The rationale of this change is to improve the inter-operability with web components that might make use of the `<template>` tag. DEPRECATION The template tags and template attribute are deprecated: <template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></template> <li template="ngFor: let item of items">...</li> should be rewritten as: <ng-template ngFor [ngFor]=items let-item><li>...</li></ng-template> Note that they still be supported in 4.x with a deprecartion warning in development mode. MIGRATION - `template` tags (or elements with a `template` attribute) should be rewritten as a `ng-template` tag, - `ng-content` selectors should be updated to referto a `ng-template` where they use to refer to a template: `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">` should be rewritten as `<ng-content selector="ng-template[attr]">` - if you consume a component relying on your templates being actual `template` elements (that is they include a `<ng-content selector="template[attr]">`). You should still migrate to `ng-template` and make use of `ngProjectAs` to override the way `ng-content` sees the template: `<ng-template projectAs="template[attr]">` - while `template` elements are deprecated in 4.x they continue to work.
API Examples
This folder contains small example apps that get in-lined into our API docs. Each example contains tests for application behavior (as opposed to testing Angular's behavior) just like an Angular application developer would write.
Running the examples
# # execute the following command only when framework code changes
# run when test change
# start server
$(npm bin)/gulp serve-examples
navigate to http://localhost:8001
Running the tests
# run only when framework code changes
# run to compile tests and run them
NOTE: sometimes the http server does not exit properly and it retains the 8001
in such a case you can use lsof -i:8001
to see which process it is and then use kill
to remove it. (Or in single command: lsof -i:8001 -t | xargs kill