Andrew Scott 12cb39c1a4 fix(language-service): shorthand syntax with variables (#40239)
This commit fixes an issue in the ivy native language service
that caused the logic that finds a target node given a template
position to throw away the results. This happened because the
source span of a variable node in the shorthand structural
directive syntax (i.e. `*ngIf=`) included the entire binding.

The result was that we would add the variable node to the path and then
later detect that the cursor was outside the key and value spans and
throw away the whole result. In general, we do this because we do not
want to show information when the cursor is between a key/value
(`inputA=¦"123"`). However, when using the shorthand syntax, we run into
the situation where we can match an `AttributeBinding` as well as the
vaariable in `*ngIf="som¦eValue as myLocalVar"`. This commit updates the
visitor to retain enough information in the visit path to throw away
invalid targets but keep valid ones if there were multiple results on a
`t.Element` or `t.Template`.

PR Close #40239
2020-12-22 14:50:22 -08:00

395 lines
13 KiB

* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {ParseSpan, TmplAstBoundEvent} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as e from '@angular/compiler/src/expression_parser/ast'; // e for expression AST
import * as t from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/r3_ast'; // t for template AST
import {isTemplateNode, isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue, isWithin, isWithinKeyValue} from './utils';
* Contextual information for a target position within the template.
export interface TemplateTarget {
* Target position within the template.
position: number;
* The template node (or AST expression) closest to the search position.
nodeInContext: TargetNode;
* The `t.Template` which contains the found node or expression (or `null` if in the root
* template).
template: t.Template|null;
* The immediate parent node of the targeted node.
parent: t.Node|e.AST|null;
* A node targeted at a given position in the template, including potential contextual information
* about the specific aspect of the node being referenced.
* Some nodes have multiple interior contexts. For example, `t.Element` nodes have both a tag name
* as well as a body, and a given position definitively points to one or the other. `TargetNode`
* captures the node itself, as well as this additional contextual disambiguation.
export type TargetNode = RawExpression|RawTemplateNode|ElementInBodyContext|ElementInTagContext|
* Differentiates the various kinds of `TargetNode`s.
export enum TargetNodeKind {
* An `e.AST` expression that's targeted at a given position, with no additional context.
export interface RawExpression {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawExpression;
node: e.AST;
* A `t.Node` template node that's targeted at a given position, with no additional context.
export interface RawTemplateNode {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawTemplateNode;
node: t.Node;
* A `t.Element` (or `t.Template`) element node that's targeted, where the given position is within
* the tag name.
export interface ElementInTagContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext;
node: t.Element|t.Template;
* A `t.Element` (or `t.Template`) element node that's targeted, where the given position is within
* the element body.
export interface ElementInBodyContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext;
node: t.Element|t.Template;
export interface AttributeInKeyContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext;
node: t.TextAttribute|t.BoundAttribute|t.BoundEvent;
export interface AttributeInValueContext {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext;
node: t.TextAttribute|t.BoundAttribute|t.BoundEvent;
* This special marker is added to the path when the cursor is within the sourceSpan but not the key
* or value span of a node with key/value spans.
const OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER = new e.AST(new ParseSpan(-1, -1), new e.AbsoluteSourceSpan(-1, -1));
* Return the template AST node or expression AST node that most accurately
* represents the node at the specified cursor `position`.
* @param template AST tree of the template
* @param position target cursor position
export function getTargetAtPosition(template: t.Node[], position: number): TemplateTarget|null {
const path = TemplateTargetVisitor.visitTemplate(template, position);
if (path.length === 0) {
return null;
const candidate = path[path.length - 1];
// Walk up the result nodes to find the nearest `t.Template` which contains the targeted node.
let context: t.Template|null = null;
for (let i = path.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = path[i];
if (node instanceof t.Template) {
context = node;
let parent: t.Node|e.AST|null = null;
if (path.length >= 2) {
parent = path[path.length - 2];
// Given the candidate node, determine the full targeted context.
let nodeInContext: TargetNode;
if (candidate instanceof e.AST) {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawExpression,
node: candidate,
} else if (candidate instanceof t.Element) {
// Elements have two contexts: the tag context (position is within the element tag) or the
// element body context (position is outside of the tag name, but still in the element).
// Calculate the end of the element tag name. Any position beyond this is in the element body.
const tagEndPos =
candidate.sourceSpan.start.offset + 1 /* '<' element open */ +;
if (position > tagEndPos) {
// Position is within the element body
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInBodyContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.ElementInTagContext,
node: candidate,
} else if (
(candidate instanceof t.BoundAttribute || candidate instanceof t.BoundEvent ||
candidate instanceof t.TextAttribute) &&
candidate.keySpan !== undefined) {
if (isWithin(position, candidate.keySpan)) {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInKeyContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.AttributeInValueContext,
node: candidate,
} else {
nodeInContext = {
kind: TargetNodeKind.RawTemplateNode,
node: candidate,
return {position, nodeInContext, template: context, parent};
* Visitor which, given a position and a template, identifies the node within the template at that
* position, as well as records the path of increasingly nested nodes that were traversed to reach
* that position.
class TemplateTargetVisitor implements t.Visitor {
// We need to keep a path instead of the last node because we might need more
// context for the last node, for example what is the parent node?
readonly path: Array<t.Node|e.AST> = [];
static visitTemplate(template: t.Node[], position: number): Array<t.Node|e.AST> {
const visitor = new TemplateTargetVisitor(position);
const {path} = visitor;
const strictPath = path.filter(v => v !== OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER);
const candidate = strictPath[strictPath.length - 1];
const matchedASourceSpanButNotAKvSpan = path.some(v => v === OUTSIDE_K_V_MARKER);
if (matchedASourceSpanButNotAKvSpan &&
(candidate instanceof t.Template || candidate instanceof t.Element)) {
// Template nodes with key and value spans are always defined on a `t.Template` or
// `t.Element`. If we found a node on a template with a `sourceSpan` that includes the cursor,
// it is possible that we are outside the k/v spans (i.e. in-between them). If this is the
// case and we do not have any other candidate matches on the `t.Element` or `t.Template`, we
// want to return no results. Otherwise, the `t.Element`/`t.Template` result is incorrect for
// that cursor position.
return [];
return strictPath;
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
private constructor(private readonly position: number) {}
visit(node: t.Node) {
const last: t.Node|e.AST|undefined = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
if (last && isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(last) && isWithin(this.position, last.keySpan)) {
// We've already identified that we are within a `keySpan` of a node.
// We should stop processing nodes at this point to prevent matching
// any other nodes. This can happen when the end span of a different node
// touches the start of the keySpan for the candidate node. Because
// our `isWithin` logic is inclusive on both ends, we can match both nodes.
const {start, end} = getSpanIncludingEndTag(node);
if (!isWithin(this.position, {start, end})) {
if (isTemplateNodeWithKeyAndValue(node) && !isWithinKeyValue(this.position, node)) {
// If cursor is within source span but not within key span or value span,
// do not return the node.
} else {
visitElement(element: t.Element) {
const last: t.Node|e.AST|undefined = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
// If we get here and have not found a candidate node on the element itself, proceed with
// looking for a more specific node on the element children.
if (last === element) {
visitTemplate(template: t.Template) {
const last: t.Node|e.AST|undefined = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
// If we get here and have not found a candidate node on the template itself, proceed with
// looking for a more specific node on the template children.
if (last === template) {
visitContent(content: t.Content) {
t.visitAll(this, content.attributes);
visitVariable(variable: t.Variable) {
// Variable has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitReference(reference: t.Reference) {
// Reference has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitTextAttribute(attribute: t.TextAttribute) {
// Text attribute has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundAttribute(attribute: t.BoundAttribute) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(attribute.value, this.path);
visitBoundEvent(event: t.BoundEvent) {
const isTwoWayBinding =
this.path.some(n => n instanceof t.BoundAttribute && === + 'Change');
if (isTwoWayBinding) {
// For two-way binding aka banana-in-a-box, there are two matches:
// BoundAttribute and BoundEvent. Both have the same spans. We choose to
// return BoundAttribute because it matches the identifier name verbatim.
// TODO: For operations like go to definition, ideally we want to return
// both.
this.path.pop(); // remove bound event from the AST path
// An event binding with no value (e.g. `(event|)`) parses to a `BoundEvent` with a
// `LiteralPrimitive` handler with value `'ERROR'`, as opposed to a property binding with no
// value which has an `EmptyExpr` as its value. This is a synthetic node created by the binding
// parser, and is not suitable to use for Language Service analysis. Skip it.
// TODO(alxhub): modify the parser to generate an `EmptyExpr` instead.
let handler: e.AST = event.handler;
if (handler instanceof e.ASTWithSource) {
handler = handler.ast;
if (handler instanceof e.LiteralPrimitive && handler.value === 'ERROR') {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(event.handler, this.path);
visitText(text: t.Text) {
// Text has no template nodes or expression nodes.
visitBoundText(text: t.BoundText) {
const visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.position);
visitor.visit(text.value, this.path);
visitIcu(icu: t.Icu) {
for (const boundText of Object.values(icu.vars)) {
for (const boundTextOrText of Object.values(icu.placeholders)) {
visitAll(nodes: t.Node[]) {
for (const node of nodes) {
class ExpressionVisitor extends e.RecursiveAstVisitor {
// Position must be absolute in the source file.
constructor(private readonly position: number) {
visit(node: e.AST, path: Array<t.Node|e.AST>) {
if (node instanceof e.ASTWithSource) {
// In order to reduce noise, do not include `ASTWithSource` in the path.
// For the purpose of source spans, there is no difference between
// `ASTWithSource` and and underlying node that it wraps.
node = node.ast;
// The third condition is to account for the implicit receiver, which should
// not be visited.
if (isWithin(this.position, node.sourceSpan) && !(node instanceof e.ImplicitReceiver)) {
node.visit(this, path);
function getSpanIncludingEndTag(ast: t.Node) {
const result = {
start: ast.sourceSpan.start.offset,
end: ast.sourceSpan.end.offset,
// For Element and Template node, sourceSpan.end is the end of the opening
// tag. For the purpose of language service, we need to actually recognize
// the end of the closing tag. Otherwise, for situation like
// <my-component></my-comp¦onent> where the cursor is in the closing tag
// we will not be able to return any information.
if ((ast instanceof t.Element || ast instanceof t.Template) && ast.endSourceSpan) {
result.end = ast.endSourceSpan.end.offset;
return result;