Pete Bacon Darwin 55f7f1d446 feat(docs-infra): improve search query processing (#41368)
This commit tries to improve the search results by processing
the query and attempting progressively less restrictive searches
until a non-zero set of pages is matched.

The new procesing includes:

* stripping off quote marks, which were causing searches to fail
* first attempting to match pages where ALL the query terms exist
* second attempting to match pages where ANY of the query terms exist
* third attempting to match pages where the title contains partial word matches

The first query attempt approximates, quite well, the idea of searching
for multi-word phrases. This is given the technical nature of the terms
and the fairly small size of the corpus.

PR Close #41368
2021-04-01 12:02:37 -07:00

113 lines
3.8 KiB

import { browser } from 'protractor';
import { SitePage } from './site.po';
describe(browser.baseUrl, () => {
const page = new SitePage();
beforeAll(() => page.init());
beforeEach(() => browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false));
afterEach(async () => {
await page.unregisterSw();
await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(true);
describe('(smoke tests)', () => {
it('should show the home page', async () => {
await page.goTo('');
const text = await page.getDocViewerText();
expect(text).toContain('modern web');
expect(text).toContain('developer\'s platform');
describe('(marketing pages)', () => {
const textPerUrl: { [key: string]: string } = {
features: 'features & benefits',
docs: 'introduction to the angular docs',
events: 'events',
resources: 'explore angular resources',
Object.keys(textPerUrl).forEach(url => {
it(`should show the page at '${url}'`, async () => {
await page.goTo(url);
await browser.wait(() => page.getDocViewerText(), 5000); // Wait for the document to be loaded.
expect(await page.getDocViewerText()).toContain(textPerUrl[url]);
describe('(docs pages)', () => {
const textPerUrl: { [key: string]: string } = {
api: 'api list',
'guide/architecture': 'architecture',
'guide/http': 'httpclient',
'guide/security': 'security',
tutorial: 'tutorial',
start: 'getting started',
Object.keys(textPerUrl).forEach(url => {
it(`should show the page at '${url}'`, async () => {
await page.goTo(url);
await browser.wait(() => page.getDocViewerText(), 5000); // Wait for the document to be loaded.
expect(await page.getDocViewerText()).toContain(textPerUrl[url]);
describe('(api docs pages)', () => {
const textPerUrl: { [key: string]: string } = {
/* Class */ 'api/core/Injector': 'class injector',
/* Const */ 'api/forms/NG_VALIDATORS': 'const ng_validators',
/* Decorator */ 'api/core/Component': '@component',
/* Directive */ 'api/common/NgIf': 'class ngif',
/* Enum */ 'api/core/ChangeDetectionStrategy': 'enum changedetectionstrategy',
/* Function */ 'api/animations/animate': 'animate(',
/* Interface */ 'api/core/OnDestroy': 'interface ondestroy',
/* Pipe */ 'api/common/JsonPipe': '| json',
/* Type-Alias */ 'api/common/http/HttpEvent': 'type httpevent',
Object.keys(textPerUrl).forEach(url => {
it(`should show the page at '${url}'`, async () => {
await page.goTo(url);
await browser.wait(() => page.getDocViewerText(), 5000); // Wait for the document to be loaded.
expect(await page.getDocViewerText()).toContain(textPerUrl[url]);
describe('(search results)', () => {
beforeEach(() => page.goTo(''));
it('should find pages when searching by a partial word in the title', async () => {
await page.enterSearch('ngCont');
expect(await page.getSearchResults()).toContain('NgControl');
it('should find API docs when searching for an instance member name', async () => {
await page.enterSearch('writeValue');
expect(await page.getSearchResults()).toContain('ControlValueAccessor');
it('should find API docs when searching for a static member name', async () => {
await page.enterSearch('compose');
expect(await page.getSearchResults()).toContain('Validators');
it('should show relevant results on 404', async () => {
await page.goTo('common/http');
const results = await page.getSearchResults();
expect(results).toContain('common/http package');