Andrew Kushnir a83693ddd9 refactor(core): use relative import paths in micro benchmarks (#39142)
This commit updates micro benchmarks to use relative path to Ivy runtime code. Keeping absolute
locations caused issues with build optimizer that retained certain symbols and they appeared in the
output twice.

PR Close #39142
2020-10-14 14:10:13 -07:00


yarn bazel build //packages/core/test/render3/perf:${BENCHMARK}_lib.min_debug.js --config=ivy


node dist/bin/packages/core/test/render3/perf/${BENCHMARK}_lib.min_debug.js


node --no-turbo-inlining --inspect-brk dist/bin/packages/core/test/render3/perf/${BENCHMARK}_lib.min_debug.js

then connect with a debugger (the --inspect-brk option will make sure that benchmark execution doesn't start until a debugger is connected and the code execution is manually resumed).

The actual benchmark code has calls that will start (console.profile) and stop (console.profileEnd) a profiling session.


yarn add deoptigate
yarn deoptigate dist/bin/packages/core/test/render3/perf/${BENCHMARK}_lib.min_debug.js

Run All

To run all of the benchmarks use the profile_all.js script:

node packages/core/test/render3/perf/profile_all.js

NOTE: This command will build all of the tests, so there is no need to do so manually.

Optionally use the --write command to save the run result to a file for later comparison.

node packages/core/test/render3/perf/profile_all.js --write baseline.json

Comparing Runs

If you have saved the baseline (as described in the step above) you can use it to get change in performance like so:

node packages/core/test/render3/perf/profile_all.js --read baseline.json

The resulting output should look something like this:

│              (index)               │  time   │ unit │ base_time │ base_unit │   %   │
│       directive_instantiate        │ 276.652 │ 'ms' │  286.292  │   'ms'    │ -3.37 │
│        element_text_create         │ 262.868 │ 'ms' │  260.031  │   'ms'    │ 1.09  │
│           interpolation            │ 257.733 │ 'us' │  260.489  │   'us'    │ -1.06 │
│             listeners              │  1.997  │ 'us' │   1.985   │   'us'    │  0.6  │
│ map_based_style_and_class_bindings │  10.07  │ 'ms' │   9.786   │   'ms'    │  2.9  │
│       noop_change_detection        │ 93.256  │ 'us' │  91.745   │   'us'    │ 1.65  │
│          property_binding          │ 290.777 │ 'us' │  280.586  │   'us'    │ 3.63  │
│      property_binding_update       │ 588.545 │ 'us' │  583.334  │   'us'    │ 0.89  │
│      style_and_class_bindings      │  1.061  │ 'ms' │   1.047   │   'ms'    │ 1.34  │
│           style_binding            │ 543.841 │ 'us' │  545.385  │   'us'    │ -0.28 │


To run the benchmark use bazel run <benchmark_target>, example:

  • yarn bazel run --config=ivy //packages/core/test/render3/perf:noop_change_detection

To profile, append _profile to the target name and attach a debugger via chrome://inspect, example:

  • yarn bazel run --config=ivy //packages/core/test/render3/perf:noop_change_detection_profile

To interactively edit/rerun benchmarks use ibazel instead of bazel.

To debug

  • Follow the directions in profile_in_browser.html OR
  • yarn bazel build --config=ivy //packages/core/test/render3/perf:noop_change_detection
  • node --inspect-brk bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/core/test/render3/perf/noop_change_detection.min_debug.js