clang-format was recently updated and any PRs that touch files in the language service will have to reformat all the files. Instead of changing the formatting in those PRs, this PR formats all files in language-service package once and for all. PR Close #36426
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import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {ReflectorHost} from '../src/reflector_host';
import {TypeScriptServiceHost} from '../src/typescript_host';
import {MockTypescriptHost} from './test_utils';
describe('reflector_host_spec', () => {
// Regression #21811
it('should be able to find angular under windows', () => {
const originalJoin = path.join;
const originalPosixJoin = path.posix.join;
const mockHost =
new MockTypescriptHost(['/app/main.ts', '/app/parsing-cases.ts'], 'node_modules', {
join: (...args: string[]) => originalJoin.apply(path, args),
posix: {...path.posix, join: (...args: string[]) => originalPosixJoin.apply(path, args)}
const reflectorHost = new ReflectorHost(() => undefined as any, mockHost);
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// If we call this in Windows it will cause a 'Maximum call stack size exceeded error'
// Because we are spying on the same function that we are call faking
spyOn(path, 'join').and.callFake((...args: string[]) => {
return path.win32.join(...args);
const result = reflectorHost.moduleNameToFileName('@angular/core');
expect(result).not.toBeNull('could not find @angular/core using path.win32');
it('should use module resolution cache', () => {
const mockHost = new MockTypescriptHost(['/app/main.ts']);
// TypeScript relies on `ModuleResolutionHost.fileExists()` to perform
// module resolution, so spy on this method to determine how many times
// it's called.
const spy = spyOn(mockHost, 'fileExists').and.callThrough();
const tsLS = ts.createLanguageService(mockHost);
// First count is zero due to lazy instantiation of the StaticReflector
// and MetadataResolver.
const ngLSHost = new TypeScriptServiceHost(mockHost, tsLS);
const firstCount = spy.calls.count();
// Second count is due to resolution of the Tour of Heroes (toh) project.
// This resolves all Angular directives in the project.
const secondCount = spy.calls.count();
// Third count is due to recompution after the program changes.
mockHost.addCode(''); // this will mark project as dirty
const thirdCount = spy.calls.count();
// Summary
// | | First Count | Second Count | Third Count |
// |---------------|-------------|--------------|-------------|
// | Without Cache | 2581 | 6291 | 257 |
// | With Cache | 26 | 550 | 84 |
// | Improvement | ~100x | ~10x | ~3x |