This service worker is a conceptual derivative of the existing @angular/service-worker maintained at, but has been rewritten to support use across a much wider variety of applications. Entrypoints include: @angular/service-worker: a library for use within Angular client apps to communicate with the service worker. @angular/service-worker/gen: a library for generating ngsw.json files from glob-based SW config files. @angular/service-worker/ngsw-worker.js: the bundled service worker script itself. @angular/service-worker/ngsw-cli.js: a CLI tool for generating ngsw.json files from glob-based SW config files.
Gulp Tasks folder
This folder contains one file for each task (or group of related tasks) for the project's gulpfile. The dependencies between the tasks is kept in the gulpfile.
Task File Structure
Each task is defined by a factory function that accepts gulp
as a parameter.
Each file exports either one factory or an object of factories.
E.g. The build.js
file contains only one task:
module.exports = (gulp) => (done) => {
E.g. The format.js
file contains two tasks:
module.exports = {
// Check source code for formatting errors (clang-format)
enforce: (gulp) => () => {
// Format the source code with clang-format (see .clang-format)
format: (gulp) => () => {
Loading Tasks
The tasks are loaded in the gulp file, by requiring them. There is a helper called loadTask(fileName, taskName)
will do this for us, where the taskName
is optional if the file only exports one task.
E.g. Loading the task that will run the build, from a task file that contains only one task.
gulp.task('', loadTask('build'));
E.g. Loading the task that will enforce formatting, from a task file that contains more than one task:
gulp.task('format:enforce', loadTask('format', 'enforce'));
E.g. Loading a task that has dependencies:
gulp.task('lint', ['format:enforce', 'tools:build'], loadTask('lint'));