependency(
new CompileDiDependencyMetadata({token: provider.useExisting}));
} else if (isPresent(provider.useFactory)) {
var deps = isPresent(provider.deps) ? provider.deps : provider.useFactory.diDeps;
var depsExpr = => this._getDependency(resolvedProvider.providerType, dep));
return o.importExpr(provider.useFactory).callFn(depsExpr);
} else if (isPresent(provider.useClass)) {
var deps = isPresent(provider.deps) ? provider.deps : provider.useClass.diDeps;
var depsExpr = => this._getDependency(resolvedProvider.providerType, dep));
return o.importExpr(provider.useClass)
.instantiate(depsExpr, o.importType(provider.useClass));
} else {
return convertValueToOutputAst(provider.useValue);
var propName = `_${}_${this.nodeIndex}_${this._instances.size}`;
var instance = createProviderProperty(
propName, resolvedProvider, providerValueExpressions, resolvedProvider.multiProvider,
resolvedProvider.eager, this);
this._instances.add(resolvedProvider.token, instance);
this.directiveInstances =
| => this._instances.get(identifierToken(directive.type)));
for (var i = 0; i < this.directiveInstances.length; i++) {
var directiveInstance = this.directiveInstances[i];
var directive = this._directives[i];
directive.queries.forEach((queryMeta) => { this._addQuery(queryMeta, directiveInstance); });
var queriesWithReads: _QueryWithRead[] = [];
this._resolvedProviders.values().forEach((resolvedProvider) => {
var queriesForProvider = this._getQueriesFor(resolvedProvider.token);
| => new _QueryWithRead(query, resolvedProvider.token)));
StringMapWrapper.forEach(this.referenceTokens, (_: CompileTokenMetadata, varName: string) => {
var token = this.referenceTokens[varName];
var varValue: o.Expression;
if (isPresent(token)) {
varValue = this._instances.get(token);
} else {
varValue = this.renderNode;
this.view.locals.set(varName, varValue);
var varToken = new CompileTokenMetadata({value: varName});
this._getQueriesFor(varToken).map(query => new _QueryWithRead(query, varToken)));
queriesWithReads.forEach((queryWithRead) => {
var value: o.Expression;
if (isPresent( {
// query for an identifier
value = this._instances.get(;
} else {
// query for a reference
var token = this.referenceTokens[];
if (isPresent(token)) {
value = this._instances.get(token);
} else {
value = this.elementRef;
if (isPresent(value)) {
queryWithRead.query.addValue(value, this.view);
if (isPresent(this.component)) {
var componentConstructorViewQueryList = isPresent(this.component) ?
o.literalArr(this._componentConstructorViewQueryLists) :
var compExpr = isPresent(this.getComponent()) ? this.getComponent() : o.NULL_EXPR;
[compExpr, componentConstructorViewQueryList, this._compViewExpr])
afterChildren(childNodeCount: number) {
this._resolvedProviders.values().forEach((resolvedProvider) => {
// Note: afterChildren is called after recursing into children.
// This is good so that an injector match in an element that is closer to a requesting element
// matches first.
var providerExpr = this._instances.get(resolvedProvider.token);
// Note: view providers are only visible on the injector of that element.
// This is not fully correct as the rules during codegen don't allow a directive
// to get hold of a view provdier on the same element. We still do this semantic
// as it simplifies our model to having only one runtime injector per element.
var providerChildNodeCount =
resolvedProvider.providerType === ProviderAstType.PrivateService ? 0 : childNodeCount;
this.nodeIndex, providerChildNodeCount, resolvedProvider, providerExpr));
(queries) => queries.forEach(
(query) =>
query.afterChildren(this.view.createMethod, this.view.updateContentQueriesMethod)));
addContentNode(ngContentIndex: number, nodeExpr: o.Expression) {
getComponent(): o.Expression {
return isPresent(this.component) ? this._instances.get(identifierToken(this.component.type)) :
getProviderTokens(): o.Expression[] {
return this._resolvedProviders.values().map(
(resolvedProvider) => createDiTokenExpression(resolvedProvider.token));
private _getQueriesFor(token: CompileTokenMetadata): CompileQuery[] {
var result: CompileQuery[] = [];
var currentEl: CompileElement = this;
var distance = 0;
var queries: CompileQuery[];
while (!currentEl.isNull()) {
queries = currentEl._queries.get(token);
if (isPresent(queries)) {
result, queries.filter((query) => query.meta.descendants || distance <= 1));
if (currentEl._directives.length > 0) {
currentEl = currentEl.parent;
queries = this.view.componentView.viewQueries.get(token);
if (isPresent(queries)) {
ListWrapper.addAll(result, queries);
return result;
private _addQuery(queryMeta: CompileQueryMetadata, directiveInstance: o.Expression):
CompileQuery {
var propName = `_query_${queryMeta.selectors[0].name}_${this.nodeIndex}_${this._queryCount++}`;
var queryList = createQueryList(queryMeta, directiveInstance, propName, this.view);
var query = new CompileQuery(queryMeta, queryList, directiveInstance, this.view);
addQueryToTokenMap(this._queries, query);
return query;
private _getLocalDependency(
requestingProviderType: ProviderAstType, dep: CompileDiDependencyMetadata): o.Expression {
var result: o.Expression = null;
// constructor content query
if (isBlank(result) && isPresent(dep.query)) {
result = this._addQuery(dep.query, null).queryList;
// constructor view query
if (isBlank(result) && isPresent(dep.viewQuery)) {
result = createQueryList(
dep.viewQuery, null,
if (isPresent(dep.token)) {
// access builtins with special visibility
if (isBlank(result)) {
if (dep.token.equalsTo(identifierToken(Identifiers.ChangeDetectorRef))) {
if (requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.Component) {
return this._compViewExpr.prop('ref');
} else {
return getPropertyInView(o.THIS_EXPR.prop('ref'), this.view, this.view.componentView);
// access regular providers on the element
if (isBlank(result)) {
let resolvedProvider = this._resolvedProviders.get(dep.token);
// don't allow directives / public services to access private services.
// only components and private services can access private services.
if (resolvedProvider && (requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.Directive ||
requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.PublicService) &&
resolvedProvider.providerType === ProviderAstType.PrivateService) {
return null;
result = this._instances.get(dep.token);
return result;
private _getDependency(requestingProviderType: ProviderAstType, dep: CompileDiDependencyMetadata):
o.Expression {
var currElement: CompileElement = this;
var result: o.Expression = null;
if (dep.isValue) {
result = o.literal(dep.value);
if (isBlank(result) && !dep.isSkipSelf) {
result = this._getLocalDependency(requestingProviderType, dep);
// check parent elements
while (isBlank(result) && !currElement.parent.isNull()) {
currElement = currElement.parent;
result = currElement._getLocalDependency(
ProviderAstType.PublicService, new CompileDiDependencyMetadata({token: dep.token}));
if (isBlank(result)) {
result = injectFromViewParentInjector(dep.token, dep.isOptional);
if (isBlank(result)) {
result = o.NULL_EXPR;
return getPropertyInView(result, this.view, currElement.view);
function createInjectInternalCondition(
nodeIndex: number, childNodeCount: number, provider: ProviderAst,
providerExpr: o.Expression): o.Statement {
var indexCondition: o.Expression;
if (childNodeCount > 0) {
indexCondition = o.literal(nodeIndex)
o.literal(nodeIndex + childNodeCount)));
} else {
indexCondition = o.literal(nodeIndex).identical(InjectMethodVars.requestNodeIndex);
return new o.IfStmt(
[new o.ReturnStatement(providerExpr)]);
function createProviderProperty(
propName: string, provider: ProviderAst, providerValueExpressions: o.Expression[],
isMulti: boolean, isEager: boolean, compileElement: CompileElement): o.Expression {
var view = compileElement.view;
var resolvedProviderValueExpr: o.Expression;
var type: o.Type;
if (isMulti) {
resolvedProviderValueExpr = o.literalArr(providerValueExpressions);
type = new o.ArrayType(o.DYNAMIC_TYPE);
} else {
resolvedProviderValueExpr = providerValueExpressions[0];
type = providerValueExpressions[0].type;
if (isBlank(type)) {
type = o.DYNAMIC_TYPE;
if (isEager) {
view.fields.push(new o.ClassField(propName, type));
} else {
var internalField = `_${propName}`;
view.fields.push(new o.ClassField(internalField, type));
var getter = new CompileMethod(view);
getter.resetDebugInfo(compileElement.nodeIndex, compileElement.sourceAst);
// Note: Equals is important for JS so that it also checks the undefined case!
getter.addStmt(new o.IfStmt(
getter.addStmt(new o.ReturnStatement(o.THIS_EXPR.prop(internalField)));
view.getters.push(new o.ClassGetter(propName, getter.finish(), type));
return o.THIS_EXPR.prop(propName);
class _QueryWithRead {
public read: CompileTokenMetadata;
constructor(public query: CompileQuery, match: CompileTokenMetadata) {
| = isPresent( ? : match;